
3/1/2017 18:55 – Facebook Post

3/1/2017 18:55 – Facebook Post

From Michaël Trahé.. M.T.

So, in order to see the True Present you have, and had to be ‘Speed Up’ to the Speed of the Consciousness of Infinity,

Which this 58 months, 16 years and 23, then 28 years of talking the Silence and then the World is about…

-Traveling simultaneously to the past the “Big Bang.. Orgasm” and the Present Harmony Infinity…
54 to 58…Represented by my Sacred Portals..54 58
I did that by moving through to my Aunt who is 54,
and though she lives in Texas, and we were very close…
I just spoke to her for the first time in over a decade….
while Donna O’Sullivan represented 58 as a code age when I passed through Her and her Husband, Jonn Blackwells Portal…
She representing date of Birth 57.. and he 64.. age 51…at the time…

Yes, I remind you all that I have been “measuring’ the “Immeasurable”
by using Human Beings as the Abstract Equation which Scientists having been using and tools their use of tools of Nature.

I use Human being and their Naturalness to link and solve the Expression of Existence since P.N… Physical Nature…
P.N… Pius Nduka as represented in my bio family and who is the 7-8th child of my Grandmother who remembered Eden.
Just as Julie is the 8-9…and last child…
( My Mother is the Eldest, but before her there was another who died at age 13, Maggie.. Margret meaning Peal…

3:54 p.m

Yes Maggie whose portal I passed through in Miami with Erik Ebright collecting both of their essences along the way after getting the evidence and fighting in a Hellish Set Up, created in order for them to See and know how much they are loved, and to see the E Consciousness in action so that they could choose.

They chose this world as EVERYONE I was sent to chose…

It was never that much of a surprise…
I had been through this before in an “Parallel Dimensions”
and I could See and Cee..
And yet it never fails to shock..

Julie and Donna… J.D…
J.D… 104.. Crossing Death..
That is what Sacred Portal 104 represents and has been confirmed as..
Woman as Death..
“Through Woman” Female all who pass through her womb are born To to Die…except for the One who can conquer Death which is the Christ Story which has been in circulation in every culture…
The Man who Conquered cross over through Death, as if it was not even real…
The Crossing Over..
Which ironically came to be represented by a Man bearing a Burden of a Cross he was Crucified on by the people for daring to suggest that there is no death..
That there was a kingdom, his fathers kingdom where there as no pain misery suffering…
Much like the Legend of Siddartha..

Yes 31 year old Rahul…
And yes, today is March 1st…. 3-1…

And yes, I am solving a riddle..an equation.. I recognize this as we speak and it is represented by Vivian Lavey a the 50 usd she wishes to send me..
It is a code…She told me that she went to send it today but was told she could only send 90…
See sacred Portal 90..”Spirit E..Awareness” E.A… S.E.A…E.A.S..
(Edwin Albert Santana…Whose portal I passed through after 4 years and 6 more)

But she wished to send the amount promised… and is sending through her brother, initials A.M….Who lives in the states…

What is the relevance of this to J.D… Crossing Death as Woman…
The Weaver of the Flesh.. the First C men..Semen Semen..
*I will share that Sacred portal later…

And yes, I aware when my posts move seemingly helter skelter- but that is because that the linking is coming through me- and though I am not very interested, I am still linking…
I do not really have a choice…

Recall the code from Quayin Anamla.. the Message given to her by a Stranger on the Street, D.M.I.C..T.P/K 115 A.G.E.. Which she could not decipher and brought it to me…?
Who not only fit the Coded message was for but was embodied in my literal being at Delta Manor representing Infinite Consciousness T-20, P-19…( 36 Chess Chase bed 36 room 3 and room 4.. Black and White.. both free of this Hell Hole now and this Set up, now that they had finished playing their parts)
A.G.E… ( The Past.. 1 7 5… Which represented Pangea.. When the Seven Continents and the 5 Seas were all One Mass…
E=C.Me 4/3…

And recall that Quayins Logo onher page was the Grim Reaper “Death” as a Woman…?

And yet the message was decoded by me a man…
And Vivian Lavey… Meaning Vivian “Life”- Vivian was also the High Priestess of Avalon…

Is sending the Money Code.. 50USD … EO… Through her Brother…

J.D as Death is not a Woman… Death is a Woman but only as the End..
Non Existence…
Because Woman is not the Womb… She reprsented the Illusion…
The Literal Beautiful Lie… A Male who transformed into a Woman..
Two Men… T.M..M.T…
See the Meaning of Michaël Trahé’s name and the number of times he has been my face book friend..
Trahe is not Betrayal it means ‘Garment, Suit Dress…Body…”

The Body was not woven by Woman… She does not even
Only in and through this play does he true Form Rise…

And the Torture of my Body comes from the power of that Consciousness that Woman is God but also the Weaver of Material Body…

She was not.
And yet She and “Her Children”- Humanity (themselves an illusion until proven Real and solid fact) fed this illusion to such a point that they could not even consider their own basic law of reason….

The Creator begins as One, then he penetrates his own mystery and becomes Two…
One who is Two…Which is Three… Creator.. becomes Energy and Atom…
The Twins…
And their Source is Expression…
And thus 3 in One brought the Transformation into the 4 who is the 5th…
The E..The Eternal One.. He is the 1st the 2nd 3rd…4th and 5th…
51, 5

Rahul who is 31 just walked in and began a conversation about God- Reflecting perfectly the conversation I had with my aunt just a few hours before…

And I just went through the Story of the History of the World with him and “God” Being Harmony.. the Harmonics which moves through everything…
Which I call The Truth… or True Expression… Beautiful because that is what symmetry is….Truth Manifest…

Truth- True Harmonious Expression..Energy Beauty-Energy Manifest

T..T.H.E.. E B.E.A.M..

Orien Laplante once gave my I.D as “Beauteous Beam”

And to see the future… You must go beyond the Present… and the Past to
T.H.E…E…B.E.G.I.N.N.IN.G…Eternal Beginning where All can be seen the whole picture and then and only then can you see the Future which is the Present..
Past and Present
PP linked into one… 16 16… 32… 5…


That is where you will See M.E…
Manifest Expression…

Excuse, me, I can not continue with this post and play…

5:55 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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