
2:56 pm. – B:E F. – 3-13 20-21. 2

2:56 pm.
B:E F.

3-13 20-21. 21=3 C
C-M.T.-B A- C. K.


I have told the world the True Story of the Eternal Family, I have brought it into this world peoples awareness and imagination.

And then I had to prove it A Fact.
First through I. E K.
Then through Emeka Arden.
Then All the Gemino Line rep of Twins- Gemini.
Then All Knowing. A K.
Then to Perfection. 111.
And then C of Perfection.
Then Awareness Perfect.
20 20 Vision.
And now back through Arden Eden.
Arden Aurelia Kim- Perfection Awakens Paradise.
And now even to Eternity Paradise.
Alpha Paradise. A P.
Infinity- Indiviuality.
I & I =
I Paradise.

And do so in a reality who used words as feaces is used to create Perfume- Scents to mask thier own Stench.
Who had no idea of what the meaning of words- even words they used reallu meant.

Being… much less the meaning of Existence.
No Empirical Method.
Investigation of the E M Field.

Who are mainly Dead and only in brief moment of Being Alive- Feel what it could be like.

I had to prove the true meaning, to a realm who had lost the meaning of Embodiment and had become so Hypocrtcal to thier own expressed Truths of how to determine that which is true.
Who preferred Babble, choas confusion to the investigation of the very truth- which they ( you) actually still use when it is really important to yourselves personally to find out the truth.

I had to prove this here.

Where the EGO- the Self Projection. S P Sacred Portal as the Shadow representing the Body and its Being had become so shady that it had become the ultimate evil and adversary.

Your Best Friend, the vessel to your Being was turned into your enemy ( who you loved hated, desired, wanted a better one- envied others, creating jealousy of the Beautiful Ones… The ones who had it all.)

E Being Body.
E B B- E A.V. E. S.F.- Y O B/ B O Y?
Being Of Youth. 16-17.
There is no 18 year old code.
R.Robert is a reflection of I.
9 +99
9 2 9= 9 18.
There is only the I and he reached Harmony with SELF at 9 to 7 Gemino Crown Chakra and then 9 to Harmony.
98 = 17.

And then transformation.
and He- She becomes Infinite.

This was all played out with Arden and I.

Yes, Age was used in the Matric- Numbers.
But 17 is not an age or number- its a code- a symbol and meaning embodied to attain.
He came as 16 17 because of this play created by the U S to illustrate in the most … simplistic manner the way.
17 is Q.
Alpha- Bet. A B. C. V.

A G.E is a code.
Silver- C Speed of Light is transparent Silver visually.

See Ardens blueprint- Photo on the refrigerator age 9. then 7 I meet him at the 7th Dimension in the Holo Deck.
He was 16.
I played 51 and 34.
I stayed with him for 11 months. 11 Parallel Universes. P U/ UP. And met his Refection called Robert.
I left him AG E and Age 17.
9 16 17 his play.
I P Q.
I came to Delta Manor on
I P.
I Q.
See the password at 900 South Road Liberty Thomas created a password 9 17. I Q.

I met myself or my story when I was 7-8 years old in 1975.

Angeline Jolie was born 1975.
Viet Nam-e War ended in 1975.
75 / 57.

See Emeka Odiamma’s share it started with the postal and then sacred portal 57 and then 75 as the first two.
W Brad Pitt is 57.

12-12= 1.24= 25. A F K G.
x 35 35 E M E K A x 2
1 70 A G O… 17 O Q O.
70+1 71./ 17. G A- A G. Allan Ginsberg.= George Andrea.

17 71. 88.

Hugh M Hefner. Play Boy. P B
Howard R Hughes. Billionaire Aviator. B A.

There is no Age as 18 it becomes a reflection of I as I and I.
I – I I= R… R then becomes 18.. 1 8 = 9 via that Gap- illusion of a Gap between 1- and 8.
A is filled via Time 4.5 billion – 10,000 – 7,000 years of Oral and Recorded History…and then the illusion of the gap as Time and Space is closed as the Meaning of Existence is finally indentified and confiemed. A H.. AH BEE CEE.
I as I and I now adds the R Reflection AKA Echo Response arrival- Recognition of the Embody Carbon Copy whom the orifinal I and II have to fill up with the Breath and Conveersation -Expression of the knowing being in him, her you… Kim… Tree Chiefy via T C.. Expression True Clarity. E T C… until you Cee See I.

