
2:50 pm. – Y. – B.E.O. – 7-26-2020=

2:50 pm.

Hindsight -2021=41=5E.

The tension with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr has eased, it was not really him but what he was carrying with him in his frequency wave.
A battle between the Beautiful Ancestor and the Ancestors, who wanted to evolve at all costs, even if it meant destroying the entire play.

I have already spoken about this, and my protest to Nnamdi, that there must be a better way.
There was, is, but he, He-she were stubborn and insisted, he had too much faith in the seed of his truth aligned to mine that he planted in you.

Older Facebook friends will recall the play with Dror Ashua.
Author of Conversation with Angels, and aligned to Ancient Egypt.
I met him at 97 Maha Rose via Lisa Levine and Marcia.
Both of them had memories of ancient Egypt as well as Marcia, who had the dreaming vision of a great flood and people in the cities being overwhelmed and destroyed while she and others found themselves on a Mountain top where “Angelic Beings” had opened up a portal to another Dimension which they were moving people through.

Dror Ashua and I had connected in recognition as being Brothers in Ancient Egypt, and when I told him what had been done to me, and my body, he refused to believe it, saying it was against Eternal Law.
So, one weekend, he decided to go up to his home in Woodstock, where he took a boat out onto his private lake on his property. There on his lake in the middle of the night he went in his higher state, and what he saw freaked him out to such a degree, that he immediately called me to tell me, that it was true, That he had seen being, horrors attached by a chord to my waist, he said the line of this creatures stretched to the very gate of Infinity and Eternity and had refused to let go of me, saying that they wished to pass through with me, he told me that he had starred in Horror and yes, there was fear because what he was seeing, witnessing was against Eternal Law.
I had felt vindicated that someone in this realm near my Cee and who was once a Brother Beloved in Nnamdi Script and past play- hence since I share Nnmadi’s memories, Body and Being, I knew him too.

I have written this.
And other higher beings in Human form came to my page, Charity Kanu had said the play was like the film Highlander which starred Christopher Lambert.
C L.

*”When the mystical Russell Nash (Christopher Lambert) kills a man in a sword fight in a New York City parking lot, he leaves a sliver of an ancient weapon lodged in a car in the process. After brilliant forensics specialist Brenda Wyatt (Roxanne Hart) recovers evidence of the mysterious weapon, she and her partner, Lt. Frank Moran (Alan North), embark on an investigation Of Nash that will land them in the middle of a dangerous, centuries-old feud between powerful immortals.
Release date: March 7, 1986 (USA)
Director: Russell Mulcahy
Featured song: Princes of the Universe”

Princes of the Universe,
Sacred portal 126.
( A-Z. Azure to Arden L F. Yesterdays post ended 12:06 am)

Lamb Agnes.

I woke up to 3 12 code on my page, I had half expected to find a message from Liberty C.Liscomb.
But she is now coded as L.C – correctly.
This was L.C.
L C -C L.
L O L.
L F.L.

A:L F L.

Azure! Jeron and of course, Arden…- linked to Aurelia.

As well as the code of 11O.
And 242 Again the full circle of the Story.
Sacred Portal 110.
I have been so pissed with Kim because he was carrying the memory of that play with Nnamdi as well as my Bio Father, the play I had said no to, and which he had rebelled, and done it his way, which since I am intrinsically connected to Nnamdi as well as Arden, I was caught in the middle and left to clean up the mess of that belief he had in the people of this realm and story.
He had taken the greatest risk of all as his incarnation of Cecilia Onuabuchi as Mother Harmony Supreme, to complete her story.

So yes, the script had proven that C K, C. Kanu. That this became about the Immortals and the One.
See Jet Li ( J L= 22 V) movie “The One”

See Sacred Portal 31 A.L F L.
And see the name Arden= 42.
So 242 is Arden to Jeron Satya to Azure.

Last night, I had left a message to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr if he could pick me up some sugar, I did require sugar, but I felt that I was being Manipulated by Nnamdi Azure-Aurelia Jeron Arden.
See sacred Portal 31.
42+31= 73
Obumneme Ndubisi Mike/E-kim- Kolo.
37 Haris Babic.
37 Esteban Filgueria.

