
2:56 p.m

2:56 p.m

This image literally popped on my phone just now!

From Nenad M. Djurdjevic

Representing in this my equation

True Nature.

N N A M. D I

Father-Mother is Here


Now please refer to Sacred Portal


3:00 pm

Its is Nnamdi hailing me

Saying C our Mother is the Great American African Indian Spirit

His Twin…

Because he is the Father of Humanity

As Flesh..

3:02 pm


Which has nothing to do with me or my E line, Humanity do not Exist for the E because they are not complete and thus, have no I.D.

They were are just soil in which the Seed of the E line was planted so that they E could rise from within them transforming and gaining a body worthy of the E line.

And thus Humanity was. Is just a shell which must be cast aside.

Pearls Coming out of their Shells

Sacred portal 78

See 87.

Standing Rock


Self Restraint

Moe Manifest O E called me yesterday

I stood like a Rock

I noted I began drinking a tiny

2 usd bottle of CIROC Vodka last week with the 200 usd from Rob…

I noted that Flo Medina posted on my page Darkness

1:47 pm

See sacred portal 147 A B

The Stand on the Point… Respect.

3:11 pm

See the MTCN code of Nenad to me through Paul…

I have long since stopped even trying to draw attention to the Facts

People chose what they wish to believe.

Thierry stance Standing Rock?

I laugh

Kolo means Friend

Kolo means Circle Round in Slav…

C R. O K

R O C K ….E

3:15 pm



That is a message from the Naturals

And a force greater than the current human perception brought this post to my attention by it appearing by itself on my phone…

Envy Fear. Competition

Cruelty. Jealousy is one staple diet I have been given since I arrived in this World..

I am indifferent to Human acknowledgment it is irrelevant.

Except to remind me as to why

they could never rise to the E line.

What is required is completion

3:20 pm

Completion of this hideous play which the Dead Ancestors used Human Beings they chose- in the Equation Portals which I had to pass through.

The manipulation of their calling attention to themselves rather than the Beautiful Truth is that very Evil Nature I have encountered..

They who would spite themselves rather than give credit to where credit is due.

And yet expect it to be given to them is that Hideous Nature which has brought forth their End.

This was a message to I E

Once more it is the E Harmony alerting me moving ppl who refuse to acknowledge that which is a matter of due course and which does not flatter the Ego

Why should it I am the E line

I watched a man from Bosnia set up to create a scene which was to kill me

But really destroy the line of N from rising

O I N R I. O S.

I We Already Know who we are

And who are loyal and of E

3:30 pm

I Ab Justice…

I and the E will have justice consequences for this Insult

This set up by the ancestors…

To rescue their Seed

That is promised.

For their children are now marked

Cursed by E


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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