
2:48 pm. – 4-5-20 21. – Hello. –

2:48 pm.

4-5-20 21.


I really have little to say truth be told, I have long since tired of this role of acting as Scribe and Scholar.

I do not believe in this Script- its far too evil and celebrates Evil in holding up the conclusion as manifestation by creating excuses of waiting for you the people to be ready… meanwhile this world and its people continue thier march to Oblivion or Awakening.

I do get frightened by it, its ability to use my body still.
The cruelty of it, and its abuse of power.
What will come out of such a script?
I am not in the dark about what is happening, I can read.
I am the one translating it, weaving it… and I am fully aware of its unnecessary meandering and why.
I can see clearly- but I have no fear of it for I understand its choice and long route it chose to bring forth Manifestation.
It is this choice it made that makes it frightening.

Yesterday there was a play here, it involved that Movie Primal, ( the boat was called Mimer which means “To Mime” Mimic and copy” and then the latter movie Rattle Snake ( R S) which deals with the Cross Roads and the Devil-Satan- Voodoo: Ref New Orleans.
I found myself soon in contemplation of my Paternal Grandmother- her memories rising in me as the frequency she represents rose in me with all her lines expression memories.
She was the one my bio Father kicked out of the house twice- violently.
What I recollected about her was through a Handsome woman was her Large Bones, she had been married to my Paternal Grandfather who was a Post Master General of Southeren Nigeria pre-colonial time, a rare post for an indigenous person to have attained back then.
But she bullied him terribly from what I gathered, and my bio father despised his mother for what she did to his father who died in 1967.

Yes, 1967.
Spencer Tracy.
The last age code I lived here in this script.

My Bio Father, had stressed to us the importance of washing our hands after shaking her hands, convinced that he would truly and poison us by using an old technique of placing poison in her nails.

Perhaps a bit, but he knew her better than anyone and he did not hesitate to through her out when my youngest brother, woke up one day complaining that she had come to him one night and as a Black-winged shadow and sat on his chest, paralyzing him so he could not move, he must have been 6 or 7 years.
It was only years later that I discovered that he too, though a Veterinary Surgeon, was also skilled in Wizardy and “Voodoo”.

The internet, had gone off, and there was no anger in me for Jae, because I had noted that the film Rattle Snake had gone of when my awareness was flooded with memories of my Paternal Grandmother- once again the dead flowing through the living for me to solve their riddles, twisting my already loosening body.

I was simply weary, I knew it the line of the Post Office was aligned to Kim as well as the non-existent was flowing through Jae.
Carbon Copy and Copy Cat Principles.

I already understood the play- I was bored, tired… of solving riddles, knowing full well that I was being taken advantage of even at this point.

Simply chose to play some music” Alicia Keys” ( A K)
I thought of Alicia Norris ( Morris) the Florida Keys. F K.
Aranith Kumar.
Andrey Klebanov close friend of John Mack- and his arrival.
And his being the link to the E Manuals.

3:22 pm. C V. Fahad Hassen
3:23 pm right now.

It is one of the most difficult things in existence, to force your self to pay attention to that which you have absolutely no interest in anymore.

I then found that Maxwell started to play “Woman’s World”-

Maxwell Coffee.
Reign Maxwell Santana.
Sacred Portal 34.

I had asked Kamora Herrington id she could send Kim- Tree 20 usd to buy some Pot Brownies from his friend.
She did so while sending him 17 usd for some video work.
The Pot brownies help my body.

I went to the Kitchen, not able to contain my self in that little room.
And then Maxwell’s ascension came on, and Nnmadi… I felt the last of him rise in me and its was really him.
I knew he had been buried in Amawbia, my Bio Fathers home town.
And there was this play in the Spirit world- and of my Grandfather not wanting him to buried there, but to be brought back from there where my grandfather said he did not belong but was from Umunri- The direct blood line of Eri- the founder of NRi.
I knew of the plan to use me to retrieve him from the earth- amawbia.
I was aware of it, but it was something which did not really concern me I felt or even Nnamdi- we are not from here, and he has always been with me.

But I noticed as I moved through the portals that my Bio Families Paternal Line was always present- the Primal nature, as well as the Atlantean Nature.
And that I was moving through the Earth as the Ancient Spirit world to the Spiritual rep of not only the Black Panther, Leopard, Wolf-Dog/Cat but also Amawbia where Nnamdi had been buried.

* You may recall how my last reminaing uncle, spoke of seeing me dead and buried that only he was present to mourn me.
And how the Bishop of Amawbia had stopped him about 5 years ago and told him that he had a vsion while in Rome, of a terrible curse and voodoo buried in my bio fathers Hometown concerning me, and that it was a curse so vile- that he could not bring himself to tell me its details except that it was a curse designed to make whatever I did or created to fail, until I would go insane and destroy myself.

