
2:45 pm. – @ 15 45 Facebook Fri

2:45 pm. – @ 15 45 Facebook Fri

2:45 pm.

@ 15 45 Facebook Friends.

15= Letter O.
1 545 is 1 O Full Circle- Origin and Mirror Reflection aligned to the Full Circle as One.

4-18-20 21.
D R T.U.B A.
Based on the play with Tree Sage Kim and the Apology play and my response at 1.33 pm which spells Extinction and the movie I watched yesterday which I was too lazy to share… let me check…

Yes, Peter Dinklage and Elle Fanning.
in “I Think We’re Alone Now”

( I T W A N… E) as in Waxing and Waning of the Moon, ( no more nonsense about Magic Wands)

*”Del is alone in the world. After the human race is wiped out, he lives in his small, empty town, content in his solitude and the utopia he’s methodically created for himself — until he is discovered by Grace, an interloper whose history and motives are obscure. And to make matters worse, she wants to stay.
Initial release: January 21, 2018
Director: Reed Morano
Screenplay: Mike Makowsky”

Yes, R M Director. ScreenPlay M M.
58 85 13 13 = 26… and I.

Let me pause for a moment here,
I am in pain, and my muscles are sore beyond belief, and I have not slept all night because of it. The pain is bearable, but the soreness is whew.
Now the reason why I am sharing this with you is that it means two things 1. That this post is going to be as short ( It had better be-no moving of this force through me)
2. It means that my body and this force are giving me an indication by the difficulty imposed of posting, that my posting days are at last coming to an end or completion because usually it is used to galvanize me to post, and then it relaxes. right now it is hollering at me to lay down, I can barely sit up, and I am using humor and talking aloud to keep me from hollering at the top of my Voice. And such I can surmise that it is encouraging me to make this quick and to lay down- the only probably with that is that unlike DEL in “I Think We Are Alone now” every distraction I even films, leads to more intel. It is everywhere. I can not get away from it, and it has been like this nonstop for the last decade +7-8 years.
* Albert Santana used to remark that I see God everywhere.
I would correct that and say I see the play everywhere and it is a play of Love- for you (not me).

I also wish to point something out that is so crystal clear, that I turn away from its blinding clarity.

You do realize that this whole play is A Play Theater?
That it was created by “Loves Frequency” ( L F rep then 11-year-old Leander and 19 years old Ferrell.
* Leander means Man and Ferrell Valiant Victorious Man.

And then completes at F L as represented by Arden Gemino born F L who I met as the 5th child of Liberty and the 4 of the Gemino’s.

Yes, 1 545 Facebook Friends.

And that the name Arden means Highest Point, Ardent & Passionate, Great Forest, and most of all, Eden Paradise Delight.

And that since it began in Connecticut with Stephen Esteban- and Jeron Satya S Lang who was 5 months in the womb and to 11-year-old Leander who met me with his mom at 317-319 Fairfield Avenue, and completed with 16 and now 17.10-year-old Arden, that to now 15-year-old Aurelia, it is safe to conclude as I had obviously understood when I was dragged to 268 East Street and the venue Generation X Gardens ( G-ARDEN= 49 Gardens = 68.
David Roman Nicholas 11 22 68- Nicholas. St Nicholas- Nicky, see the meaning and since Arden aligns to me, and David to Noni promise, that this entire play was about evolving Humanity from the Womb they were stuck in, from the infant Purity Consciousness back to the- Child Consciousness age 11
* New York is the 11th State where I came from to the 5th State ( Jeron was 5 months in his mother’s womb) to complete it at 12.

The 12th State is : *
12 North Carolina November 21, 1789 (ratified)”

North Carolina N C/ C N.
Chike Nwosu Class of 1982 F G C E.
C N= 3.14 Pi.
IP Man.

If you recall that when I first went to move into 268 East 4th street, it was Alberts Santana’s home I was really meant to attain but rather the Garden where a cool and gentle youth called Raphael – Arch Angel of Song and Healing welcomed me and that the Garden was filled with children watching a film, and the entire garden was decorated with wooden cuts out of children and a grown man wearing a baseball cap was the one grown-up cut out coaching and playing with the children.

