
2:5O pm..B:E.O

2:5O pm..B:E.O

26-1O-2015…2O 15..T.O…2O+15=35..C.E..3+5=8..Harmony Infinity…

Z for Zeina meaning Beauty…1O=J=A-O…

* Honoring Catherine Acholonu…Author of They lived before Adam

whose was a key figure in this play by her research and work in sound and Linguistics- whose Birthday is Today…


In code todays date and play is

J is balance of the One Full Circle of perfect Symmetry of the Aware Observer of Beauty, T.O..C.E…Harmony Infinity H.I.


I had three new Face Book Friends today, one whose initials formed the equation H.I… Harmony Infinity, only for that request to suddenly disappear..!

We were at 415 Face Book Friends until one left today, I just realized which brings us to 416 Face Book Friends instead of 418…

416 IS D.P…Which in my codes is Dignified Pride.. And D=4…P=16 ( 88..Two Orbs which make a Torus..

* Which aligns to Emeka and Donna O’Sullivan both of us born 28..


18 28…I am at 18 Mountain View…

1+8=9…88 is 16 Code P…two orbs in one which creates a Torus…

* Which the day of the post of April Marie Malone of the Torus, Jonn Blackwell had been asked by the person he is recreating his house for at 54 South Mountain road had asked him if he did not have a Torus Leave Blower..

Thus, 88 is 28 aligning to myself and Donna but also Jonn birth code 19-64…8×8 is 64…1O..J..J-Onn-e

8 88 2(8)..16..Planet..Torus Orb..T.O..T-Ruth, Orb is the Planet…and Plan-E.T.

Thus, 416 Facebook friends represent that we are now aligned with Universe Planet…U.P ( University Place…Dragon T-shirt Rob Barr…and I meeting.. in perfect Symmtrey 13-14 years ago…Creates the Equation O.R.B…/B.R.O…He just turned 45..4-5 is April 5th which is the date of my own brother Nnamdi’s birthday and the sacred chored which David played which pleased the lord which goes like this the 4th the 5th..Halleuja..Jeff Buckley -J.B- also sang this song…4-554..Emeka Donna..E.D..

Donna Emeka D.E..45)

Thus, completion of the equation of 18 Mountain View and Donna David Jon Haun…DD..JH…D…( DD= 44…J.D..is 1O8…) To end this play of Everything,person Place or thing all aligned to One expression..H.D..

Hi Definition Harmonious Dimension..Or Harmony as the 4th Dimension is

the linking of equation 18- 28 to HD..48 Represented by myself…

is 18=9


9 1…to 48=32..


9+1=1O…3+2=5…+x…1(O)9..5 6

19 56…1956 Would make the person 59 years old..

*Ritz Carlton meant to be my last portal home after here is on 59th Street.

In my own biological family as the template my Mothers sister called Caroline Afulenu Umeano was born on this Date..

Carol- in-E…

Caroline Means Joyous Song, Song of Happiness and is a Masculine version of the Name Charles.( which is the name of my Uncle and her immediate senior Brother…Making then twins…he born 1954 and she 1956.

Afulenu means I saw the Heavens…The Top of the world Its ceiling and Roof Cielo

The Relevance of linking your ancesteral and Biological Line As I have already commented on, reveals a meaning which links to a much Bigger Play..

Take my own Extended-Expanded family I grew up with in Nigeria The Umeanos meaning the 4 Divine Breaths-Winds

Take in my Uncle Lord Charles and his younger Sister Caroline, the tallest and most Graceful of an already line of Graceful and tall children.. Of which there were 3 wifes each with 8 children…24..+4( My Grandfather who was much like Anthony Hopkins A.H in the movie, Meet Joe Black..J.B and his three wifes…) =27..999..III=I…

Lord Charles Igbo Name was Igwebuike There is Unity and strength in Numbers… Many people…King or representative of the People

Now observe…Charles Caroline..CC=2 C’s=Two Cee (T.C.Tom Cruise Twins Cruise) CC=O….



Code CC.I.A….C..C.I.A…See the C.I.A…Yes seen.

then, O.I.A…Perfect Intelligence of I Alpha -Awareness, the 1

See sacred Portal 1A….

Its is in my albums and reads Love Links the C of Joy-U.S, Existence Divine, and it shows a Beautiful long Limbed girl with an Afro emerging from an Egg or a Circle which was Cracked Open, just as one might Crack a Riddle or solve an great mystery of a Puzzle…Behind is the One great Tree of Life..

Charles means the same as Caroline- The Free man and Lady are one, they sing a Song of Joyous happiness..one One full Circle of symmetry in the Numbers of the Many Unified around the planet and the Universe of Ceeing the Cielo- the Heavens, the Top and the Apex View from a Mountain View of AH…What a Beautiful point of View, which Unified all into one Unified Song of Praise., for cracking the riddles of Existence so that Joy O-U.S, may be born here this this three dimensional realm..D.R…

Donna Ruth…A ladies Vision of Beauty


which is the Honey Bee..

of the Milky Way, which brings us to the realm of Milk and Honey..

M.H Manifest Harmony…


O 91…




Not Tore Us…


A Big Apple…8 U.S.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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