Yes, similar to the web site which popped up on the internet with my Creation Story of the family of T E N and The Elegant Nomad article uploaded on the code 11-28 and 1966.

3:42 pm.
Why are we still in the Story, when the Story is concluded?

Its the Earth Story- which is no longer a story, because the Earth Frequency is real- it is a book of records- unlike the Ideas Expressed throughout time by Humanity using words.
The Earth is real.
The planets are real- the Universe is real, infused with teir purpose as a Guide and Blue Print of Existence.

I felt Nnmadi rise in me, as if finally released from the earth itself where he had been imprisoned- his Bones at least.

We used to sing as kids to him “Cupid drop Nnamdi’s bones..!”

My Paternal Grandmother, yes was a Witch- Sorcerer, and the intel which flooded through me was healing for the aches and pains of my body.
Earth and I knew she represented the oldest part of the earth as Bones.
The frame- Skeleton.
The Grid and Mesh in the E Consciousness.

There was no doubt in me that it was Nnamdi who rose in me in the kitchen as I listened to the words of the song, then Maxwell’s Life Time, song, then finally Pretty Wings.
I was moved, and there was beautiful grief as that last part of his being and body trapped in this Earth Log spoke.
But though that was real and factual, I was not buying this play.

What is real or factual in a play such as this, gone on for so long, and why would I care?

I acknowledged him quietly and my heart opened to beautiful grief for a moment, then closed, to Icy Cold, numbness, Cool indifference- not to him and what was taking place with his rising in me, but the alignment of Body to Earth.

He would have been 52 years old today.
The last time I saw him in a body he was wearing my hand me downs in Blue Sweater and Brown Check pants.
It was in a coffin and I had called out that this was not Nnamdi.
And the last time alive he was age 12.
That is 40 years ago.
Sacred Porlal 40.

Why would I hold onto a memory when he is here with me, because he is me.

I knew when I met Arden that I was still in that play of Ancient Africa and bloodlines as well as the E.
I knew the Amawbia play of my Paternal line was present in that house, right to that painting of the Beautiful Afro woman in her living room whom she noted had the same features.

* You can see here in the Facebook Memories photo of the three Graces and three Sorcerers of Existence “Elementals” she is the one darkest in completion near to the one with the Golden Leave representing Aurial – Autumn Tess.

Arden Dolphin- Shark- Panther Wolf.
Aurelia is a Tiger.
Tigers are one of the only animals who hunt and eat Man.

I later went to my room and came back out to find that Jae ( who told me that she had been in a car accident and was sore all over… I had paused incredulously, saying nothing- did she really compare what is happening in my body to herself?!)

I found that She-he, had left all these things on the table she had bought for my body to help it heal.

A Wave of anger and then exhaustion filled me.

4:09 pm.
4:10 pm.

I did not ask for any of this, I do not speak with her, at all except when absolutely necessary.
I live in a totally different perception of reality.

And it is self-evident as to who I really am, and what is my true Identity and who sent me.
But I recognized that it was a play still.

I just quietly took what she had bought me- I did not need it.
I had the brownies.
I have endured the intrusion in my body for 20 years and alive for the last 17 -18.
No one really gave a damn for years.
It did not stop people from behaving badly.
Or forgetting that I go through this every day because of the frequencies they emit and because I am encased here, solving their riddles past as ancestors to present.
That they had fought me.
Been lazy.
placed their own needs above that of the Earth Script and World Script.

4:19 pm.
D S.

But, I thanked her later for the gesture.
Manners Respect.
E M R E?

Isn’t that medicine after death.
The Pot Brownies is what I asked for, Kamora Herrington paid for them 10 10 USD. 20 usd.
Tree – Kim bought them.
I had placed them on the appropriate place on my Wooden Desk.

Now I had this seemibly expensive treatment packets from Bali.
Donna O Sullivan has a friend who lives in Bali.
Her name is Deborah.
Deena Deborah. ( not her- her rep) and she is a still a facebook friend.
Bali is the only place where they have a religion which incorpoartes the Black Hole as Exitential Death.

Akil Apollo Davies, whom I lived with worked in Bali where he visited many times to study Mask Art- It was his place the portal of the Universal Sensei’s who had taken advantage of my role as the son of my Father and used it to test me…

* I watched the movie two days ago and had not even bothered to post it for the records.
* Both John Mack and Liberty C Liscomb have recordings of me, John at the very beginning when I arrived at 29 Lincoln Street and Liberty at the 64 portal.

* I am still playing Clark Kent, Metatron-Thoth- Scribe Scholar- recording everything which took place here while I was made to play the Emre and the Holy Spirit.
Truth- Satya-Ezi-Okwu…
The most undesirable role to ever force onto a person, especially in this world of Liars and Egomaniacs- who if they do not like what you are saying- even after getting evidence that you are Truth itself, with lash out an crucify you.
Is that not what was done to the line of all the Yeshua- Christ lines in what ever incarnation in this world- and they came as Love- to share a message of Love.
Can you imagine then what would be done to his elder brother made to represent Santana Dharma – The truth and not Love this time.

