
2:48 P.M.

2:48 P.M.




B:D H.. Being Death Harmonious (Being of Sacred Portal 48)

X-C -H.



C-B D-H..

X is the Consciousness Harmony

Consciousness of the Beautiful Devil (Death) is Harmony (Every one and Everything dies..except E)

And who is X? X is the Circle the II who create the Caixas.. And show the way to the Center..

The Point.

I was meant to meet Sidney Davis at The Bean at 1O:15 PM today…3rd and 2nd.

He had suggested 1O:OO pm.

I had watched one of my favorite movies last night K-Pak which once again my former host put on arbituarily.

After coming to his home last night to observe that after I had posted the Fenrir equation his watching Wolverine.

Humans beings as I have been demonstrating are windows into Dimension.. Rays of Expression which I travel on full circle etc

K-Pak, Kevin Spacey as the Alien from K pak who visits Robert helps tell his story then leaves on a Beauteous Beam back to his home dimension trillions of lights years away in the constellation Lira..

He travels as a Consciousness…

The same way people Wake up at least once in thier Life’s when they see everything.

That is not really the same person you normally are, it is of course, of the highest frequency of you…

The E Conscious.Friend..E.F..H. (Harmony)

The E Consciousness Truth E C .T..C.E ..(Infinity Ectera.

And finally the E.Y…

Then E=EE…EEE..E

3:1O pm.

They were filming at 268 again, LA G-all-O

The Cock..T.C. 23,.W.

I checked the time and saw I would adjust the time to 1O:3O…

See 3:1O pm above.

I knew that Sidney was a messenger from the sources of my rage…

The Dibia, all that world who sent him to one last challenge

Turns this was all a contest about the Brain Mind

Sacred Portal 97…Light of the World Universe Existence…

Who is the most Intelligent..

Supreme Intelligence Awareness..



The stupidity of this play of the Spirit world really the illusion of Space as mind assuming that no one would solve the riddle of mind brain they had created as this earth being the world of illusion being the last place they could hide – since all other dimensions has been aligned and thus, they have been flushed out.

Apart from here, the realm of Death and the lie.

It began of course with the challenge to me as Death the Transformer not being able to defeat Death as Rags Violence…


But as I have already proven…

There is something greater than Violence

Physical Violence on the Body.

There is the Promise of Consequences Inevitable Consequence..


*that tag just popped up.. Perfectly Expressed.

It began with my reaching the cafe in time only to get the text that he was at 54th and 2nd…

I smiled.

Please look at Sacred Portal 54 Father and Mother at last dancing in Harmony Super Nova. The Big Orgasm.

The Closing of the Flower of Life which began with the Erie NRI Mission in the 11th Century..

*Story of AhTom and Energy …

– the Flower of Life story of expanding outwards to its point before Retracting inwards (not Contracting Contractions Contractors as Birth.

What was being born?

Creation, Universe Earth Galaxy. Everything has already been birthed through Joy and Love…Infunanya)

Please note the number of the building where The Bean is located on 2nd anf 3rd is 54.

Just as the one on 9th and 1st (91-19/1991..S.I.A) is number 147..

See Sacred portal 147 A B.

He later informed me that he did not know why he had gone to that address when it was clearly stated on my text between 3rd and 2nd.

But I knew why..

The Dibias or Shamans he told me he had visited to do his research in Igbo land had directed him…

3:49 pm

I am angry…even as we speak.

We sat down, and I immediately began the work of getting him out of his mind and grounding his consciousness in his being, by anchoring him in fact.

I knew that I was saving his life, and that my own Nnamdi had selected him to come home.

I was tired,

Tired of this play of Onu and V..The Fifth Chakra which links the Sacred passage as the Neck Throat..

Being the Bridge between two dimensions of E and A..

The Old and the new..

Nri-Africa ( Neel Akash) and A.M Erica.

Tired of the Insults to my person and treated as a slave and lowilest servant by the Usurpers who.had created that story..

The Igbo Middle East..


But I worked, to raise the E in him and release him from the binds of Death as a lie, as the organic Biological Cellular Expression of death.

Tired of ingratitude..

But I worked.

He told me of a recurring dream of his home being invaded by Caucasians..

Of his fear..

He had the dream last night..

I already knew it was the latest fear which exists in all African Americans of the cruelties inflicted upon thier ancestors..

