
2:57 p.m – Helmet – Knight in Shi

2:57 p.m

Knight in Shinning Armour

K I.A S.

Aluminum Silver.

And besides it, there is a torch with the letters visible I.K.I
I K are my initials and was my Bio Fathers name.

3:00 p.m

I would not have noticed this, if not for yesterday as it rained, I took shelter there and listened to Alien Father Alpha sing of his Eternal Love for ..
I knew and recognized it as 4-13 D M
Dark Matter
M.D Manifest Destination and recognized how he was moving Through Liberty C Liscomb as the now Golden Compass.
I gave her briefly the message He ( I) had to deliver to her.

I am in such a quiet calm fury of the last play I was used to settle which on Easter Day earned me in this game a room
Ferrills Room confirming me as Valiant Victorious Man and Woman by a play gone way too far..

3:06 p.m

I had not come for this or endure this.
I turned away from his message and ( his hers) of Eternal Love.

I could hear them through my Brain Waves like a radio reciever antenna.
And I closed it, then my body violently swung to this metal which Jeron had tried to get my attention to focus on days before but I was too irritated to pay attention.

But that is when I was pulled to it, literally
And I saw it, him the Darkest Knight as the Silver Knight.
Silver Screen.

3:10 p.m
C J.

And he spoke and I could not believe his nerve and audacity, still speaking to me through Esp and objects in the E M Field.
On a terrace Verandah Deck in Harwington Connecticut in This Play he had put me through and still holding my body and being ransom as he spoke and made me speak recollect our .. Conversation
The birth of Eternal Love.. here..?
After the plays riddles and play of Liberty – Arden Jeron / Jeron Arden
Angelina Jolie and Charlene Johnston..
A J. C J
1 10. 3 10.
1 3. 10 10.
4 1
4 20.
D A.
D T.
60. 66. A C. E. A H

3:16 p.m

How dare he speak to me.. his Source, Big Brother ( in hueman form its true) of our Eternal Communication C Speed of Light after putting me through such a trial of use of dissapointments dissatisfaction waiting and this last play with a 44 year old 3D this Lie based reality and moving through my Brother undercover in a 16.9 year old youth in s play of Beautiful aassassins A.M.
Assassins Creed!

3:20 p.m
But when I resisted, he made me literally kneel- signyfing he was kneeling to me.
And he rose stronger not as our Infinite Love and Conversation from the Eternal plane
He spoke through me with Power and Strength.
The power and strength in me he had used, taken over…

3:22 p.m
* That is the Date The E Manual being arranged by Liberty via Now A.F A completed it.
The date appears all over as 3-22.
Curriculum Vitae
Of my Entire Life and Existence recorded beginning Sept 1989.
31 years.

Book 2 to 3 of My Journals Talking To The Silence
( TTTS. 79. M O T H E. R = 79
Blue Print of Existence )
In the prose piece called The Eternal Dancer book 11. / 111.
Where he had come through me as He and S.He usually did through Expression and Creativity.

I was about 23 24 when I ” channeled and down loaded his intention that I come to the World Stage and Act out his truth.
“Give them.a show a performance..
He wished to led me to the World stage he had set up to express and act out his truth.
In the prose piece, I was his Son, son of the Sky and I was in the desserts of Arabia when he spoke to me, whisking me away from where ai sat in the Cafes in Paris France .
I was aghast..
Was he insane..
In this world.. make me do such a thing.
Just channeling, being in such communication with them all my life, I had learnt very early to keep it as a secret even to.my.Mother who understood these things.
I was talking to a realm only Nnamdi my younger brother could acess and understand and then, only through me and our E S P.

It could not tell anyone, they I knew would think me insane, or use me..
No, I had told him.. in the prose…
No, I will not do itx I turned my Black Stallion and Fled..
The last words, I overheard was his chuckling, and His words, ” My Son thinks he is running away, but he is running right into my arms and where I have set up for him”

That is how the piece The Eternal dancer ends and it became the Title of the 3rd And what I had felt was the final Volume.
Book one is called ” Does Anyone Know my Name?”

Book Two. The Reluctant Artist.

Book three. The Eternal Dancer..

Book Four Comtemplations of The Light.

Book Five Temple of Dreams.

Book Six in Paris, then Istanbul London and New York- Connecticut
The Circe with out End.

Book Six to I suppose 9. Completes on.Facebook.

So you can understand my Amazement at the Gall the Balls of putting me or anything anyone through this…

In this reality, this world..

But I could not deny that it was real.. really takimg place.

I am here present, I almost shouted back in fury!
Where are you?
Where are you in solid form,
I will not speak to you adter all.these years through the Silence, riddles, codes people
Speak to me here present or be gone from me.
29 years of this since I wrote The Eternal Dancer… you really put me through this?

And its all real true.. you did this

3:50 p.m

I remember in Paris, a place I called The Garden of Solitude.
On the Ile St Louis.
A man had come to me, and saw my physical beauty and was so stunned as he stared at my nude torso he seemed to go insane and desire, so insane..
” Give it to me, I will take this Beauty you hwve and I will use it, since you dont know how to use it.
Give it to me, he roared..
I unleashed my self from him and fled

I knew why he had scared me,
It was something else undercover in that man..

And see, in me it rose it fought me used my Strength and Power against me.
To challenge me, to rise to my own Strength to prove to me my own power and strength

3:56 p.m
3;57 p.m

Arden just got back after a sleep over with his friends


Incredulity but its all True.

The Stage.

In the picture of Arden taken by Charlene Johnston his God Mother..
Age 9 he holds a Flower like a Lotus form.
Sacred Portal 16.

4:00 p.m

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