Truth is Love.
Truth is Light.
T L 20 12= 32… 5 E.
I came here when Kim was 32, he is now 33.

Black Seed oil.
Bali B:
Red Maeteng.
Red Bali.

Jae has a friend called Debbie as you may recall, who is terminally Ill.
So is my own Deborah friend of Donna O Sullivan.
Jae’s other Mother is Donna and her other friend Debbie- and Jennifer.
D D J/ J D D.
Do you recall the money code given to Kim- Tree as 104 usd.
T D Terrible Death.
And his play with Jamel D?

My Jamel at Delta Manor was Jamel Salter. J S.
born 7-17. Code G Q.
Gentleman’s Quarterly.
From Jon Delguidce- Blackwell with Steven Cobert on the cover?
Do you know what Colbert means?

*”Colbert is an Irish, English, and French surname and given name of uncertain etymology. … This English surname was originally a given name that may have meant “cool” and “bright”, “Famous”see also Bert.
Bob Bert Hans.

It has the same meaning as Robert- Donna O Sullivans Father.
Robert Coffee- Erik Ebright’s best friend whom I freed from “slavery” to Erik Ebright, from his loyalty and friends ship to Erik so he could finally visit his family – mother was dying.

Do you recall Robert- Ardens Friend?

Jamal was the one who had been astounded to find an orange cat following him- leading him as a guide.
He gave me the drawing he had made of Anubis by Pyramind wearing sneakers and carrying Nunchuks.

NUN In the Movie “Dune” -Sound. Mohadip and Jessica.

Chuck who Nick Levine had organized as his place to stay when I came here in 3-30-2001.

Leander Gemino- Anubis- I gave the Death Skull and the Knights Templar.

Gentlemen Quantum
Man Jumps- Leaps over the 4 ( Leap Year every 4 years. 2016-2020. 20 20 Vision.

4:59 pm.
Over the Destruction of this World Stoy.
End of the Story.
End of this World.
End of this version of Earth.

Today’s date is the 4-5-20 21.

It is 5:00 pm right now.

Man Jumps Leaps to EDEN

True Men.
T M are Gentlemen -Warriors Supreme.
See your Legends of Heroic Man.
Can any of you in all honesty make the claim of being Honest Men- Heroic Man or Woman?

You are just pawns set up in a play in which through you the dead are moving through- and if I had not been made to be present- right to your homes- absorbing all the frequencies moving through your EMF’s- you would be none the wiser… and even then still not care because someone else is being made to prove and clean up the mess.

And Evil Earth and Universe having absorbed all your expression past to present, and demanding that it be cleaned up before you can rise, transformed.

5:06 pm.

Why should such a story interest me?

And yet, I am bound to it- even my departure from here- even to the arrival of the ones designated to lead me home.
Through such an Evil Script in which irresponsible Human Children are used as Sheilds by the Evil in this Existence which none wish to take responsibility for even as the stare at the possibility of the immensity of what this is…

They – You proclaim yourselves fearless and rely upon someone else will bear the responsibility and consequences, and that you can get away with “Murder.. SHE wrote”

5:12 pm.
E L.

Why on Earth By Jupiter – Saturn.

3rd 5th and 6th Planet.

E J S should I concern myself with such a Script?

I am just documenting it.
So I too shall remember… Every Thing.

So yes, I told Jae Sherman that her gesture was appreciated- I know what moved her, sent her… controls her.

And it has nothing to do with me or the Eternal Family Evolved called Hue-mans- for you are yet to be that.

Ladies and Gentlemen as Warriors Supreme.
These were your Beautiful Ancestors B A 20 20 Vision. 20 21 the one Silk Thread retrieved in you as that last hope of Humanity evolved back to Eden Paradise.

5:19 pm.
E S.

From Elementary School.

So, truly, what do you expect me to say, except to simply record the Plain Truth of what took place and how, I was confined in the realm of Liars who just refused to come clean and this is how and why this earth version and species ended.

5:22 pm.

E V.

I really have nothing to say personally.

I just record the Truth as I was made to see it – reading at the same time between the lines.

15 5 1.

A E E A.

Pass between the gap.

5:23 pm.

E W.
E D.V.
E V V.

All of you are already aware of my absolute disdain contempt and disgust for this Script I was made to clean and absorb, so there is no desire in me to comment about that point of view you already know.

My Orange lighter, gave up the ghost last night after that final play.

I had a quiet sneer on my face.

I said nothing, after all what really is there to say.



O L. E. A N O N M E?
N E W O R E L E A N S?

5:27 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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