
2:49 PM

2:49 pm



I do appreciate those who sent me Happy Birthday messages, but it really is not a Happy Birthday for me, I am a happy person – no one can take that away from me.

But it’s not a Happy Birth Day to me is it- for those who have been reading my posts.

I am still not yet home.

But Tree wrote a post which is to be the greatest gift of all.

It’s the gift of someone who has respected my work and my authority, and the truth of the play and the unfortunate script I am in.

My journey was to prove not only evolution awakening but to prove that apart from myself, that there are others like me.

As those who have been paying attention- you might understand what Tree Chiefy Kim represents the Victorious People.

2:56 pm.

And that there is another who understands and can represent the E Consciousness when I leave, am released.

That my bondage and imprisonment in this dimension and this world and this script was to prove not only that there are others like me, but that there would one, who embodied the E Family Consciousness who could replece me.

There is more than one.

And there is also the proof that Huanity never needed me or this evil done to me.

I found it all infuriating because the E Awareness is in every one, and that these Ancestors of Time did not would not release me and my body until they were satisfied that there would be one who they could rely on to express with the same consciousness I have represented.

They wanted me to prove that not only was there One.. or others who could literally take over from me.

Jae Sherman is the proof that Humanity you never required me.

And Kim its embodiment by learning through a long process that Spiral.

Liberty I.Q as Love and Devotion.

Stephen Johnson who I have never met in this dimension understanding from very far…

Recall Gavin and Brian.. 70 40 = 110 usd

Sacred portal 110.

Eternal Family.

And observe the supremacy of Miguel Figueroa sixth sense.

No, you never required me, nor this journey of true living hell.

It was fear – I knew, fear of just in case, fear which drove the Unseen to influence the See as in Avatar descendants of the physical realm and this fear made them go way too far.

It was always about evolution awakening not who I am or my Identity, nor about power and authority.

Not even was it about Truth or Love it was about a celebration and a E Famiy re-unionEase and not work.

Jae Sherman spoke about the requirement of people being ignorant and the depth of what had done to this reality that they had no mirror they could trust to confirm the truth they already knew and being made to feel so alone.

S-He is correct of course, nor did I not wish to share, but my greatest talent was being an Artistist and I wish to share naturally through the way what I knew from my own experience what would move humanity film Dance, art this is how I wished to show and share my knowledge.

Not being forced by the unseen who live in the Astral plane of Thoughts and Memory – who meddled with your own perception and your right to See clearly.

There is only one person whose birthday it is today, aligned to mine on of my facebook friends.

Elliot Thornside.

E T.

Eliot means Jevoha Jah is God.


‘With Strength and Right’ or ‘Bravely and Truly’ or ‘Boldly and Rightly’ or ‘The Lord is my God’

E T.. 5 20.

Eternal Truth.

Extra Terrestrials

My youngest brother Obumneme ‘Boom Boom aka Mike.

/ E K I M.


100 C.

Laura Walsh sent me intel 444 code,

It aligns to the play of Debbie Santana and her mother Mary Santana .. Mary comes from the word Mryyh – the perfume used to anoint the Cherished and Beloved- The Chosen Ones.

It was sent to me by Jae, at 4:44 pm



13…44 4 3(4) 4(3)

I decided not to translate it, or explain or Tell you all what it means.

It is so easy to understand the message.

Its 3:43 pm right now.

444 play was about read the writing on the wall.

left side.

Nnamdi was left handed.

Left Right


12 444

18. 666.





At last there is nothing more to explain – from Chris Filgueira to Esteban to Kim Jae, John Mack, Liberty – all the pieces of the Jigsaw puzzle of the E family Past Present and Future have all been collected- that is the true reason I continued to decipher and explain- not because of the ancestors Unseen and the shamans, dibia, witch doctors – all so much in fear that this is real.

I am here present – I connect with solid beings-here present, I connected with, not with the Unseen.

Be Here Now.

B H …N

2 8 … 14.


We are two Emeka Arden

Kim is K 1010 J J.

1100 40 70.


That is the number on my page.

3 Usd in my wallet.

Is that appreciation and gratitude to me, for all the work to educate you on the E Consciousness?

Do you see the Logic and Reasoning that you have made it clear, that you do not appreciate or Need me at all.

Just as I stated, this is my worth to you- but seen through the E Script, 3 U.SD means Understanding Universe Supreme @ Dellta Divine Frame

Consciouness Speed of light

Sol to E Universe Suprme Devotion.

C E Understanding Santana Dharma Awareness, Attention Awakening – is Eternal Law,

E L= 5 12= 17… Arden- Alexander Darius

5x 12= 60

Jeron Satya S Lang= 60.

17 + 60 = 77.

add E, Fifth Dimension

5 = 82.

or 77= 1… 14 49

1 +5= A E. 1 14 49= 74

G D.

7 4 = 11 28… 39 C I.

C I… it means Consciousness Infinite.

Creative Individuals.

C M e 4/3

Inverse Charles Manson * recall Billy Hung who knew Charles Manson personally.

Jae Sherman just came out a moment ago to tell me she was watching him and that he had passed a way in 2017.

Same year as the Total Solar Eclipse and same age as Arden.

217 Fairfield Avenue is where I lived – yes he was Lucifer who showed the perfect reflection of Sheep not being able to think for themselves, dependent on another to see leads to…

Catherine Moens

Joseph father of Jesus.

Jesus Lucifer.

J L = 22 V.

Yoseph Satan.

Y S… 25 19= 44.

Y E S.. P Perfection.

4:17 p.m.

4:18 p.m

Techincally it is not my Birthday until 8 p.m this evening.

I am back at 1508 Facebook Friends. = 23 W Double VV.

22 22 = 44= 8… 8 16. E=M.F’s Birthday.

4:19 .. 4:20 pm

D S D T… Weed.

Barbara Brimage Weeden

Babylone Berline Weed -EN.

Emeka Nnamdi.

= 19 S.. Steven Esteban – Crowned.

19 A I.

Arden I…D E N David Emeka Nnamdi.

Amour Ifunnanya

Love true meaning is I C I See

Inner Cee. I C

Outter See. O S

I O Sacred Portal 90 Spirit E

OS. Full Circle of perfection the marriage and merging of the Inner and Outter Cee.

No word from Arden Ferrill Aurelia Leander and because of my phone I can not get in touch with Jeron.

Liberty sent me a message speaking for herself as it should be.

I feel no resentment to the youth not acknowledging me today- after all the scipt belongs to Arden Nnamdi.

Arden E Ferrill.


A E.. F.

No new Face book friends today

Favour Felico David is my last Facebook friend, which signifies to me, that i can rest.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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