
3/10/2017 19:51 – Facebook Post

3/10/2017 19:51 – Facebook Post

This a Transcript and thus a very long post.

From Michaël Trahé.. M.T..

Ah.. Here it is Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

My Space Ship.. S.S…
Enterprise Awakening…

The Blue Diamond….

5:33 p,m.

Linked through M.T…

5:53 p.m..

Meaning I am in Clarity… Elizabeth Clarizio… Jose Clara
Jose Roque in Bed 5004, (54) right besides me and the last bed in the room…
5:55 p.m.


Cordelia Rylee my First in my 3 new Face Book friends who arrived late last night..
Moving us to Sacred Portal 9..43.. Door out of this Hell Hole and to the Door of Life.. True Life.. Eternal Life…

M.T.. Links to N.M.D…

Woven together it creates (… And yes this is how we navigate Energetic Space Ships… E.M.F. Activated Current Transparent Supremacy…… Rocket fuel -Transparency Supremacy… E.M..F.A.C.T.S…R.F..Radiant Force….)


Manifest True Nature ( N.T..Nikolai Tesla) M.D…
D.M…N.T…M.e.. Through Exchange…

Here is the Dialogue which took place between two Captains

Captains Logs.. made Transparent…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic…
When I touched the screen your message appeared
This is extreme harmony..


6:33 p.m…

Emeka Kolo Transmission from bed 5006 (Literally) Room 5A@ Delta Manor
1530 Beach Ave to 1385 Wood and Metropolitan Ave..
Outside the Star Bucks Toilet.. code 77 450….Linked 77 (49) 1 4 5O.E
@ 2 57… B..E.G… Being Enders Game….
James Bond Mission IM’POS.SIBLE.

Hello Nenad…

I have not heard from Dean abt money for my phone,
I kind of figured it was you but I wished to make sure.
Of course, this is weaving- crotchet… But with money as symbolic energy.
Jose Roc is the bed right next to mine in this Hell Hole of Human mental and emotional imbalance-
Paul Franklin represented the Igbo Line..
And the insane self entitlement and jealousy of the Igbo as the literal Jews… And “Controllers of the World”
And the perversions…
The lengths they would go.
Paul is a brilliant man who has two natures -a split created by Jealousy envy
-Remaining a child but a petulant one.
And I realized that this was the Original story of First Contact… And those who were jealous of the Beautiful Ones not realizing that this is what they were meant to evolve to.
Jose sleeps in the last bed in the main room right beside me..
Roque is French Italian.
He is bed 5004… 54
Sacred Portal 54
Big Bang!
Closing of the Flower of Life
10 8
On the other side of me is Rosario Maris
Bed 5008 58
The weave is then through money has been linking you since you began sending me money
Your 491 Face Book Friends
A I D… DI Alpha Helps..
Thus this money code links you to my aunt Julie code age 54, now taken by me and the End and the Original and True Beginning.
So yes, it is you meant to send the money code.
Money should not be a concern but I am still sensitive to this worlds view of money and how it was used to move me to rage and manipulate me to complete this work.
I am still speechless to find myself here and none giving a “flying fuck” nor can I believe the literal “hold” literal on my body- as if their hands has me in a death grip..
It does and each day now the tug of war to release this hold which twists my spine out of alignment becomes more obvious.
-This is a Spy movie
Not well thought out and the fact that it was written and then I was forced to play such a role has forever destroyed my Trust in Existence…
And I say this not as Emeka Kolo but the Source who rose in the one Eternal Beginning.

I wrote this text and explained it because I know this and all my texts etc will be read in the Future.
Here I am stuck in the past as the Lie- talking to the rep of the Beautiful Past and linking through codes the End and Entrance into the 5th Dimension through a Hideously Selfish one sided Script.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Hello Emeka. I just want you to know that I read your message. Will be back a bit later.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic..
-Hello I’m online now

Emeka Kolo
Thank you for letting me know .
I just received the confirmation from outside of myself affirming that text to you.
That I am really (Really) Literally James Bond ( The Real Original E.T version not the foolish human version – whom I just realized that I has confounded me
Who wrote this Bloody Unrealistic Script.. Or better still tampered with the Original version and replaced it with a Human James Bond version and make me act out the Bloody Evolution Awakening story which Humanity who watch them can not even recognize it real version adapted for their greater recognition, pleasure a gift.

