
24th October 2O 14

24th October 2O 14

X is 24

X is Ten

October is Tenth Month.. X

Octo is 8 in Latin

Date X/X/XX XIV..


Obviously, I am still in the 4th-3 Dimension play called the Web of Illusions.

And obviously, I am still clearing all the woven cobwebs which man created.

And yes, my body is twisted and alive, stimulating signalling me as I am a seperated from it and my consciousness within me from the Eneka the being whole and present.

As usual, all night I descended into my subconscious or to E where my E.T Consciousness began revealing the riddles of today.

Which were more or less about numbers being transformed into meaning.

And Black and Whiite being transformed into transparency and lightened up color.

Of course, as anyone following this play of my.being compelled to solve and respond to the play of Existence and Non Existence, from my seat in the last of the Philosophical Religious behaviourial patterns of the Collective and Individual mind mapping, brain washing and patterns of ceasless repitiveness which have occurred through humanities time in space.

The Real Pans Labyrinth is the Nap in which, first as a Space Craft called the mind in space, I found.myself on a white Galaxy phone speaking to you all from the Star Ship Epiphany Enterprise as Captain Pi Car D to the Human Brain where most ppl were trapped in behaviourial patterns so illogical that it set them adrift in space of non Existence…

Moving ppl to the illusion made real.of the Zero as the Black Hole.

Recently Stephen Hawkins a recanted his views on the theorey of the Black Hole (B.H..28) to a Grey Hole (G.H..78)…and even to a White Hole (W.H..23 8…double You is Harmony Infinity…the line of E which I have proven exists in all humanity…this is the Equation we completed yesterday played out by two ppl…

One both aware of the others dimensions of this play but one not having the humility to understand it fully, but instead using that awareness to its advantage and the other, not.being fully being able.understand the cause and effect of expressions and actions not aligned to.natural law…

-Meaning no, one is above the law of harmony, and more so if you have heightened senses of perception, gifts or qualities of Evolution geberated from your ancestors making the correct yes, no choices in thier life times which activates that Gene of E

Then you have a greater responsibility than others.to be impeccable.

To be impeccable is not difficult, nor is acheivibg the state of perfection.

Perfection is already planted in you as E. And Impeccablity is the response of listening and learning from the E in you which moves and flows through you.

All you have to do.is keep your being (thoughts- grey matter-Brain illusions) clean by pausing each day to Reflect on your day by.leaving your body…and going into.the Space of Nothingness…

Nothing is the Mattee frame of mind…Called the Pool or seat of.the soul l, and from that point, look from outside of your body and days experience, to observe the play objectively Alpha Omega, full Circle…

Until the Fog, mist, Ice, Fire, begins to clear..

*Think the Mists of Avalon, the Round Table and the true quest for the Golden Fleece.

Which is of course, understanding with clarity the point of the experience.

Only in that Objective (not subjective) moment of Stillness does the Blackness of thoughts turn to.Grey, then white. Then Ah Transparency and suddenly, you are looking into.a still.circle lake, a magical looking glass…

And suddenly, the full True View of that experience plays out tonits point…Alpha Omega Alpha..Ah…

And then, the Mind Heart is at peace (Obiekwe) and then.you.can land dissolve back into your body.

Your body and being BB..aligned 22..V in the Alpha bet, by.then expressing to your lover, a Friend.a person whom you share that journey.and understanding in which you travelled outside of time and space.

V is 5…the Fifth Dimension and to link BB back.into one, there must be expression…

Beautifully Expression which creates response of Awe or rising in the other…

This is the Festival of Sharing, the Story of Paylasmask, this is how Harmony Infinity Exchange (H.I.E), first conversation.

This is.what made Eros E, Rise and this is how his Lover rose to greet him, his.twin and then his lady..

For this was thier first love making the three in One…EEE..555…35 (C.E…the Cee of E) and it 3×5=15, O in the Alpha Bet- the Full Circle of the

1 5..A.E…The 1 Everything.


And this is why and how The Everyrhing that ever was and Ever can be is all E.

And only E.

We left the Galaxy play after I had established in my Sam Sung White Phone (Sam Sang the meabibg of his Name…Respinding to.Mucgeal which means Who is as God? And Samuel which means The who is as God sang the song if Purity…that is is the one as God…Not the White Man who has inspired more Hate…and love than any other race who has ever existed, that is why most will become extinct, to get rid of that superiority complex evolving to Humanities original.intention….the Tan Race…from Cream complexioned to chocolate light and dark.)

And so, my the Galaxy was established through my Phone as really the Gala XY…a festival of Celebration of Sharing for 9 days 9 years.

But then I had to come back full circle to.my.former hosts place, after my Gaka Xy why phone waa stolen, and the police directed me to Avenue D…

I.knew what it meant…D.In A…

And so, I came to 4th Street and recieved a Gift from God

A Black Boost phone on the Wifi Airplane line…

And, they play was about the Bkackness which surrounded the light, creating an illusion of an impregnable wall of Darkness..

Matter, the body diseased…

Where the idea being that the Beautiful Truth could not penetrate the Hide of Dr.Jekyll and Nr Hide…

The Coal Miner illusion of Soft whose Arrogance Indifference Denial And Selfishness created from that pressure of rage and gravity of bearing Blame False Accusation and no accountability…creates beings as Hard as Die A Monds…

And once more, undercover I was sent under cover to find the source of this Black Hatred and who inspired this arrogant selfish King Tut…

The one who.feels no remorse, the one who.will always take advantage of gentlness to play at what he always wished to.be…the Big Bully.

The Faggot boy girl smouldering desiring cowering undercover…

And I saw this played out last.night.with two.players, one who.led me to this dimension S.B and the point A S…

Years later, I get the point..

The Supreme Being is an Arrogant Selfish

(Son of a Bitch…Irie…me?)

And now, you tell me you.made a mistake after sending one to such a fate and tell me I.must forgive you.You must forgive you yourself first, and if you can forgive yourself of such a thing, then it means that.you are the Source Being the Arrogant Selfish Son of a Bitch…

I ri E..?

I laugh.

This is what I call the real Catch 22…the 2 2 who can never the 4 or the V.

And the.true meaning of The Loop of the Loup Devouring Wolf Fenrir..

Forgive you…

Forgive yourself First..

And in that action you will see the true sourcebof the Blackest Rage…to.you the sources of Evil and Hate..and that why.rhe sin against.the Holy Espirit, is the one unforgivable sin….

It ends Existence…

And that is why ppl dissapear

They are not Left Behind

To infect, this Beautiful Place…

You.must be joking…

They are going to Hell.

They.made that horror story possible and now real

Dhantes Inferno D.I.

Aye I



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