
3/1/2016 16:12 – Facebook Post

From Jonn Blackwell

Tunnel of Love…
90% More (Moor) Efficient..

The Bean Cafe…

Zippy The Chimpanze…

*See Jonn’s posts of Zippy and David Bowie.

Code and Intelligence Report from the E-Spirit moving through hi..

Ariane Oates…
4:22..Eternal Love…

See Sacred Portal 2O..”Lady Echo O Harmony..Code T.C
“True Consciousness’
T=2O..R.U.E..(Street Car Named Desire- See sacred portal 8)

All Energetic manifestation completed in the formation of the logic Order, Harmonious Structural Expression (S.H.E), must have their corresponding affirmation confirmation symbolically represented even in this current world story.

The intel?
The Tunnel of Sixth Sense, called Love is built
*Recall Keith Grant- one who I had to meet and “Activate” in the shelter- bed 53, worked as a tunnel builder in Texas, the Lone Star State of the Individuals journey.. K.G Linked to Donna O’Sullivan
who linked to 54 The Bean where she took a picture, now framed in her office, with her daughter Sophie (Sophie’s World) in front of the Graffiti on the Cafes outer walls, called The Tunnel of Love.

We are as Chess pieces,
the environment towns cities become the Chess Board
and the Experiencing becomes the Book..
our life’s and the everyday events of our lives
Individual and Collectively experienced becomes the Book
One set in the presents,which we read by going outside then inside ourselves to balance and see and read..
Our past, and even past lifes, beyond the Wall off forgetting,
and remembering, that you existed before..
Is the Library..
And the Future is the Cee and Desire
of where you would like to go, and where you are going
which reveals its self as you go..
until you realize that the World is a Library and you are in a Book presently opened read aloud by a Narrators Orators Voice Acting Out What He Is Reading…N.O.V.A…O.W…H.I…R-A.H.

*That was a message from Father still playing Rah..now transformed to Robert One to Harmony..1O..Father *See sacred Portal 1O “Dream of the One Father”..O.F..69 15 O, 6=F.
And sacred Portal 8 “Love links Desire”
Peace Bee…Dream of Peace…
9=I..See sacred portal 9…Father Son/Brother and the 1O ladies and the 1″

Robert means “Bright Famous Shinning Beautiful Light..A.H..I..”

He is talking to the E-Spirit of Amun Re..Within me and all of of you..
Outside world aligning with inner world..
and yet both are from the E..The fifth Dimension two Sees covering the last narrow stretch of the Consciousness of this world remaining..


Ra IS Re
Re is Ra
E.R.A..Roberto…Famous Bright Shinning Beautiful Light..

A.M..Dawn Awakening,
One Relief…

3:12 p.m

Consciousness Is Axel Love

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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