I finally got up, and I knocked on Kim’s room, I just looked at his face and the energy frequency and I knew that thing that was interfering had gone.
Those ancestors allowed to meddle with me as Dror saw, having called me when I was now at Akil Apolla Davis portal and with Timothy and Beyond, as Evan Alexander Judson, Rachel Sessions, Rachel Williams in August- Nov December 2011.
and let on Nnamdi’s Birthday 4-5-2012. and I received the confirmation when I looked back and saw that he had contacted me at 9:09 am.
Sugar was the name of John Shaw’s Bethrothed I had met, and whom he later betrayed, but only after discussing it with me first.
He did the betrayal with Marina Biruni- I was witness to it.

Yesterday in came up in a post by Rainer in Artist Writers Post etc.. The name George Bernard Shaw, and the quote
*”If you begin by sacrificing yourself to those you love, you will end by hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself.

George Bernard Shaw.
G B S.
7 @ 219 South Whitney.

* Mobile Simulation
* Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just showed me Google Maps street view- its looks like a two Dimensional Simulation.

9:09 am.

3:55 pm right now.
Nnamdi had to contend with the illusion of himself as my Bio Father and his representing the Rage of man.
My Bio Father as well as my Brother Nnamdi had been held responsible for this mess of ages by doing it his way and then becoming the rage which was my bio father.
I had to find a way to prove the both innocent, that this reality was not created by their play of Love as Sacrifice, The Yeshua Christ interpretation nor was being a Man about Authority- Anger and rage.
Nor was the father or even mother responsible for their children once they had provided their offspring all that they required to become.
But to do that, and through the play of Magic and Science of the Ancients to align it back from all the abuse of Authority, Power- to enter into that play, which allowed that breaking of Eternal Law to do what Dror saw was being done to me…

4:02 pm.
Sacred Portal 42. “OHM” Vibrations as Power versus the Illusion of Power.

A Story made to appear so real, that it affected, my literal Body and Being.
To extricate from the weave that one thread “Fil-Gueria” The thread of the Excellent Healer-from all that which people, shamans, witch doctors, Mad Scientists, humans had incarnated through the ages, then bind a person (me) to prove it in an unseen court of Law- through a script of Terrible Death given to me, allowed to attack me, right up to the gates of Infinity and Eternity.
I E 95.
That is what we discussed today with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr the child support the court ordered him to pay Queen for serenity- He has already paid 285 USD.
Man 28. 5 is Azure Blue the E Family.
Thomas Lang:4-7-85.

You the public present have seen what I was put through- all having to be played out on this script designed for me to fail and fall into despair at the impossibility of this even being possible to be at 95 to enact sacred portal 59 while rescuing the true…

I have no words or further comments.

That is when I saw that I had a new Facebook friend
Thai Kathaleen.
T K.
Born 7-26-1998.

“You sent a man alone into this world mentality, this script, in the USA New York to Florida and Connecticut to public End this reality?

4:19 pm.
Dharma Sanatana.
D A I- Sacred Portal 53.
D.S = 23. 2003.
23= 5.
Double VV 22 22. 44- 8-I.
To enact Eternal Law E L = 17.


On Facebook and on a designated E.M Field, using money and ego as the currency?
99 66 9 is really 6.
9-6= 15, letter O. 1+5=6.
And in a realm of Hatred, Cruelty- Superiority, with my body attached to the success of the mission the 1700 Facebook friends, not allowing the Quantum Transformation until all that which was attached to me literally, who refused to transform represented by Jae Sherman was proven non-existence and representing the expression of a non-existent past which they held on as real and still expected to Evolve and Awaken. while refusing to obey Eternal Law.

As I stated, what I have experienced and witnessed here, I had to see it and witness for myself, while determining that it was not real.
While witnessing to my face as The Creator.
The Source, why, and how it was allowed to go this far until not only did it no longer have fear, no respect but watch it ignore all the evidence and facts.
As well as the Empathy and Compassion showed, as I endured the impossible alone each day in my room…

4:34 pm.
Tell me what can one say or respond to that?