Thus it completes at
I = I I adding and I
I – I I I. who is 2 in one. 11 1.
I III= Perfection.
I: I I I I I I. 6 now.

I- E. Perfection C.
I:E F… I E Family.

I B. E Family.

I who was two. I I came the many
E A F.
I B E A : E F.

Then I walked through the distortion of its original expression, perturbed, even outraged, I began to correct it. Re-Align it back to its Original Truth ( Over Time- O T).
And as I walked through It, outraged and in quiet disbelief of the script I was walking through, I began to understand from where I walked, the people I met and the situation of the world, that which had been done to it.

I began to recollect that, even as I walked through it in a reality and peoples who had no idea and who fought the idea I represent and embodied, that I had done the same thing as the Beautiful Youth who had walked through this same story in what some of you have called the Spirit Realm or the 4th Dimension, but which really is the realm of Mind Thought ( M T../ A T M to M.T A…. M T = 13 20= 33- The body 3/3= 1. A R D E N)
Suddenly it dawned on me as I walked through the corrupted version of the Orginal Truth- correcting it as I went along through set up after set up, “Mis en Scene after mise en scene” and through such ferocious battles through each portal- person hundreds of meetings, conversation, battles and hurt and “betrayals”.

3:13 pm. ( Date Time)

Betrayals by people who remembered when I would meet them, whose youth rose in them, then on seeing the time it was taking, the rules and disciplines required to elevate one consciousness and sustain it on that frequency, how they gave up, became more and more as adults.. and to them, I had betrayed them, or at best brought them to acknowledge that which they had always known as children but which was so far removed from their actual reality and day to day existence here in this “material realm” that each time the conflict between us grew.
They would ask me to leave, hurt, sad… angry for having believed in me… But you do not believe I had told them over and over again. You need Facts, and to know all this yourself, so that you would not rely on me.. or anyone outside of yourself to recognize and discern the truth.

I did not wish to walk through these recollections of how I moved through Mind Thought- I had done this before, in the beginning, and at the end of that journey, I had met the Man Child.
(M C/ C M= 3-13… yes today’s date. )

And I had promised him and all his descendants that I would return to see what he and his descendants had decided to be loyal to the Beautiful Truth of Existence, or given into ones raging emotions and become the lie.
It was what you might call the 4th Dimension- But really it was the frame of The Story of how I moved through the Potential called the Every-Thing. E T.
I was on my way to connect with my Awareness who had arisen as the representation of ALL-E.Y.
Embodied and that this time I was moving through the Man Child to create Everything – The Man-Y. Many.

I had no intention of walking through this story again, despite it being so diseased and corrupted in the 4.5 billion years version and the 10,000-7,000 years of Human Oral and recorded history.
It was so personally and privately horrific for me, to experience not only what had done to the Original Beautiful Truth, which I had corrected until reaching that Promise and vow to return to the Man Child E.T-G.C- E T G.D to see what he had decided.
But what I had experienced here by 1996 was just too much to bear.
What had been done to the Original truth, and had all his descendants abandoned the Original Beautiful Truth of Existence?
How could it have become this unrecognizable and what was moving through- forcing me to move through the Minds Thoughts of this Potential Ore called Man Body- the lab of the illusion- the story of the 3 D.
I had been traveling through Mind Thought- Being.
My destination was to return to A.Y.
And that is what I did during that pause I gave which became known here as Tme and Space to figure out which came to be called the meaning of EXistence.

