
2:52 p.m

2:52 p.m



14-12-2016.. T.P… C.F…I

N.L. I


L.N. T.P. C.F. I

L.N… I.E…E


I wish to show you something about todays code Date Time and number of Face Book Friends.

And how for the last 4,8 4.9 years, and since my summons to New York, that I have been in a great War Contest and battle of alignment with something Alien

An Artificial Intelligence…

A Super Computer A Simulation Illusionist

It is best summed up in the Book Armada by Ernest C-Line’s book written in 2015.

Which you will recall was published by Crown Publishers on July 14th 2015.

When I was already in The Green Point Assessment Shelter A.S.

Bed 49… Which is my current official age .

I first entered the System under my true age 1966 which is a code, not a number

19 66 is S.F..F

Yes, Sky Fall Fact….

And re-entered after completing a Full Circle Quantum Leap through the portals of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan then with Albert Santana of 268 E 4th street confirming with extraordinary 6th Sense made Fact- of my being Flash Gordon (F.G 67) and my subsequent trip to meet up with Erik Ebright and meet Izzi Creo was my going backwards forwards Time Travel TT… (Pi)

Which I was already aware of having begun figuring that all out based on the full circle of last seeing him Ten years ago.

All this proved itself true on my arrival in Miami and Eriks construction and obsession with a Time Travel Machine out of a Wheel Chair Sound and Light as well as his Father an MIT graduate who spoke of the Machina Dios


God as the Machine

And his expression on the phone to a collegue of his disruption of my work which I overheard, as my walking throughout the Spirit World and the minds of Human Stories and Quantifying it as I went.

Making it real solid tangible.

And then arriving Full Circle and a Day back to the Assessment Shelter

A.S ( 1 19.. A Santana) intentionally staying out one day longer…

This is all documented here, just go back to the dates on this Time Machine Face Book play.

Code 4.8-4.9 yrs.

44 89


Dean Dunkwu HI?

No but he sent me 800 Usd in total and procured my fraudulent Birth Certificate

(BC. 2 3. / 32. Bed 3002 room 3A)

David Dawn my new Room mate bed 4017?

No but his name meaning fits the code.

Thus, full circle and a day, I arrived back at Green Point A.S and entered the system this time not as 1966 but 1967

And despite records of my dates of birth was granted admittance.

Because I had made the Quantum Leap Jump.

And Humanity are literally plugged into a Matrix. Your brains bodies and beings part of a Collective Hub just as the Borg in Star Trek.

See my code 7 9 Blue Print of Existence

And them see Star Treks Character 7 of 9.

And so I entered the Matrix System once more but this time instead of bed 49..

Linked to Keith Grant bed 53. And after passing through Death J D and D.O.S

Jonn and Donna rep Man as Death Trap and Woman as Death Machina and transforming them back to Humanity

( they representing the best of Humanity in the Matrix)

I had a new mission as JB 007

Bed 007…

Humanity had now been de programed but now they had to Awaken

76 is the Sacred Portal for the Awakening

67 is the Sacred Portal for How far will you go for Truth and Love

19 is the play I have been in since I arrived back at Green Point in 2016

2015 is 35 8

2016 is 36. 9

1-9 is the Address of 147 The Bean

And the date Ikem Patrick Okolo

Contacted me which I saw


31 is SP Resurrection Restoration Regeneration

Rep by Dewight Smith whom I saw yesterday and who contacted me twice today Text and Phone TP 2016

6 is represented by Kerwyn Vincent

Sixth Sense.

Yesterday was the 13th

Nnamdi passed away One Full Circle and a Day from his Birth Day

(B.D Beloved Dawn)

B.D. 2 4….6. 4 2. 6

66.. 1…6…

Bed 4016…dewight is 40

I am sitting right now in Room 4B

Delta Manor… Bed 4016

I am alone in the 4 man room

Fred Frick my room mate was here and left an hour ago



4:00 pm

Room 4B Fourth Floor

4 man room Delta Manor

Delta means 4

4×4 =16

Today is the 14th… Letter N

12-14…. I.E E Bright

L N. L I N E. E

Year 2016. TP

Anamla Qayin code intel passed to me


20+ 16

36….CF Circle Full. Claudio Fernandez mysteriously unfriended me

Circle Full is not rep by him or a Planet Neptune but by Being

Kerwyn R Vincent (Code Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo V N O/ ON V!)

Code intel from Zion Kerwyn R V


And 14 +12 =26

Letter Z

And BF

Best Friend 8 Harmony Aphrodite

His Lady L and daughter K

His Daughter 25 yrs old Dream

Son he just discovered age 9

2015. 35. 8. Mission given Armada and Witches from bed 008

2016 36 9

Money borrowed 20:00 usd from Kerwyn

20 is Letter T

Emmanuel gave 5 Letter E

Kerwyn K

Emmanuel E


Amount 25 letter Y


To save the DREAM

Y= 2+5-7


Golden Dawn


74 @11 28


Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn

44 89

Ends at Bed 4016.

Quantum Q completed last year

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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