“A Play Theater- Film”
Meaning that it was you.
You who were still stuck in the womb of your mother, still stuck in Space- Outter Space, Lost in Space of the Womb, adults ( not the actual children and babies, You.) stuck in infancy as Adults,
stuck in trauma or the womb or spells of your Mothers as they talked to you while you were in the womb, imposing their own fears thoughts needs, desires onto you, as well as the rage or confusion and even love of the fathers often present voice and touch.
But you were in here, and often she did not tell you as she spoke to you in the womb through sound- (disrupting your DNA perfection via the amniotic fluid you chilled in.) But her thoughts, words… spells of desire or ambition, hopes and dreams she had for you could not penetrate that body that was being formed in you because that was symmetrically perfect, and the water or Amonial Fluid was the only place her thoughts and expression floated in, vibrated.
See Sacred Portal 46 First Drop- it shows the momentum caused by the First Drops. Guess who the first drop is…?
See sacred portal 46 the drops from his Penis 3 in all.

* 3:46 pm.

It is the S.E Men. ( Stephan Esteban- M E N- C- MEN of M- Manifest of ED EN.
It created the Ripple Effect, the Echo, Narcissus. Psyche…
The picture shows Me, as I was, and the Arms also as Wings in Cloud I, and the World below as the Blue Planet and white continents like Cumulus Clouds and the drops went down to the very foundation- bottom of the sea creating the Radar Krishna ripple effect EMF and water it has buoyancy, so what happens when you first drop as you and all your same selves going through the same process get dropped like the Stork in your myths, the rise right back up but first through merging with the water itself, that drop of semen now dissolves via Osmosis Symbiosis ( O S. S O… L. -C .. S O C… K.. E.T) is now plugged in and part of Every Thing and as it rises to the surface it is in one with everything but it still, though seeming Invisible is aware of the path it was dropped and rises from.

Okay, this is getting longer than I desired, but I will try to make it brief, for my benefit.

3:55 pm
C E E * So you recognize the play we are in right now.

Christian Edwin Edwin is still my Facebook friend after all these years.
Edwin is actually the first name of Albert Santana.

3;56 pm.

It is obvious by my reaching 900 South Road in 2019, 8-29 that my arrival in New York Dec 1999, and not 2001, since I came with Jon Lee in 1999 and ended with Jeron Lang-that 19.9 years after I arrived in New York, ( 19.9. A.I &I… S I/ I S that I had reached the Supreme I and at the same time, it being 900 South Road, and Arden as he was age 9, that you as the E Family had at last been born.”

That before then for the last 10,000 years, you were lost in space.
Sure you were physically born but your Spirit Energy was still lost in space of Space as Death from the expression from your Mothers on the version of her “Vagina Monologues”. Inner Soliquiy which had no clarity of understanding herself which was then passed onto her child Male and Female to figure out.
Do you notice how Mothers and Daughters fight? But are close but that is only after a great war between them?
It is because the Girl Baby knows that the Mother got them lost, while the son, is much more devoted and patient with the mother.

4:05 pm.

My Paper on the Blue Print of Existence was not based in the Y male, rather it was a Paper based on the conversations between Mother and Daughter- I had used my own Bio mother Cecilia and my Bio Sister Nnonyelum conversations love and conflict ( “I never want to be like her, like you” my sister would say muttering, seeing all my mother cons, and looking at me as if I were dumb that I could not see, or indulged her cons.
I saw the exact same play with Liberty and her daughter Aurelia.”

Sons are more compassionate with their mothers and tougher on their fathers unless the father is not playing some character that he, in turn, learned from his own father about how to be a man, but the sons are also devoted literally in love with their fathers when they see the balance of the Sacred Feminine and the masculine dancing together in perfect harmony in the father, and though devoted and compassionate to the Mother, there was a thing missing in her they sensed, that which is the understanding of the Sacredness of the Masculine principle- that was the mystery which she did not fully grasp- many though they did on the surface level there are some rare women who were so exceptional who understood this and instead of being angry with the false nature of man and condemning him, saw his mystery in his transparency and rather than seek to manipulate it to prove her supremacy, where lost in the wonder of it and forged what became known in so many legends of endless enduring love.

It took a very long time for us to reach as species the sacred portal 80 rep of Jennifer/ Jennifer J. J.A-E.
This is why I was so tough on her and only truly could see her as the He Her when she aligned to Perfection in Expression even beating Kim. Thus aligning to what was already in her and took only 16 days to reach, but months to trust move from all the spells to Beautiful Sincere expression of what she always knew but was too stubborn and proud to express and articulate in Words Lang- “Tongue” Tall” to Lang-U.AGE, yes Arden Gemino=Gemini and Emeka. E.