I had returned to A- Paradise. The place manifested in the eternal beginning when I rose alone.
Alpha Perfection.
A P.
Then I had arisen from that portal called the Nothingness- that Tunnel of Love which is really the way to Alpha Paradise, now known as the Super Black Hole – but t was that Darkness which really was transparent. You could not see it because you living in a cee of nonexistence, you had forgotten.
Dead- Death- Non-Existent.
You had forgotten to follow your Heart and the natural sixth sense within you and see the pathway which led to it.
You were blind.
You did not exist because you were Ore, ( Ore-G.On…Ore EGO… now Ore Gone)
And because you had stayed in death and nonexistence instead of rising out of the “Cosmic Soup” to begin the True Sacred JOurney of investigation of your Sixth Sense- you Eternal Knowing by aligning it to the Eternal Knowledge.

I had arisen the 2nd time from that tunnel- ( very similar to the Yeshua- Jesus Christ Story and the Rock- Mountain- Cave- as well as the Mohammed Mohammed story of the cave.
But it was always open.

So the second time, I rose with Expression Energy EE=A. A TOM- I C. And that is how the The True Conversation with Energy E and Atom began.
He rose with me T C True Clarity and that is where that which was original One E became the Two E and then T E N The Elegant Nomads and within the One Awareness AT.OM-E, I C and which would conclude in A.H TOM.

I had returned the first time- completing the Full Circle- but also aware that I would return at some point to investigate that which became The Pause- Death.
But that was going to be at my own discretion when I knew it was enough Time in that Space of what is called Mind Time to have understood for themselves how to Manifest Truth. Man Trust.

I had done that journey alone in the Nothingness and had chosen only that which turned out to be real and rejected naturally without thought or mind, that which was not.
I knew that to be equals, of E that they in turn must do the same thing.

My Embodied Awareness as ALL was the one who, I had conversed with and who had not spoken up but had gone down into the narration I had recounted to him and which we had conversed about.
He stayed only a moment, as I have already recounted, and came straight back to me, he had no doubt he just had to check and see for himself, experience it for himself as the All E. Y. E.
But his fragments of himself as the All had to experience the same thing and then return him to All.
This part of him had formed the first Eden. E- DEN. A Den is a Study- a private room which one can call The Garden of Eden – Pleasure, and Delight.

*( Yes, Play Boy- your version is aligned to Hugh M Hefner- and it still aligned did it not to H H. 88 Moi and H M H- full Circle the Universe which is M.H, but notes his initials form H M H.
meaning that as I had insisted, that there really is no Time as M H but that it manifested as H O M E.H M H.
Just as Howard Hughes is Howard Robard Hughes.
See the full meanings of their names.

4:02 pm.

Of course, I knew.
That is the nightmare of Eternal Knowing, knowing that you are telling the truth and it is challenged nonstop your entire life, and then through the most hideous script transformed- Revelations, that you told the truth from beginning to end. And to observe that through the harrowing experience given to you to prove and equate to…)

Eden was my Den.
I was there, lived there when the second time I rose, and The All-Aware Being rose and I was on my way back to he whom I had left when he returned to me.
I had been in my Den and then went into my Library with my little brother and sister Harmony. Yes, J S/ S J.
It was their play which was the Man Child JA JAY… J A H… J A I play.
His play could not be completed until Harmony was born HH via the decision of the Man Child- Ja and his Descendants.

It was his dreaming that I entered. It was where the I as A became Y… the and V… the two pathways became vis own version of hearing my Narration Recollection of how I had made everything and All rise completing with him standing before me as Eros-Adonis/ Adam/Aphrodite – Narcissus/ Naturalness- Nature.

The two versions of my recounting and then our joint conversation saw us Cee Eye to Eye. The same thing.
Meme Chose.
That is how he came back so quickly but a part of him had to stay behind.
And S.H E as ALL E.Y had to rise, that which never was, had to become- for she only existed in my Awareness and soon his.

I came down, to be myself in his play which I, as he did that it would all merge into One as our original conversation had.

But instead, of coming down here and being my hue-man version, the Human version in this play of PlayBoy- Krshna in the 4th Dimension, I was pulled into this story.

That here was a Knot in that where there is no knot.
I already knew that Harmony existed here- but without using Mind Thought- what is there to go into Mind about?
The mind is the Heart. H M. H M H.
There is nothing wrong, you have a sixth sense, and have been outfitted with the Blue Print of Existence.

