
2:55pm – 2:56 pm right now. – 6-2

2:56 pm right now.


Elf King.

Eden Paradise.

Wilderness School.

True Nature.

Sacred Portal 87.

Laura Walsh & Alicia Norris.
L.W & A N.


L A W. N.
LAW of Nature.


I woke up… well I got up since I don’t really sleep, I rest and when I rest- I am invaded by thoughts moving through me, but most of all, I am plagued with being made to examine in detail in excruciating detail the Truth of what I have been put through- alone.
I am invaded by frequencies and their expressions.
But most of all by Arden’s frequency and Nnamdi’s.
Arden is the present, and Nnamdi is the past.
I was moved to send Tree Sage Kim a message, I paused checked, and centered that surge of Expressions Frequencies Waves, centered in myself to make sure that what I was being impulsed to do was Juste.
Then I sent it.
I knew even as I sent it, a very minor thing, but I knew that I was being asked to set Kim up, to discover if he would tell the truth.

I was aware that there were two major frequencies doing this, and that which these twin frequencies were setting Tree Sage Kim up for was something which I too wished to know.
For me, it was light, yet profound.

I already knew what Kim A Hines represented. in his one being was the True Nature of all as the Child Man- graduating to Truth of All.

Arden had just graduated, now it was Kim’s, turn.

The setup I later realized was also to me, would I bother at this stage, and at this state of mind and heart to even care.
It was about Food.
And Communication – Cause and Effect.

But I did, and it was made clear almost the moment I got up and I saw that Kim Tree Sage had already used his answered that question by action.
He had gone with his mother Delois Larkin, used her car, and brought food that he had not been able to buy for the last two months because he had no car.
Today for some reason ( sigh) he had arranged with his Mother to use her car and by the time I got up and saw what he had done.
All I could murmur to myself with a smile “Well Done Kim”.
I am not fully sure at that point why I had even said that, but as I began to wake up and conversed with Kim, I knew why I had said it.

He told me that I had sent him the message at 12:15 pm and that he had responded at 12:23 pm. “What do you mean?”

He had been confused by my question, for he had already answered the question before I had even sent him the message.

3:20 pm.

I understood why I had said well Done.
Emeka means “Well Done”

12:15 is L O, A B.O. L E A.
A B A.E.
Total 12+15= 27.

12:23 is L W… L V.V.

Christelle Lavage.

Clean your Self and your Expression until Christelle Clear.

I understood.

3:23 pm.

Princess LEAH in Star Wars.

L A W N… Emeka Kim.

See Sacred Portal 87, the year he was born.
It shows a Fairy returning two Children back to the World all cleaned up and to their Mother “Big Sisters” tears of Joy.

They had been kidnapped as well as all the children in the world.

Why had they been kidnapped?

I have spoken about what Happened in 2005 after I wrote the Creation story of the Eternal family of TEN and how they literally rose in me.
But I also wrote about another frequency that rose in me and took over everything I did, expressed, wrote about.

I wrote about how I tried in vain to write and edit my Creation Story as my gift to the world people, I wrote about how Natures Frequency invaded casing a 200-page Manuscript to become 738 pages, by how Natures frequency kept on interrupting, and how I let them so that I could hear what this frequency had to say.

I wrote about how I went to Albert Sanatana’s home after spending 61 days in the wilderness and how we painted the building in the color Natures Symphony.

I wrote about the Dark Elves and Fairies and even how Orien Laplante had publicly n Facebook warned me about the Fairies and Elves at Pelham Bay and around the Park area where I had gone to stay.

I have written for years about the rage of nature.
The Fairy and Dark elves and their betrayal of their Source and the Elf King E K
Me, yes and Nnamdi, to Arden-
John Scott.

I had written about Micheal Jackson and his “Earth Song” and how he was more Nnamdi and I was more like Prince.

I wrote about how he came to me when he died and I was at Albert Sanatana’s house.

* As I just shared the Earth Song video, a cry of sheer agony escaped from my lips, tears are still running down my cheeks.