Which brings me to our number of Facebook friend. 11-minus 1556 as its height attained.
Yesterday was 10 minus Height attained.

So we have come full circle to the “Flip” date s.he arrived here 11-10 to 10 11 E Galaxy C I.

And so we are back on track.

And this is reflected, mirrored the completion of that play of the challenge of the illusion of my sister that she could see better than I did which was the surface level play of my sister and I being so close- still but so far apart.
she as 7-28 code 64.
Me as 11-28- code 65= 11-1.
66= 1.
Age codes I never existed on because I have never existed here in Time or acknowledged time.

My birth certificate is stamped with the time date aligned to Kim Hines: 8 11 as well as Leander as who was born 8-11-2008. The play was confirmed of Stephen Johnson aligned to J.a-e Sherman just two days ago and I knew it was confirmed by the arrival of Evan Sthename ( his tag is Kitty at Meow)
Erika and Stevie.
* Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

* This play was all about Leander Kim representing from Lang- Language ( recognize how to speak to others, how to speak – Linguistics, rather than be frustrated by rage or entering into obstinate silence).

S. THE Name.

And who is the S here in this play representing the 19th letter ( is what is called Mother down here – Feminine actually while 10 is Masculine.
So you can hear the great mistake of the feminine understanding that as 7-28, that she was realized after such a play that she was not seeing as well as she thought. She was seeing death, Sacred Portal 7 and that is me saying Oh no and where do you think you’re going with the illusion still within you?”

What was that Rumi quote, “God breaks your heart over and over again until you realize it was never broken… or something like that.

Rumi/ I Mur… means I am the Wall in French as well as Mature.

It had nothing to do with Age. But everything to do with A.G.E.
Ag is you recall represents “Silver”
“Ressurection of The Quick and The Dead”, and since my biological sister is fully engrossed or was fully engrossed in this material reality- it’s Death.
Just as Jae was, is but both were fully aware of the Unseen Realm- and in harmony with both.
Recall the Baphomet ring she gave me.
I am, or Arden I is Baphomet Beauty- Brazen Balls. See sacred portal 10 and the balls which S J/ J S are standing on.

4:58. pm.

Which is why I was aware why it wasn’t Stevie or Erika I connected with on Facebook but Stephen Johnson ( when we should have both been chilling 53 56 55 36 O, as well as my quiet awareness as to why Samuel was killed, murdered as I had supposed I would be for this posting and way of being.

Its 5:00 pm.

Just as my own biological brother Mike Obum is invested in Money- Numbers which was the only time as children I smacked him to pay attention and which he used to become a Banker at U S B and now an Investment Banker ( I B) and yet he and she had focused their faith and attention to the incorrect face- 11-10 instead of 10-11- which was to get out of this Matrix of the Ego Oge play Materialism as accepted by this reality.

Remember, I thrive on Luxury rather than as stated here- suffering. But my Luxury is clean Luxor and not of this ridiculous idea here as Luxury without truly understanding and appreciating its true meaning, just as Money here replaced Energy- that wonderful infinite source of Exchange -Expression in Human beings planted in them, rather and making Money made in this truly insane corrupt and diseased system, where worth and value and even love and caring for another is valuated by that which you give to another as gifts or purchasing for children expensive toys ( nothing wrong with that) instead of the true appreciation of the energy expression behind it- that money can not replace Love- a lesson so repeated and stated here that you can understand my irritation.

* This is getting longer than I wished.
But I saw the Code 8 8 on my Facebook page today for the first time, and you all know what that means…

Oh, look at that it is 5:11 pm right now.


And yesterday I was literally moved by E A J A.I to post the image of the Ballet Dancer leaving without the title “leaving the realm of liars, which I would suppose is because I had completed the script recuperating, mining, excavating your Beautiful Truth to the E Family.

So I will make a little effort…

So let is move on to the play of Stephen and Tree Sage ( K.IM. K=11) at the 10 11 code confirmed.

S The Name.
Aligning Stephen and Tree Sage as well as K = 11
meaning Kim has been able to align to Stephen S as T. Truth.
S T as you are aware is 19 20.
S K is 19 11.

