
3/10/2016 19:51 – Facebook Post

3/10/2016 19:51 – Facebook Post
3/10/2016 19:51 – Facebook Post

Father O and Harmony…
undercover in the Play..

See the Code behind them..

“Take (ME) Home..” T.M.H…T.H…(2O13..8..August 2013..) T.H..20 8..28..”

I understand the Intel..
in 2013 I August, I had been posting on Face Book for a Year and 5 months..
17 Months (Qi)
And my intel told me that it was all Done.. Complete..
I had found the line Nadee Nakandala 5:28 and the play of N=14 logically moved to 1+4=5..E…Evolution…

I had been very disturbed by the change of plans- at which Billy Hung had risen to deliver me a message that it was to extended to include the public..
Affirmed by my mother telling, in a tone almost as disgusted as I felt, that her Seer Group had informed her that I was going to a realm or state of consciousness and perception of the Great Beyond..

I was at K.EW Gardens, in what was meant to be my own home, my arrival energetically at Home but which was transformed into an apartment which I created, aided and sponsored by Billy Hung.. B.H..28..

I already knew, a presence came into my being, begging my forgiveness, I could feel its Heart, it was devastated by what his seeking to direct the play His way had brought forth as repercussions..
Especially for me personally..
For he had broken the laws of Existence,
and of this 3-4D Holographic Universal Simulation meant to be a University School of Evolution..
By occupying my body,
something which I knew, was against the Laws of Existence..

Two Energies can not occupy the same Space…
But if one comes from the Fifth Dimension where Space time are just manifest possibilities of Everything existing at Once..
And the 4th is a Cube, a Box.. a Square or rectangle…
The Voice Box made entirely of manifest sound..?

Meaning I am getting the intel from…

6:13 p.m.

F.M… Father Mother.. Daddy O.H and his twin self Harmony as the litlle girl, now evolved to Wu-Man, through the Way of Chi-nna (The Chi Energy of Father) and to Lady Echo Existence S.HE, through the her Big Brother, the Big Expansive E, and the Tall E, the E,T who Adds E, the one hosting the Consciousness of the Big E…
Which has been moving through me as Energy activated for 13 years non stop night and day…Taking away my own life, and compelling me to devote 24-7, to distributing this Energy Conscious and intelligent in me..By constant posting.. which releases this Energy through Expression.

No one should experienced this literal disembodiment and “Possession’
It not only feels unnatural, is painful and disconcerting, but it is the ultimate invasion of privacy..of your entire being…

Control to the point that you can not even weep, out of sheer frustration because you are too busy looking for release from this Energy moving through your body creating a non stop awareness and focus..

3 years later.. or better still 31 months later to be precise..

The Dare and Challenge to manually use expression to transform Nature and Human Nature…
A Doubt.. of whether the E could Do it, or a Human being explain the Consciousness of E…
No there was no doubt, but there was Magic Manipulation Domination.. Control…

When this condition first began 13 years ago.. I knew instantly that this was not natural nor of this realm, nor is it an experience ever experienced before…
Much as Jonn Blackwell’s post about the Climate we are currently experiencing.. 2 Degree’s…

And after 4-5 more years of investigation to cure it…
my original conclusion was affirmed..
Only “God” can do this..
God is of course, Natures Consciousness
E,G Fibbornachi Golden Ratio…
Imagine that sequence not only being set to music, but becomes a voice..A story tellers voice, narrating a story..
Nature and the Narrator.. the same Person..

A Brother..or Sister telling the Universe their version of Creation.. and why they broke the laws of Existence.. and make one experience the unimaginable because lets say, I am the first to experience this supreme Anomaly Singularity…

This is them represented in the picture..

Father Mother..
Da and Harmony..
David Dione…

The Terrible Twins…
Who so loved the World…
That they…

Hell no…

I fought them..
and proved my Cee Supreme..
But it was really an excuse for me to explain the way I perceive and Cee reality.. Actuality and Magic..

Yes, and yes, as I,
I just want to go Home..
The play is resolved..

And I appreciate the message…

6:38 p,m
First Contact was made at 268 East 4th Street..
1968 is when David was born 11 22..
which is the registration of my current computer..
76..11 22..Same Birthday as my Mother..
Not 1976.. but the Equation 19..76
Fey Mirach but you were right…the code is 19 76…
11 22 is also my Mothers Birthday Ce is what everyone used to call her…
C.D..3 4.. 7 12.. 1984.. 1O3…13.. 4..D.. evolution of Marie Mary to David D..Which links Mother Father…as C.D…and O.N


As I stated before F.M so loved the World..
that they created a three year extension,
without asking my permission..
To resurrect the Consciousness of Grace…
As well as Harmony…Manually…

13..8 7…15..6…
Masculine Feminine..
MF..came first..
then F.M..Band.. Musical Family…


‘No ones gonna hurt you baby…”

Mother Father..
Heaven Earth..

I represented the Space in between
Mi-ND the Gap..E
Expression which comes out your mouth
from living to much in your Mind..

6:5O p.m


Father is E.O

6;51 p.m

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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