His tears are not mine.
They are Nnamdi’s Father-Mother Nature.
But I understood.
I feel the same way… but not exactly.

I have been at war with the Elf and Fairy world especially the Dark Elves.

Their rage at Humanity, their resolute will to destroy the Human Species.
Their rage at The Creator and Nanmdi’ loyal to me, and yet being torn apart by his loyalty to the Elf and Fairy realm – the Dark Elves as the Destroyers and Natures Assassins.

Nnamdi as God’s Truth was eventually, placed in a prison by his own people for his continued loyalty to Man.
True Man.
And his use of me to prove his truth of Man.

That these destroyers of Nature, as well as the True Nature of Man, were not Man- but abominations, diseases, the invaders… The Lie.

I wrote about what was happening to me, to my body, this “Possession” and breaking of all Natural Law, could only be done by The Truth.
Nothing in the realm of illusion can, or could do this to my Body.
My body born of Woman as Nature Death was what was binding me, but Woman was still the illusion.
Her Truth rises only now.
This was The truth of Nature Creation and it broke all the laws in their fury at what had been done to those who had risen to at the beginning of the Earth Story, as helpers of Man to rises through their tutelage, to become what they were always destined to be.
Until they saw what man had chosen to become.
What Humans did to Nature and all the natural resources.

And yet, I was made to remind them that they too were a story.
But they would not concede that truth, they said that they were real.
And they were, but they too were part of the Story A-B.

But their rage at the betrayal of The Creator who had brought such creatures into existence was too great and went too far.
As you can see.
– Invading my Body, for the body is made of 4-5 Element including Wood/ Stone Rock in the culture of Tao.
Nnamdi did this to me, that part of him still buried in the earth in Amawbia my Fathers Home town.
He rose up in my body, revealed what was happening.
The rebellion and the rage and what they had done to him.
Allowing an idea called Mother Earth Nature “MEN” to usurp his throne and authority.

* See the song by Jeff Buckley, singing Hallelujah”
“A Sad and broken Hallelujah.
.. the 4th the 5th… secret code.

This planet is 4.5 billion years old.
Nnamdi was born 4-5-69.
5-4-69 in the European way of dates before America made their own different way.

He sent me back in time to prove to them The Dark Elves, that truth that they were also part of the story of Evolution.
That they were the Watchers, the Alien Council who evolve to become children but who vanish from children when the connection link was severed by the Children transforming into Adult- Monsters.

I wrote about this over and over and over again.

How Kieth Grant of bed 53, was of the Dark Elf Kings and had once played my Father when I was in the Elf Realm.

It is in my story of Colors, my last production in Istanbul, where I told the story through Theater.

It is in my coding of the Lord Of The Rings.
L O.T R ”
*L O-T R is the actual correct play.
And Lot R.
The Lot created as a temporary Parking Lot- which Albert Santana recollected as his first memory.
A Flying Carpet- Aladdin and Yasmin, Jasmine.
Where I was taken to by Esteban Stephen with Kim – Tree Sage to eat when I moved here in 2018. T R.

I wrote about the Dark Elves, the and true Orcs, and Dark Tower. Twin Towers.
W T C.

I displayed in via Angela Marie Alexander’s page of two sides the War between like a Chess match between the cities metropolis and the wilderness of nature.

I wrote about it, and what was done to me, by both Dark Elves and Human abominations.

The Dark Elf world of Nature were not abominations as the Humans were, they were. are Destroyers.

Do you recall the Flora and Flowers Donna gave to Jae Sherman – Wolf Mutt and how Kim Tree Sage saw a Black hole in the center.
Do you recall Sacred Portal 65?

The Dark Elves’ fury at the man and The Creator was so terrible, so set that they preferred to even risk going out of Existence with everything in Existence and Creation rather than release Humanity and the Human Body from rising.
They did not care about the decent humans devoted to nature, and the truth- they wished all to go, to never rise to be trapped in that place of no return.
A Dream Spell and the only mercy to the ones dedicated to nature was a swift death, while the rest of the species would wander around the Maze Labyrinth lifetime after lifetime in “life” and After Death, until they slowly ceased to exist and faded.