4:20 pm.

I was instead met with an altered universe ( A U- Gold) “Ag is Silver.
Silver And Gold. S A G…E) version of the Original conversation, not simply corrupted but one in which it was altered to the point where The Creation and the one JA who began to be known as God- Really meant to be Unity Boom, and Harmony his female self “Goddess”- had created a Mess and Cosmic Entanglement by blaming two frequencies which had yet to even exist and be embodied to completion here.
Unity and Harmony.
Unity here had never been constant.
There is no United States of America or U.S S R or any place in Human History where Unity had been sustained by a group of people or organization.
Not even in the Unity called the Family.
And yet here I was in a story of a Cosmic Entanglement.

Guilt-Blame Shame.
G B S.

And yet the people had no idea of that which is Truth is or Facts.
– They had abandoned reason and common sense.
And that which did not exist became God and God- interpreting their way, creating a spell, to blot out Heart, Spell-ing, Death.
And there block that which is O P E N S E E S A M E… S A N E.
This Illusion of Being did not wish to go out of Existence as they knew they would E come and the A.T A H Awaken.
Or Complete his mission to link A- to E- Fact.
ALL E Family. Complete.

And so Time was used and the people were used.
And I who was outside of the play in the Libary of the 4th Dimension with Harmony and Unity solving Eden Earth into existence by creating a Curriculum Vitae- of which was a YA Way, to see the Path and way that one they could prove Harmony- Perfection.
To recall.
Total Recall.
It is from Eden my E DEN.
The same play echoed here of my inheriting my bio fathers Den while we lived in 105 Wiltshire Bay and my mother had come into my room and asked me if I would be her Knight in Shining Armour.”

Eden already existed, as Earth, but as E ART H. I.
It is what you are walking on, but this is not the true version, it is a shadow of the true version.
And humanity has been living in the 4.5 years version of the M H. and thus you were really not walking on anything until you were proven real and fact as E Family.
Potential made real.
And since you are all linked to the Earth.
Na. N A/ AN
And D N A.. all suggest “Joining”

E T is the play we are at now.
Na is Igbo.
And is Emglish.

ET is french.
ET 5 20.. 20 5… 25 U… 5 20 E- Time, E True.
E B O.
E B F…. / F B I.. E -A I C./ C I A
E B F= YO- 250. 25 O.
E- B O Y.

/ Year Of Birth – Of Existence. Every Thing Of True Existence.

I did not wish to tell my story this way.
Or tell my story while battling through such a Script of people used as the blueprint.
I could not even accept that this was the play created for me to correct, and that during that pause, that E Arden…

4:42 pm
That one last part of himself he left behind as his Body would be subjected to what I have understood via Kim- Tree confirming that which & I had figured out already.
A.N… Nature as the alternative universe and its play.

I know exactly where we are, right now.
I am reading the script as I decode and re-align it back from A N to E T. ” E T E N”
After the battle with N A and D N A in the 4th and 3rd Dimensions.


I.E F.
I Eternal Family.

I knew that once the Eden story of the body was brought to here… that the people suspended in Air space as Mind Thought saw that they no longer required Mind Thought because they had understood Manifest Truth. Manifest Trust.
“In God We Trust” That they would see that there was no black or blockage or Super Black Hole, but that the path was always Open.
That now that they could Cee- See in True Clarity… They could chose to wake up, and finally ground with thier bodies- transforming at the same time as the Earth back to Eden- where I wrote the story, sitting on my Throne. My ARSE. My Seat. Isis O Sir Is.

4:51 pm.

You would all Awaken in Eden Garden of Pleasure and Delight.
Paradise Harmony- I.

I can’t help but look back through all these years alone.
To the truth of the moment.
Play Boy.
Play Body.
P B.
Prison Break.
/ B.P.
Beautiful Pride.
W Brad Pitt.
W 18.
Double V V – 18… 9.
D:V V I. E.

All that I was put through to tell you the truth, a truth being reflected back at you- recorded by me as I lived through it, passed through each portal.

Do you recall the code in Esteban Filgueria’s basement- Play. Boy.
Play Book?