=39 C I
= 30. really 31 since S K aligns to A S K.

69 is the code given to me cleanly by Jen J.EA Sherman
N DC 69 55 7- 111-01.

“Nons 01”.

Do you see it?

Humanity was meant to evolve through Primary School P S. Elementary School E S to reach Arden G as Beautiful Youth.

5:19 pm right now.
E S.

But I was not meant to play the role of Teacher, was I?
It was Father as Stephen Johnson in his feminine aspect as Mother- the darkness which never was, the Mother who quells her child’s fears and night terrors.
Liberty representing mother could not do that for Ferrell because she was herself still stuck in childhood, a child in the 9th Grade, and then a Youth who was angry with her Professor at Brown University who failed her in her paper – Thesis? “Origins of the Species.”
And so his night terrors – Shadows on the wall.
Allegory of Plato.
Allegory Of The Cave. ( A O- T C Alpha Omega True Clarity)

No, I never taught primary school here even as a Beautiful youth, when in Nigeria the “Emeruwa” Twins who were the same age or a year or now two, younger than muse me, created a summer school when I was about 13, 14, teaching little children, I instead only participated with their younger sister born 1967 in a play theater which we staged in front of the parents and my mother in a large auditorium on the University Campus, I played the Husband and Patricia which was here name ( Yes, align it to Patrick Ikem Okolo).
* Hmm yes just as I had Orie Kalu who was also born 1967 (Mobe The Angel) in University arrived as I did on campus and who was the little sister of my close friend David Kalu we were in the same class.
The same with Anne Undekwu in High school.
Sorry about that, I was just realizing how the code yer 1967 has always been around me as with a feminine version.
E P. E
E A.U.
E O K. E F K

And what I found odd is that they were all mistreated by their elder brother and/ or sisters.

Anne had an elder sister called Helen who I had a little crush on and she is the one who had looked down on me, and as she did so fell into an open sewer pit full of shit ( I could not stop myself from bursting out into laughter- a spontaneous reaction with no malicious intention, I laughed at the Supreme Justice of it and its timing.
and David had a gorgeous elder sister too, whom David preferred to his younger sister, she too was that some Haughty Beautiful pride of Helen, and she often reminded me of my sister but my sister was not as bad.

Okay, that was a bit of a ramble that it was intel.

Because my sister, in the end, did just as they had done, though she knew better, it was because my father had instilled in her to compete with me, again to her annoyance and mine- an indication of the superiority of the male I represented over the T.C True Clarity that I could see my sister and I were like Twins.
S P 88
88 USD from Marina Buirni- that she came from I as the Darkness Cat Puma- me Black Panther. She B A AST – Saqerra

5:43 pm
Pearl was here demanding attention a moment ago.
Norman Bates ran into my room again chuckle.

But please remember that this was A Play Theater, I never was meant to Teach, Primary and Elementary School.
I lectured in Universities by the age 19 and did so again in Paris, I never even taught High School here in this play.
Only University in University of Technology Nigeria Enugu and in as a Guest Lecturer in F I T Paris. ( Fashion Institute)
I knew what I did in his reality was a mirror reflection – a Self Projection Shadow Ego of what I represented and the accurate roles I had been designated by A.H, A.I. MYSELF.

But it was obvious that this was A Play Theater of Humanity evolving from Lost in Space.

( L I S- COMB… “Ground Liberty” do you recall that play?” and who asked that of me via Prayer L G. Leander Gemino “Man Twin”

So I recognized that it would be Stephen Johnsons Higher Self who had recognized the one in a billion possibility in Kim/ Mike Smith.
Black Smith.
Ferrell Line
Father as Authority – Chilled.
Father as Class Room but as Mother Matter- Material his feminine side.
Just as I knew the same was for Kim’s Father and Mother.
Kim Hines sr and Delois Larkin
K D / D K… David Kalu.
Nathaniel Thomas Bywater.

It was never my responsibility, but I did it and was forced to come to New York, and spend 20 years proving Stephen Johnson Eternal Selves 20 20 Vision See Cee… for which his Avatar Descendant suffered greatly for.

