
2:46 a.m. – 4600 Facebook frien

2:46 a.m.

4600 Facebook friends for the 5th Time.


4 in one as a Square Wave Box, Magic Square Box 10 33

One Pt Emerges. from out of the Blue-Knight in Shinning Amor
Into the Darkest Night He-S.He, Marches Forth into the Heart of Darkness, to bring forth the N.E. W.S.

From that central point, he descends and the One becomes Two.
15 20.
3 and 5.
the one replicates itself, and into two who become mirrors reflections.
Carbon Copies.
The Orignal One Two.
Now 2 2 -4.
then, 4 in 1.

The One Original remains Outside and Enters as the champion for the 2 being both the 1 who is 2.

Thus 2 and then 2.

The One Outside and the One Inside.
The Sacred Journey.
is the 1 who is his twin,
2 2
Become 1 4 /4 1.

1 -5.
Then 5 in One.
5 in 1.

And they return back to the center but as 1-5-51.
but with and through a play of sixth Sene to Fact.
5-6-5.But which is a Fact?

The One who makes the Idea and Carbon Copy, A Fact Real.


1 enters. 1-5 and 51
3 Cee.
33 in 1.

I I I. C. merged by One-Sixth Sense.

6-7/ 76.
With All.

via A.B.C.
AH, Be, Cee!

7 in one
Harmony and First Light.

Riddle of Sacred Portal 126.
F.L. 18 R.A Fact.

Ikechukwu Uzodinma. I.U.

No, I.E. and E.I.
You do not Exist.

3:12 a.m

C.L. O.S. E.D E D E N.

3:13 a.m.

C.A.C. K.L.E- A.M. I.S

3:14 am

C.B, 17.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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