
2:55 p.m.

2:55 p.m.


Code Peace Bee….

9-2-….1 O…

I link this to 1992…. 25 years ago… Y.

Last night I completed a code of DIABETES….

Which was the intel I received through the Avatar Doctor Udin.

I knew it was not coming from the E, but rather the Africa World..

UWA…Worlds Forest People.

I also received a message from the E, after I signed a contract of a Rite of Passage with the E.T…Extra Terrestrials -Terracotta

They Lived Before Adam…

It was from Fey Mirach… A Code of the Moors…

it was at 9:30 p.m.

93… See sacred portal 93…Respond!.. Open See Same Me!.. The Sweetest Perfume, the Music, The Love the Sex, Arising Arousal…

The Beautiful Egg or the Rotten Egg, Perfume or Stench Choose!

Emeka J’Avais vouz attendez -I heard U Emeka! Alehandro Moi…( Moi is my Espirit Sacred Portal 90.. I.O… Isis Osiris rep)

3:11 p.m… Code Nicole… Case Worker told me she will be available from 11-3 p.m.. K.C… C.K… B.A..C.K…E…

Nicole is her name.

Reps code of F B Friends…

Nicole Gallant N.G…147 …N.G.C

Gabriella Nicole G.N. 7 14

Ciara Nicole Morris C.N.M.

Nicole Tayler Maxine N.T.M…

See Meaning of Nicole…. Victory

..I am at 93 Icons on my Face Book Page.

The code she sent by mistake

It is a shipping code.

The American Dollar – Money is actual Bill of Shipping..

America- a Cooperation.. A Business at present with the Current President… America is a Business.

3:42 p.m.

The code she sent was EM 815909576IN…

E.M..(E.K.A) …8 15 H.O

( Hannah Osborn Yes the Link Jean Ann Dortch/ Amoza Born / Fey Mirach sent me yesterday of 2016 F.R.B Consistent message from 3 Billion miles away

..link Timothy Osborn) 90..( I.O..Spirit E) 95 ( I.E..Spirit E to I.Emeka the Example)

76…( Sacred Portal 76..123 True Cocksure of the Awakening)…

It is a Response… S.P 93…Emeka I have heard u Alehandro…

H.U.E…73 34 BMW… Just saw this license plate when I went to Macy’s to use the bathroom on a White B.M.W..

HUE.. Manity… 73.. is code 5-20-73.. E.T…G.C.. 34 Is C.D.

Alejandro… Alexander.. Alexander Hamilton.. A.H/ H.A..

See sacred portal 97…

And the play 2014 with the Biography of Alexander Hamilton I found at the play 147 1st and 9th…

( Yesterdays Date.. 1-9…Patrick Okolo last year )

He was the Treasurer…U.S.A…

See the play of recent Face Book Friend name meaning Treasurer…

I am the Treasurer carrying a priceless cargo.. The Beautiful Truth and all the Humans of True Nature -Harvested from this mission.

The First Bill was a 2 Dollar bill only 9 days older than America 17 76…

The United States one-dollar bill ($1) is a denomination of United States currency. The first U.S. President (1789–97), George Washington, painted by Gilbert Stuart, is currently featured on the obverse (front), and the Great Seal of the United States is featured on the reverse (back). The one-dollar bill has the oldest design of all U.S. currency currently being produced.

The inclusion of the motto, In God We Trust, on all currency was required by law in 1955, and first appeared on paper money in 1957

After the creation of the U.S. dollar, the fledgling American administration of President George Washington turned its attention to monetary issues again in the early 1790s under the leadership of Alexander Hamilton, the Secretary of the Treasury at the time. Congress acted on Hamilton’s recommendations in the Coinage Act of 1792, which established the dollar as the basic unit of account for the United States. The word dollar is derived from Low Saxon cognate of the High German Thaler. The most commonly circulated and readily available currency, used by common Americans, at this time, was the Spanish Peso, also known as the Spanish milled dollar, which was valued for its high silver content.

3:58 -59 p.m.

Shipping EM 81 59 O 95…..H-A!.. Full Circle Mirror Reflection…Examples I.E..O. E.I…. My Espirit and Myself .. My Expression Momentum.. E.M… Are One…

4:04 p.m.

76 IN.. The 123 Cocksure of the True First Dawn Awakening 22.

Robert Vlaun age 22.. as well as V=22, sent me a text for the first time at 2:04 p.m… basically asking me to get my ass here.

He is wearing an Invictus Man Army Jacket…

He is wearing a black T-Shirt with two pendants encrusted in Diamonds ( yeah fake but real) Praying Hands and A Square Box.

24 is the correct code and Face.. Not 42…

Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy where 42 represents in my Sacred Portal the power of Man and Woman in sexual congress- Tantric Yoga the Buddhha as power.

And Though I have solved it and aligned it,the correct code is One Day..E… O.D.E….