Let them into your story

The Story of Africa, the past, belongs to all humanity…

All came from Africa,

This is why the African Shamans have that power over humanity…

The D.N A of humanity is indented in the D N.A of the Bio-cellular make up of all human bodies

It is this Computer Programs which they Ancestors who know the secret of Death is naught but a wall of Memory Forgetting..

M.F…which I have proven is nothing but an illusion. That E.N in all called E Naturallness is guiding you if you pay attention to your expressions and feelings.

Its affect on you and your expressions affect on you..

E.F is Expression Conscious and Fact Consciouness representing Air Breath Body Aware..

A B.B.A…

Let them in to the House let thier Stories in..

That is why I have aligned them all to one story.

This is not about brown or black or pale skin..

This is about all peoples experiencing All posibilites of Existence.

It is about All taking responsibility of what they as a species, not a culture identity, had created

The same fear that the Black American inherited for the White Race Seen and Witnessed power is the same which the ‘White Race is the inherited of the Unseen Witnessed Power of the Black Man

All about the Penis..?

But it is not the Sex but the power of understanding Death (Africa) and (Invention Creation..Europe.

The Middle Ground was, is America..

Which instead became a battle ground of that Ancient fear of each others which only through slavery, binding each other Through body and Spirit could they dominate thier fear

One binding the other in Death the after Life..

And the other in Life..

But both were and are illusions.

There is no Life here or Death outside.

These two parallel dimension which I playing

Okoro Mmadhu Okoro Mmuo..

And caught in between but really able to Exist in neither.

For there is only blindness darkness based on perception and perversion and ugly, ugly expression

He spoke about The Igbo Dibias who said he was Igbo but he said he did not have Igbo features…

That he was NRI..

Who had First Contact.

He affirmed this by stating that in 2O12 he heard a feminine (Female) voice asking him to come to Nigeria ..

He was in Aguleri NRI the Eze OINRi palace..

The same place where my Grandfather had taken me to see his friend the Eze NRI in which both had had a conversation about me…

The Eze NRI just as my Grandmother s line as my mother myself and siblings looked like they were of mixed blood…

We did not have atypical Igbo features.

I had come to 268 in 2O12..,but by the Date 21-12-12 I was in my own apart in K.EW Gardens Queens sponsored by Billy Hung who Nnamdi was moving.

It was like a game of musical chairs as to who you really are was manifested by where you were in that date.

Africa was represented in the movie 2O12 as the one last continent which remained

I representing the Black Stone..

Was in my own Space

The First time since moving to New York in 2OO1 March 2Oth and leaving Jons apartment in London on February 14.

See Oregone..

33rd State February 14th.

He spoke of a Dibia called Ume..

Who called him Igbo Ume means Breath Air and is the name of my Great Grandfather and the name Umeano of my mothers Family.

Chidi Ume C.U.E

This was a great man amongst my Ancestors because he took the highest title in Igbo land which my grandfather later Took…

Otigbu Enyinya (Enyiagu Afam Samuel)

The Elegant of Memory ..

4:43 p.m.

My body kept on rising non stop…voices gestures acting out in recognition of Sidney Davis..

That must be quite a challenge living with that?

He said, his face startled but full of wonder by the sheer reality if perceiving what he was actually living.

We spoke of late Professor Catherine Acholonu..

She was taken away because she could not recognize the very truth embodied which she devoted her life to..

And refused to acknowledged it.

Is that not hypocrisy…?


All the academic learning you were moved to and you do not really believe it or acknowledge it

As for the Female Voice he heard.

It was Nnamdi..

The Voice is the source of the Body changing from one form Male female but as a Child it is the same sex.

Androgynous then Y X.

I noticed that the bag he used to buy his snacks had 56..,

I told him that we are 54…

And from the completion of our dialogue that we would move to 55.

He said he was off to Barcuh University.

I informed him that it was from the window of the apartment I was staying on 33rd street that I wrote the story of the Family of Ten.

And that from looking at the Building it took form of a Ship

Alfie Ndubuisi Nze and and his film of toxic waste.

But mine opened up a portal to the Universe where I saw myself moving swiftly through space Blue JAy calling out the Awakening to all Existence…

Sidney gave me a 15 USD at my request

15 is letter O…


4:56 pm.

Oh yes, I said he had the features of the Bird people..

The True OINRI People who made first contact with a beam of light

And repeated today once more in America with that Beauteous Be am embodied in person as Emeka Kolo…

And the Espirits who really sent him

Recognized Me.


4:59 pm

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