


The Riddle of The code name Lyndia Chika.

A Fantastical Dream

A Mythological Beast

2:17 P.M.



Code in letters and Words..

B: Q. Being of the Q…Transformer

B: AG…1-7 Being of the 1-7 colors of a Rainbow





The address of my last portal is 268..

The Electrical Transformer behind the building is code Q….with a P below it

Transformation of the Planet


C is Zeina Hanna

Yesterday my former host mentioned C from out of the Blue.

Then I watched the movie Horns with Daniel Radcliffe.. D R…

The female lead was called Mahria..

You do recall my last Facebook friend Mahria Jaclene D’Elia…

In the film, which my host just happened to put on- moved by the Espirit of this play, even as I was posting on Facebook Taroh Card XV and O..

The Devil and the Fool..

All codes I had just written appeared on the Films put on by my former host

Hells Gate. H G (87)

Horns…. .H (8)

Time after Time…TAT. (41)

*T is letter 2O…A= I

Mahria we recall means Teacher and represents the Dome of the Rock…

A literal place where Abraham is said to have been tested by being asked to sacrifice his son Isaac.. He who Laughs

Recall Sarah his mother laughed when the Angelic Messenger told her she would concieve a child at age 99..

Thus, one can see that the test of sacrificing Isaac was whether the laughter was mockery or a natural response of incredulity…

Isaac Calvin McCullough in my story was not laughter as mockery…

Thus, in the movie the main character is murdered after breaking up with her beloved because she secretly has Cancer an illness which she does not wish him to know or suffer because she loves him too much.

This causes the R D character to erupt into a anger and rage Expression which brings out the worst part of him (which is the story of the Beautiful Devil and Jealousy as the Ancient Tester -who is Beauty, so Beautiful it is used as the tester to bring out the evil in humanity, for them to face and thus, clean and cut out.

*See the Sodom and Gomorrah story, the story of the Beautiful Ones and of course The Beautiful Woman blamed through out World history for the downfall of man…

From Eve to Helen of Troy right to the story of my own mother.. and sister..

Beauty became the purifier…

In the movie Mahria who is really dying of Cancer and is pure is raped and murdered for being innocent, pure sensual beautiful.

In the movie all the men, lust after her, betray each other and act out the basest actions in the name of love.

In the last part of the film where The Secret is unvieled, there was the box with the letter and the Tarot card I had uploaded The Devil XV

Which linked me of course, to Lyndia Linda Chika…

The last portal I am passing through and the post of her Devil XV Tarot post I shared and which began the conversation and entrance into this story of Hell and the Devil…

Recall, that before Lyndia had become my Facebook Friend I was solving the equation of 666 not being the Mark of the Beast but rather the Planet and Body as AH-Tom and Being

11 1 all being 1…


That 999 was the Sign of the Beast which is Jealousy which of course Chika means CHi KA in Japanese 1OOO…

999+1= 1OOO.

All are aware of the play of my own Biological sister Nnoyeleum Ijeamaca… N.I ..

who along with my youngest brother I have not seen in almost 14…

For my sister it began when I left her apart in Queens Park London in 1989…

Where I knew that something was inside of her possessing her.

Just as Geoff Lacour (an incarnation of Nnamdi my brother and Devotee of Kali and Amna) would later testify to there being an evil Demon planted in me by my brothers who were jealous of my Light…

I was once beautiful as a child but that was taken away when my brother Nnamdi, whose physical.and Energetic beauty was of a sort that people recall his beauty till this day, and state that such a beauty could not exist in this world that it was better that he passed from this world because of the suffering such beauty would inspire for him to go through.

Both my sister and I were born on the 28…

She the 7-the Month a Leo..

* Ana Leonardo Caixas (Cecelia)

-and myself, 11-28.

My sister and I had been used in a play

Affirmed by Eshe Chuki Asale who lives in Queens park and here at 268, my host brother bearing that code name Chuki with a daughter born 5:28…

Chuki means born out of conflict and Strife .

My sister and I were born out of Harmony 28…

Yet this code play we are at is about the 1-7 colors of the Rainbow.. A-G

Ana Means Grace (Leonardo.meaning Bold Lion) Cecelia… Caixas… Box Drum Heart Beat…

Thus, this is a riddle of merging 7 to me as 111 28…

The Code already completed with David Philipe Gil…

Thus this is 6+6+6= 18…

11:28+7:28= 18:56…

A H …E F (my sisters boyfriend for almost two decades name is E F A)

999 +1 new Facebook Friend as 9+9+9+1


Lyndia Chika sent me a text.

She stated that she never was my Facebook Friend before…

*Meaning an imposter had come with the exact same name (pls go back a few months to about the time Eshe (E-SHE) C.A became my Facebook friend… There you will see me introducing a Lyndia Chika….Where I did the equation of Lydia the Royal Purple.

My host son is beautiful 4 year old called Royal with his brother Reign…

Also Lyndia told calls me Emmy, which at first rubbed me the wrong way, only my mother and intimate family I allow to call me Emmy terms of Endearment ..

Like Walter Murch…Murch meaning Term of Endearment.

Until she told me that she has a brother called Emeka whom she loves so very much…

And the code of Sacred portal 147A AB

Is Entitled Emmy

So is the Bean 147 1st and 9th..

Meaning my sister Energy never disputed who was the First and that it was she as Bast the Puma who was the Lady I encountered in the first Night of which I created when I turned into a Black Panther- Death on my way to my realm when I encountered its distortion and I instead encountered a child man…

Who was afraid and thought he was the only being in Existence which to.him was a Nightmare as he faced the all his fears which came out of him..

And how I stayed for a while transforming into a boy…

And then left him to understand love and then encountered two eyes staring at me…

I and I…

Not Ian..

And its was her Puma.. A.M..UP.

So I knew that she was never jealous of me but rather was telling me that I was the tester of the world …

The Beautiful One used to bring out the Best and the worst in people so they could percieve thier Beautiful Truth…

And cut out the Ugly Lie..

That in them they could not be beautiful 2.

Chi M ERA..

CHi Manifestation.ERA…

A.R.E…M I.. H.C….

Chime Ra

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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