See Sacred Portal 53 One DAI Has come…

See name of Fey Mirach first Husband… Day…

Door is Day.. Not Doris Doric or Dora the Explorer…

Sacred Portal 24… Is a different Rite to Passage

Demanded of Woman of Man for what was done to her Vagina how it was entered.

And it is is also an ET Play of the PENIS as the Probe to Deep Space..

Darien Shea… D.S…

I am now at 94 Likes…


Lisa Natalie Johnson sent me a message at 3:54 p.m.

See sacred Portal 54… Super Nova, Mother and Father, Father and Mother at Last Finally Dancing in E Universal Harmony…( U.H 21- 8 was the Date of the Total Solar Eclipse.. E.U.H/ H.U.E… Evolution of the species…)

It also reads Child Birth and Labour…


It is Labor Day ( Love Desire.. L.D/ D.L ..Dee Lee) on the 9-4…Mon Day… I.D.)

One Day… 204.. 20 4… T.D.. Trump Donald Donald means Universal Ruler.. World Ruler….Harmony Expression is.. H.E..

Besides me when I arrived was Robert wearing I.M…Unconquered Unconquerable Undefeated… E May Weather.. 50 27 K.O…

William Ernest Hemsely….W..E..H..

In front of me was a Young Lady wearing a code on her sweater FFIND0 FF IN…D…0…Oval Office.. not Zero…

FF 66 IN…D.. D.O..E… me… ( they have she was there and even Robert Vlaun understood the play that the moment I acknowledged the code she was wearing and discretley explained it she got up and left…)

To Continue the Shipping Code….

* Lisa Natalie Johnson just came in I bought some Coffee but she had come to make sure I had monies for coffee.. She brought 4 Usd for me, and Deep Rub for Robert Vlaun….

I knew that it was about abundance… She was being tested I just thought it and she ensured that I took the 4 usd…

4:38 p.m.

Silly money play…

*A Brief aside…. I did not really need Lisa Natalie Johnson 4 usd I had enough for coffee, but a thought had entered my mind that I would like to buy some food 4;50 usd but my budget….

So when I saw her holding some dollar bills ( yes One Dollar Bills … code.. and I have already had the 2 usd dollar bills codes given to me some years ago, which I recorded here.) I knew it was meant for me. But I did not wish to be greedy, it was all she had with her.

But she gave it..

I went outside, feeling strangely whew! kind of feeling…

I decided to find out why I looked in y wallet- there was 1 usd.

I checked my pockets- I had 8 and 4…Sacred Portal 84.. and then I realized that with the 1 8…A.H… Link Anastasia Hart that I had 9 but added with the 4 … I.D…9 4…

I was just posting Labor Day and the likes on my page 9-4..94.

I.D…My True Identity revealed… or, and that of my family.

Jean Ann Dortch Fey Mirach Amoza Born- sent me a message at 10:57 pm… J.. JB..EG…And another at 7:42 am…

See sacred portal 57…And 42…

5:04 p.m.

42/24.. 66… See Sacred Portal 66…

FF IN D..0….FF Is 66… Find the Source….


Before I went outside, a mother Africa in the sense of her carriage was at the stand with her children, 3..a young boy her son stared at me…


57… S.P.

I knew she was of the Africa World…

A play took place today in the shelter with bed 4-5, 4-7 and 4-8 witnessed by Bed 4-14 and 4-12… D.N…D.L…

It was stupid and petty with Bed 4-5 whose intials are R.N…( N.R…I…OINRI Igbo…?) and 4-7 making noise 4-5 intentionally and 4-7 the instigator.

They knew I was trying to sleep but it was a set up.

Of course, I took my cue and a scene of threats of violence to me erupted by N.R…I was calm but again amazed…

I knew what it was… But N.R’s threat of violence to me was went too far and I told him he had gone too far.

I am so tired of these guys being aware that I will not be physically violent and using that to take advantage of my cool manner- despite rumors of my having some power…

But every once in a while, they must check. And because I am outspoken when people are being inconsiderate, there is the notion of my being or wishing to be the leader of the room.

And that contest for power, especially when I am seen or perceived as Aloof, Arrogant because I do not welcome intimacy.

Well, A Security Guard came, and he heard when I said Ah now you have gone too far…

And to the guys threats of Violence, and boasts of how he had killed a guy and served 25 years… I sighed, they always boast of their crimes…You can not do anything, I told him calmly.

He kept on… until other came upstairs and then suddenly he collapsed on the ground. And could not get up.

They called the ambulance….

I just watched and then the bed 4-7 the Big Mouth began to speak. ( Jose had walked up to me a few days ago telling me that that guy was too much- I told him that he was in my room. Oh shit.. he had said)..

My Energy rose as the other big mouth began to speak… Like some kind of mediator when he had started the play instigated it snake in the Grass…

My body E-Spirit rose.. in front of all.