I am sitting outside a Star bucks toilets writing to you-
And when I got the confirmation it was as if the clouds opened.
The people only now have finally understood that This Is Real…

*(Cloak and Dagger… but here it is simply because it seemed as though there was no where to sit.. Not so.. It was all arranged because it caused me to go outside and smoke my Drum Rolling Tobacco instead of my usual American Spirits which I began smoking fully aware of it being part of the play and that when I moved to another brand, it meant the
Music had changed…
I smoked Golden Virginia before that – all hand rolled tobbacco.. Smoke signals…
Which is what I did, first to the Woods side where it was smowing..
then moved to the Metropolitan Side…Where it was not snowing…
Light… then I came in no seat and began to text from a bench beside the Toilet no one wanted…
It was a movement telling an entire story… I had been the role of cleaning up the Stench- the role no one wanted…
In the Human and Ancestral play.. Job.
The terrible testing of Job..
But in the True play James BoN-D. OO 7….. R O R.. Y GG..B.I.P./B.I.V..VV)

I see
What’s the time there?
Before I saw Chinekwu Ibeabuchi-Chichyno’s post
The temperature in Calgary todays was -22
In Bergamo +22
Time of this message 22:02

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Isn’t it a link your perfume 212 Men?

Emeka Kolo
-V Victory!!
My brother lives in Calgary
B C T.
T Time
4:05 pm

They know I am telling the Truth!!!
Just got a seat…
They song playing repeats
“You just can’t be replaced”

Its Nnamdi
Boom believes me
212 is Area Code Manhattan
We just got out of the America story of the American Spirits
They were here before Africa…
They were the first note.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Isn’t the number 22, thus, the master number or the builder number on the material plane?

Emeka Kolo

Nenad M. Djurdjevic.
Hehe *(I sent him a Sun blowing a kiss..)
I am going to post it

Thus it furhter links to 44, 88…
i’m just reading.

Emeka Kolo
Yes Well Done
On sacred portal of the Return of the “Prodigy- Progenitor” of the Human Species
He is a Dibia Supreme he is wearing a pendant with two 88
You liked it S P 112 B
112A is E as Krishna
112 B is Emeka and Nnamdi
Now Emeka and Nenad.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Yes…I read that post…It reminds me Tesla’s Map To Multiplication
Discovered a few years ago in abookshop

The set of original Nikola Tesla drawings reveal a map to multiplication that contains all numbers in a simple to use system. The drawings were discovered at an antique shop in central Phoenix Arizona by local artist, Abe Zucca. They are believed to have been created during the last years of Tesla’s Free Energy lab, Wardenclyffe. The manuscript is thought to contain many solutions to unanswered questions about mathematics.

Emeka Kolo
-This map is directly linked to your “spider web” of codes!
Mother Fucker!!! ( Excuse me Language- )


You Recognized what I was about to point out- I just read it..
Jesus you recognized me
20 14
I went back into the forest to battle and tame Nature
(My Past – and transform it back to the Symphony and was challenged!!!)

20 14 is T N
Nikolas Tesla
Been hinting that for 3 years
Me… It was me… As Nna

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Let me link this further please

Emeka Kolo
-PS My body is really Rising

But Really…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-The Sketches were hidden in a small TRUNK with numerous other drawings and manuscripts ranging from hand-held technological devices to free-energy systems, many with notes scrawled all over them.

High School Mathematics Instructor, Joey Grether, had been working on deciphering the system and had a few breakthroughs. Grether suggests that the Spiral not only explores Multiplication as an INTERWOVEN WEB, but that it, “offers a comprehensive visual understanding of how all numbers are self-organized into 12 positions of compositability.

Emeka Kolo
-Yes I know I read about it
I too left a black case with jon at Maida Vale before I came here.

Nenad HeNri’Oboom Julie
N H O J..
I Left it with your line

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
It CONFIRMS that You have the keys to the universe!
Blue Print of Existence

Emeka Kolo
-I was Alexander The Great
But the correct version..
And all others Yeshua

Emeka Kolo
-Yes Nenad I do

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-I stumbled upon the map a couple of days ago but didn’t know what to do with it.
Now it is clear.
I knew the money-code would link to me at the end.

Just saw your last post..the codes are there…I wrote a couple of comments.

