
2:O5 pm.

2:O5 pm.


Being O.E.


My word what a day of Reprogramming.

It is quite a pity that this play was set up in such a way of such a Challenge.

I have respect for Nenad M. Djurdjevic..

But as I move through this End play I begin to see more clearly the end of the tunnel.

The Line of N is represented by Me and yet it is in Harmony with Nenad apart from one fundamental plane…

Which story each chooses to be in…?

Nenad of course is simply representing an old world of Africa and Italy…


Ana Leonardo Caixas

Inês Guerreiro


The Knowledge and the Crucixtion of the Truth of the past..



Yesua Christ versus Jesus Christ…

Mind Intellect versus Being Exemplified.

Yet there is no duality in either for they are one but the Interpretation Story seperates them…

Which really is the perception..

When my younger brother Passed my bio Father announced that an arrow had pierced my mother Heart.

An arrow had pierced Jesus Christ’s heart…but is that true?

Is it not really perception?

Perception Means to Percieve..

And to percieve means to Pierce..

To pierce through the Viels of Illusion to see the Truth.

It is this Truth which I find myself literally being.

Nikoma recently called me the Arrow of NRI…

I was not really amused or impressed for it was naught but another interpretation of the roles others have assumed of me despite 39 months moving to 4O months of being Crystal Clear and the play being crystal clear..

That I am the Sagittarian..

The Archer the Bow the Arrow

The Cenataur..

Half Man and Half Horse Wind Espirit

All One..

And that from beyond Time and Space where the Expression Kinetic E.K reside…

Comes an Arrow of E.T.C which is moving through Sub Space to land here in the point…

The Present..

While at the same time another arrow has been shot out, again exemplified through Being here in a Matrix which is moving through all aspects of Energetic Time Consciousness E.T.C…

Cutting through all Human stories and aligning them All…to.thier common denominator

Cutting a straight path through my very Body and my Being to unite as One .

My Body is One Arrow and my Being is the Other..

One from Beyond Quantum Mechanics and the other Beyond human stories…

Each aligning with the Art of Story Telling anf the Art of Science..

But the one Constant is the Energetic Consciousnes Truth…


And Truth Responds..

Truth Echoes.

Truth Reverberates.

Truth Resonates

Truth Passes through Matter.

Truth passes through the Hundreds of peoples portals..

People who each represents knowingly or unknowingly the 15-51 meaning Fifth Element as the One Element ….

Meaning that by passing through all the Hundreds of People in my Predesignated Role of That Arrow cutting through all the lies illusions, false representations of that which is Truth and thus, Fact then I have been passing through Universes Hundreds of Universes each representing knowingly or unknowingly the Universe and all its components from This End and the other end…

And ETC twice .to link EE TT O…

My focus has never been to convince this realm of consciousness…

But rather to forge ahead and complete the play to final manifestation..

Or do you really believe I would be in a Shelter for any other reason but the path which the arrow has been compelled to pass through to reach its destination.

N as Nnamdi Nature created this pathway in obedience to the Laws which still govern this state of world perception..

Where people fade in and out of Existence as Protons Electrons Neutrons by thier ability to connect momentarily to Harmony the true play but not being able to sustain it fade out of Existence..

Not to Death which is Transformation or rest but to a non existent state..

Zombies inhabiting a Story with fixed roles and characters created for them created and determined by thier perverted accepted perception of reality…

The Two arrows BA and AB


21/12…212…*Area code Manhattan

12-21…..121…A Sacred Portal…

In the County of Kings..


Manhattan Brooklyn.


Marina Burini..?

Molecular Biological

Matrix Box..

I would say Matricks B-O-X..

Where I went back into the System to find through Emeka Tutu..

Emeka Kieth…


2:46..The Rep of the Being of the Creator Harmony not God.


But as I Observe Watch link ink and tap the codes of this play, Linking everything around me 2112-1221…

A Greater understanding of the Details of this play of the Individual versus the people who are not people because the only way to be in Existence is to be in Harmony.

I have spent far too much time and energy on explaining what I am so obviously doing and recording that I do know that that the true enemy I face is the illusion the Peoples Perception of Consciousness and Reality…

Which has nothing to do with actuality apart from thier awareness that there is something going on.

And since everything here is fear based (or self delusion) the perception of the Self Evident truth which science, or the true Avatars of Science have proclaimed again and again is the marvelous Symmetry of the Universe Nature..

Its profound Beauty and Intelligence…

The one fact which does not make sense is of course denying Consciousness or an Existence of Energies True Consciousness as a Being Awareness..

It is like saying if we can not accurately measure it..it does not Exist!

I see clearly that my greatest foe has been Humanity itself.

And my greatest Ally…?

The Truth of the Beautiful You…

That Beautiful.Silence moving me..moving me compelling me..driving me to land the arrows of ABBA BAAB…


Manifest Being as the One Beautiful.Truth..

But I am Tired by what I have seen a passed through…

I am.tired of the war and battle to simply exist in the Beautiful Truth of you and wish to turn away from you and Exist only in the Beautiful Truth of Me…


No more you…

Just M.E…

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