I was already aware of this when I left Nigeria in 1988, to return to the place of my birth London.
I was aware of their rage at me, their willingness to use me to enact that Revenge.

I understood, but I wished to check and investigate for myself that it was actually Fair their decision and at the same time, I wished to leave the story and find my E Family.
That is why and how I began writing my Journals “Talking To The Silence” TT.TS= 79.
Rep Sacred Portal 79 Blue Print of Existence.

They had said No, to Evolution to Awakening and had Set it up that there would be no way to come back from that decision.

The Hatred for Humanity was that great, but not greater than Mine or Nnamdi’s.
But first, there was a matter of the Truth.
Examination Test Checking, for was it really fair that All be punished for the sins of the others.
Where all complicit?
What about the original Plan E.T.
Eternal Truth to make rise.

The Elementals were Potential, they had not risen in the Eternal Beginning, they had observed and thus incarnated in this play the role of helpers.
Natures Helpers as Tree Sage Kim Arthur Hines has managed despite all forms of interference and rage of the Dark Elves, The Moors, have done in their absolute refusal.
And so instead of being here for the great reunion and meeting my Father/ Mother Self who I knew was present, I was Spirited Away by his power as Eternal Nnamdi into this play down here in this world and Universal Simulation and The One Truth as Natures Rage and defiance.

I have told this True Story, the interference with and by the past, the twisting of my body, the tearing it apart, the being Spirited away from the Present Here now and how they Dark Elves went to war- moving all of you, to bring about your own Annihilation and setting me up, to see the Ugliest truth of you and why this Species can not be allowed to be.

I have spoken about where I was sent to by them, and what you did to my truth, to the sacred things I was moved to create, I walked through their Truth of you and Nnamdi’s truth of you.

I spoke of the Kolo Journals. of David Philip Gil telling me of his memory of being a great Priest in ancient Egypt who was part of a brotherhood appointed to guard a great evil- The sum total of the human cause and effect which was meant to have had the power to destroy all creation as the balancer of the Human presence cause and effect and how he spoke of abandoning his post.

I wrote about this all, over and over again.
The battle to rescue the Beautiful Truth.
The Voodoo “Ogu” placed in the center of the earth under a peace sign at Generation X Gardens.
in “Little Africa”
And the Voodoo Ogu planted in the earth designed to destroy my hands, everything I created so as to drive me mad.

I wrote about what I am enduring every day, my muscles, the riddles, the War in 2005 Hells Kitchen.
And of course your response.

4:42 pm.

4:48 pm.

This story is everywhere, in your films movies, books, lives, it is everywhere.

They went to far, yes.
But you truly provoked that rage, I have experienced it first hand.
I agree with the Dark Elves, but not all have to go.
All must die, so that the Beautiful ones Avatars Descendants E Line may rise as they did in the Eternal Begining.

I was forced to replenish manually 4 elements, to clean and regenerate and restore all that you as a species sucked out of the Earth, and together with Nnmadi restore Earth from this state back to Eden, cleaning even the Air and ensuring that this species called Human, that not a trace of them would every reamin or rise.
I was made to agree to enact out rapes, to my body, ny sexuality, to my person day and night for over 18 years, restoring Eden Paradise before the Elf Lord and Ladies would agree to let the true lines of you rise and step foot in in Eden.

My rage?
You have no idea what I have borne, nor have I decided at this point if you rise at all.
I am here only because of Arden Nnamdi Kim… and Haris.

A.N.K …H. exist.

And even then, now, I no longer care.

Kim has graduated from Wilderness School today.

As Arden and his 3 childhood friends have done.
As Ferrell did.

I have little to say about this, its all in the Emmanual.World.

It would be nice to be Spirited Away Home the correct way, but after all this, abuse, Cruelty War, and Indifferent Human Avatar experience, I must allow myself to once more entertain the possibility of leaving my body.
With the absolute disgust and contempt in Everything and All.

5:00 pm.

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