So here we are at 1700 Facebook Friends, having gone back to the Body and Being as The Past, to restore it back to its beautiful truth. at 17.
Arden was 17 the last time I saw him, he is now 18.
and its is 180 Facebook friends from the 1520 Facebook friends I had when I left him at 900 South Road.

Thai Kathleen.

You do recall that only in Thailand do you have the concept of the Black Hole in their religion as consequence.
Or that through a person called Per, which is Dutch, did Akil Apollo Davis begin to visit Thai Land where he learned to use Masks and trained under Thai Masters in the Dance of the thai people.

T K. O.
9 + years ago.
I moved there in August, my bio Father’s Birthday, I was still 10 years ago at 97 Maha Rose chez Lisa Levine. LL. Where I had sung to an audience life, “Can you tell me why you are Beautiful”

T.H.A.I 20 8 – A.I. (1.9)
*”According to a user from Vietnam, the name Thai is of Vietnamese origin and means “Wisdom/Wise”.

*”A user from Thailand says the name Thai is of Thai origin and means “Free; Freedom”.
A user from Germany says the name Thai is of Chinese origin and means “to be free”.
A submission from Trinidad and Tobago says the name Thai means “Great and Powerful” and is of Thai origin.
According to a user from Vietnam, the name Thai is of Vietnamese origin and means “Wisdom/Wise”.
A submission from Vietnam says the name Thai means “Intelligent”.
According to a user from Germany, the name Thai means “Safe”.

“Free. F
Freedom F
To Be Free. T B F.
Great and Powerful. G A P
Wisdom Wise. WW
Intelligent. I
Safe” S


*”Thai names follow the Western European pattern of a given name followed by a family name. … pagodas; lek means ‘little (one)’, a common name for younger siblings).”

*”A list of names in which the usage is Thai. … Means “sun” in Thai, derived from the name of the Hindu god Aditya. Arun ???? m Indian, Hindi, Marathi, …”

*”Means “matchless, unique, without equal” in Sanskrit. This is a transcription of both the feminine form ?????? and the masculine form ?????. It …”

*”Meaning of Thais: Possibly means “bandage” in Greek. This was the name of a companion of Alexander the Great.”

*”The Thai alphabet has 44 consonants and 15 vowel symbols, in addition to as many as 28 vowel forms, and 4 tone diacritics. Similar to Chinese, variations in tonal pronunciation can also completely change the meaning of a word. ”

*1544 C-Town Supermarket.

Little One.
Matchless, without equal.
Bandage. *smh incredible I actually saw this code play out in a movie two days ago.

It’s true, I find myself missing Arden more and more each day, and thinking of Aurelia.
I know it is me but I also wonder if it is them, this play and script moving them more and more in my Satya. Jeron!!!.

I think of Leander and Ferrell too…

5:08 pm.

Kathleen *”Kathleen as a girl’s name is of Irish origin and a variant of the Greek name Katherine meaning “pure”. It was first used outside of Ireland in the 1840s.”

It is obvious what this is saying, that in order for this physical body not to die but dies via Transformation one must be Pure.

And what is Purity.

5:11 pm.
E K.
Emeka Kolo
E-AA Arden Aurelia – Kim/ MI.K.E.

Intent and that base effects Though Speech, Actions, and Expression, in fact, all Being to Body.
Consideration of all the facts.

This is why the Beautiful Devils to Mary Magdelena could pass through the greatest Evils, Corruption Filth, and partake, without fear and not be affected or infected.

5:19 pm.
You just left me hanging in space dark matter for 29 years 28.8 years to be exact, like the Vitruvian Man, telling me nothing, leaving me without even power as I fought that which seemed to have no end, that which I solved and equated, fought with such will day and night and seemed to have no effect, you left me there with no clue. Nothing.
5:22 pm.

E V.

For Nothing at all.

5:23 pm.

E W.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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