They saw and heard me say before the guy collapsed that their would be a reckoning…

But to him I called out.

Nicolas opened his mouth to make some comment but I told him to keep quiet.

The Staff were all present but the secuirity guard who had been there when I had an altercation with Nicolas turned to me saying I already told the staff that it was bed 4-7 who was the cause and adding fuel to the Fire.

N.R was finally revived, I had been the only one before who had cared when he had been in hospital weeks ago…

No one cared..

That was his beef, and that was the beef of 4-7…But they forgot that every one had something…

And Mine was revealed to them.

I went to bed and heard the Dominic Edwin.. D.E 4 5.. Yes Bed 4-5 N.R….Not I …tell bed 4-12, that he had just come from a place called Africa…

I went back to bed.. I got up at Just as it turned to 12:47 p.m.

Bed 4-5 N.R..and Bed 47 D.E.. 45…Yes.. Africa… Moving them the same person… See sacred portal 45…and 47…

My Brother Nnamdi born 4-5/5-4, my Mother 47…

These Spirits moving them are not NRI…Nor True Africa.. but Africa Igbo Voodoo or Dark Magic was using them because they were of the same…

What was interesting was Bed 4-7..Saying that I was jealous of everyone… Which made no sense since, they were pissed off because I am Aloof to them.

(Also for their own protection)…

Africa had meddled once more just as last nights play had shown.

But that is not the True Africa or Nri…

And so, I saw that the Woman in African clothing very respectful with her kids well trained was wearing a T-Shirt…

The Earth Center.. T.E.C….C.E.T…

Consciousness was on the T-Shirt of some one as I walked here…

And while I sat on the Bench at my Chill spot, I saw a young man arrive to join his friend… He was dressed from head to toe in terracotta and the outline of what would be his huge phallus was highlghted… Yes Ancient Earth Fertility…

There is no Africa really…

The Ancient the True Ancients were C.E.T…

Consciousness Extra Terrestrials…

I just laughed, laughed from the Shelter to the Taylor spot then to hear… You would go this far to let these creatures insult me

Oh yes, this is the confirmation, Africa and UWA.. is not facing 24… Emeka Kolo Robert Vlaun 22..The Sacred Portal of the The Famed Bright Shinning Of Light of Dawn E…and beautiful Death as Transformation….

No at 42….They are facing Sacred Portal 47 Entrance to the Abyss as I stated last night.

5:45 p.m..

The Earth Shall open up literally and swallow them up and there they shall find sacred portal 91.. Yes, Yesterday. 9-1.. The Play here and they dared…

Use Nnamdi and my Mother’s Existence and Memory…

Ah there they shall face my Sister as Ms Manners Hell Fire.. H.F… 8 6… s.p 86 victor…And My Mother line as Mother Of Dragons.. And Nnamdi as Terrible Death…

5:48 p.m.

12 25… K.O.43 Y…Silver Path Finder… S.P…F…

Sacred Portals.. Are A Fact…

Any more Tests…?

Checks.. Doubts… Set Ups… To the Abyss…

These were the codes I saw when I stepped outside…

12 is L…Completion of 25… Y.. S.P..25… 1992..

K.O…Knock Out Life…E=CMe4/3…S.P. 43…Door of Life…

Y is me….

Yes, N.R…has Diabetes… I relented when I saw him lying there only for him to rise and remember.. Both had challenged one was sent to the Hospital the very next day… bed 47.. and this one collapsed.


Jamila was sitting besides me near Roosevelt and a woman with the Name R infront of her…

R.J.R…Lisa gave me 4 usd.. 4.. D… and Robert is besides me

R.R.J..D..( E C me, ) D.R…Death Ray… S.P 49 Completed..

Now at ID..94…Switch…

I am Death Ray… and D.R.. Doctor of Love.. Life Laughter.. Lightness…

O.K… Lets finish that code play..

E M.. 81 5 909 5 76..IN.

Yesterday I left Starbucks with 60 likes…

One Min..

E MIN… Minute Man…

HA! E 99 See SacreRd Portal 99 Victor outing the Factor of Rage for the Human Race.. Factor of Contempt…E 76.. the Sacred Portal 76… IN… E…

Emin.. Amin.. means Trustworthy Confident.. Emeka.. E.T.C..I.E…

I am the E.T See.. Cee.. which means that the E.T and the Naturals and Super Naturals.. the E use me as T.V… And Ruler to Measure others…

6:03 p.m

63… F.C… First Contact…

Not an enviable role or position to be placed in…

The level of Jealousy, I have endured… But for what?

I have or had no concept of Jealousy.. why should I or anyone born created complete…?

12 25… K.O.43 Y…Silver Path Finder…

The Earth Center….


S…E.T. E…B.A.. I.D.

6:06 p.m.


6:07 pm,



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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