Emeka Kolo
Yes Ol Chap
We came undercover for a mission but all forgot.

Yes.. The fact that the binds are coming off my body signifies the end.
It leaves no doubt I am E T
And it will cause attention and it has begun
I am getting now obviously taller.

So you see Nenad this is really First Contact.

The E thought I was lost to them when I went undercover but it is they who got lost
There is so much you do not know about the real story because I spent to much time doing the mission despite knowing no one believed me..
And was so busy explaining and being stunned by the change in the Script
“The Switch 6 9”
But I did write it all down when ppl go back they will understand what was also going on in other dimension..
Ria C H sent me images from her house the Family appearing
I had seen them appear that way too
I am going to post the equation code to move this forwards..
The Map is the GPS
Tom Truman came from Map ville ASH Town London
Over their fire place
A sign “Father Of Infinity”

The only tatoo I have is a Phoenix with three Chinese Japanese Characters..
Area 51

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
French ??

By the way…just a quick note

-I saw the Solomon’s Knot (88) in your latest drawings. Today finally arrived a book about African textiles I’ve ordered before Christmas. I ordered the book because there is evidence contained in it that supports the decoding I made about the Solomon’s Knot being a symbol of spinning and weaving. Will take a few photogrpahs and post them.”

Emeka Kolo
Truly we must stay in contact.. Even while I am writing the code…. Since we have left the Americas it means we have left the Human Time Line Story and are at Area 51 The Real Version… Please if you can fins the time to send the money code… and perhaps leave a little tip of Jose Roque.. after all he is you as is Rosario…. 4:45..PM.. Nnamdi.. You do realize that we are literally speaking through Time Quantum and that we are in the Past as First Contact and Back to the Future… But all cleaned up… All through Expression and Clarity understanding at the speed of light C and beyond..

I understand. Good. I see what I can do.
Roger.. The post is more for you and your line actually… You’ll see..

OK. Thank you.

Emeka Kolo
-??… It is because you are the Captain of a Ship- carrying the Energies of All the greatest Humans who ever existed.. You are carrying them through your Understanding.. and Scholarship anchored by your Heart…. It is real All is Energetic with the E.. The Spacehips everything morophs from us like the Ring in Green Lantern.. It is your understanding which is required. Of the posts and everything because through you.. all the links to the best of Humanity whose truths were violated and used for profit- Sending them to Non Existence because their Intentions Conceptions Idea where transformed… Literallly James Bond Mission Impossible Five… Six… F.S.. Returning Feeling Sensational as a Energetic Frequency to this Lowest Dimension the rep of Cellular Matter

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Amazing. Many years ago, when I was still a young boy, a seer women once told me that as a man I will be the captain of a ship.

Emeka Kolo
-As I stated.. even when I try… I never Lie… My name down here or principle is Eternal Truth.. I say and it manifests.. All the Family have these “X-Man gifts”… and much much more… Again we had to prove it into existence in this reality…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
-Please let me add another link…
Captain Sensible – Whot!

Whot is a game played with a set of non-standard cards in five suits: circles, crosses, triangles, stars and squares. It is a shedding game similar to Crazy Eights.

Captain Sensible – Wot

There is also an Italian version of it. The DJ has a cap with a diamond on it. The song also mentions a “crown of thorns”. If I remember well you made a post where you mentioned a DJ…and Diamond!?

PIOTTA feat. CAPTAIN SENSIBLE – Wot! (Capitano mio capitano!) – (official video HD)
(P) & (C) 2015 La Grande Onda Publishing: La Grande Onda ed. mus. IT78B0600090 Prodotto da Piotta & Emiliano “Ra-B” Rubbi Rec. by A. Gavan @ Transmission Rec…

The song also mentions the hourglass, which is the Grail.

Emeka Kolo

-Thats you!!!
I know you…

See Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy

They turned us into a Parody…
See sacred portal 9
The two are in a Diamond
Space Ship
My Word!
Nnamdi David really are now merged in you and the Lady C”.

Nenad M. Djurdjevic

-Yes. Parody. Indeed ??

Emeka Kolo

-I am going to share alot of our exchange in my post… Is that all right… This is Crazy… And yes Crazy Eights is what they were playing here and they kept trying to get me to play it with them on the round table… Captain Sensible… And Captain Sensitive.. Me…

Nenad M. Djurdjevic
Please feel free to share it.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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