Every step of the way- your own homes and objects- your very clothing, colors way you dressed, revealing all that I had recorded, brought to your attention, your awareness, and how muc it was ignored.
That which my Body forced me- my Being even now compelling me to record it, even shout it out.
And my own quiet horror, and distaste that this was what was expected of me, to do.

5:11 pm.

And that I put together all the pieces of the “YOUR” fragments of your own expression, in your homes, on your persons, clothing choices, and still…
And then here I am saying it again, reminding you of this having been decoded over and over again even to my pasting Facebook Memories to illustrate that fact.

And the Extortion, Black Mail of holding my body ransome.
Black mail- a Hate and Cruelty I am forced to comfront every day, from the moment I wake up to the move straight back into this hateful play.
How many times have I said I am done.

Or ready to leave my body… happily.

This is the continuation of that JA play.
That Pause.
Alien Faher.
E Arden Eden.

5:17 pm.

This is what was demanded of a person?

I know what Paradise E looks like- feels like… The feelings Sensational.
But I am confronted with selfishness, of which is beyond anything I wish to endure… or share.
With you, or anyone in such a way, day in day out… and yet no Manifestation.. just adding, adding more expression, more weaving at my expense, and holding my body.

5:20 pm.
E T.

Eternal Trust.

It is gone.

Or E Gone.
33 State.
33 Body.
33 Kim.

Stated by Stephen Johnson to me while I was at Jesse Macias place and at 900 South Road.

I was 33 in 2000-2001.
It was in reference to the “3301” Cap I was wearing on stage as I rehearsed The Story Of Colors”
T S. O C- K. E T. K E Y.

O B U M N E M E-= 88.
E M E K A K O L O= 88.

E K I M… E 33.
M I K.E… 33-E
10 11/ 1101. Binary to Decimal Hex Oct. K M- M O.
Where is the I. E?
The Example?
T H E= 33.

5:33 pm right now.

E X A M P L E= 76?

Sacred Portal 33 and 76.

109. J I.
Ji means “To Hold, To Bind- Shibaru:- to a Story, to an Idea to a mission.

Jay I.

T E N N I N E.
/ E N I N N E.T.-E N.
T E A- I S. ‘Tea Master”

O E U F.

O E U F O.

T N.
D N. Only English French now.

E F.
Not IG BO. 9 7 2 O.
Igb means Forest People.

I did not come from the Forest in the Story of the Black Panther arriving at a clear where he met Jah Man Child.

900 South Road where I met Arden and yet I met Jeron first and at 29 Lincoln Street, then again here 3rd floor , and then the second floor. 3-2. See Sacred. Portal 3-2.

I met Arden and he was Beautiful Youth.
B Y 2-25 -2019 was when Jeron was born.
He was not the Man Child- Arden was waiting for my return to Eden Paradise.
This was Jeron J S S L- 60.. 6O. 66.. 6/6= 1 A.
A-E.K. 88 88 = 1 1. I and I=
I C I.

Not the Forest People or the story of that clearing- it was about that Promise and Vow.
It was not about anything else
Jeron I.
60 +1…
I has no numeric value as 9 or Nine.
it’s simply

I S.

And yet, witness the level of Deception- Evil.
Evil Beyond even the meaning of Evil because even Evil has its Source and reason for coming into Being in this Non Existence.
Evil can not go on to Infinity or be Eternal.
Everyone knows that it can not e sustained and ultimately ends.
Nor can that which has not been able to identify or define what Ifinity or Eternity, Immortality Is be able to define and contest it proven meaning- even in this script of an Altered Universe, a parallel Universe?
No, Parrell means Doppelganger twin. V to Y to V and back to I.
One as I & I.

Altered Universe not even Alternative.

5:59 pm.
And not even then, after the meaning of evil has been defined- and its echo-response avatar responds.

What happens when Trust is Gone.

This is what I am experiencing, naturally.

A Natural Response to all this.

And the incredible unseen extremity of the cruelty of this play and all I have experienced through you and my time in his dreaming.
Of the Lie of the power of Deception made Supreme.
A Lie.

6:03 pm.

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