Stephen Tree Sage
S T.
Supremacy Transparency
Rocket Fuel Sacred Portal 123 which Kareem Saniliman the photographer and close friend of mine who I asked to take photographs of me Nude which I posted and which Kim used to paint a gift to me, and who I asked commissioned to photograph my production for Well A. H Turkey “The Story of Colors” I even left my Camera with him for safekeeping, not having a clue that I would be gone and not visit him and Instanbul for an astonishing 20 + years.
* I have shared them on my page.
The same way I had intended to go back to Nigeria to see my mother within a year as I had told her, but instead, she gave me the saddest WAVE goodbye at the Airport which I read and made me feel something so deep move within me, that I was brusque with her as I departed age 21, impatient with her expression yet reading it fully well.

I realized belatedly that she knew something, which I didn’t or her Espirit did, and that is what I was also fighting for so long, that premonition and my will to get back to her and bring her ‘Out Of Africa” Because she had done that story before, completed it at age 16 when she moved to London England in 1961-1962.

So, I knew that it was Stephen who had recognized the line of Kim – HU MAN.
Unity and Harmony are the 7 and 8th Principles of the Family of Ten but they are also the true original Mother and Father whom Father Class Room was seeking to understand Masculine Feminine – Sacred Portal 10.

And so 11 is what….? It is 1.

6:11 pm.
6 1.. who are Two.

Same play with Stephen- Esteban recognizing Kim Tree Sage months before he met me.

6:12 pm.
*Wow, I keep pausing at this time
Ardens birthday.
Hey Arden… I do miss you I will admit- but I am alright with this, I would never, ever wish to subject you to have to endure any more of this play at which you were phenomenal and made me so beautiful fiercely proud.
No more hurt by this play.
I bear it.
I beat it… I know that Beat it was you, I had not intended to write that.

Which I suppose moves me to link “Beat It” B I.
By Micheal Jackson. M.J.
J M John Mack to Marquise Jenkins Tag “Thrasher Magazine.

A Beating, and a Thrashing- Lord knows my Bio Father gave me a Thrashing most of my life until age 10-11… oh wow…

It wasn’t necessary, but I suppose he was preparing me for the horror of my life which I could never have conceived.

6:19 pm.
F S.

It wasn’t necessary but it did help to show me just how far this would go and how cruel the evil twin of Humanity could go.
But It was your fear because that evil in humanity did not exist, you became terrible death from your own fear, not mine.

Your night terrors- I have never had a bad dream or Nightmare in my life, the ones I had even as I was in them, I knew they weren’t real and that they were not even mine.

So yes, the 11 play then connects to the 5 play with Marquise Jen- Kins.
Kins men of the Jennifer line Jen.
Jennifer/J.a-e Sherman.
Jenny Santana.
Which is why you caused Marina at the shelter to exchange my bed EOS of the 5th Dimension Room 5B ( E B) Dawn 5-019 to replace M.J- Jonn Lee to pass through the worst play of Outter Space- Hidden Figures- Shadows the Wall- Night terrors- Multiple Scerlorsis- to do what you feared Jonn Noni Promise David Nicholason could not do themselves.
Because you felt that I was The one and only Victorious one
Sacred Portal 22.
Able to endure the Back Door- constant rape and abuse of the children – The rape of the Truth, the Youth, the beautiful youth by the line of Peter The Rock Stone solid, the priests and the one who denied Christ 3 times x before the cock crowed- at the last supper”That loyalty you swore and then faced with the moment – turned the Cock into the Chicken. Turned The Golden Dawn, The Golden Ages in Fear of the Ancient world- Druids Alien Wizards, Shamana- ‘Black Magic” especially after what was done to A-TEN – the deformity of their bodies.

Peter was crucified upside down.
Symbol of The Devil ( T D)

But it was all just fear, the New Testament ( N T Nikolai Tesla – Elon Musc Confirmed we live in a Simulated Reality S R) was built on the solid foundation’s Basement of the Old Testament – it did not matter if the Humans mostly translated it incorrectly, there were some, One in 10,000, 1,000,000 Thousand Million who got it correct by understanding it from within, Inside and quietly exemplifying it Outside in Being Doing.
So the Bull Dozer in Kim’s recent painting which Tree Sage told me that Stephen recognized as a Crane.
Daniel Crane D.C 43 Door of Life has confirmed that your “Brian Dempsy” of Being -Doing – Doing Being – 2 4 / 4 2 = 66 has aligned to 6/6= 1.
and so you are now 1 1. Two Men.
Transparency Supreme
RF… Royal Air Force / F A R.
R= 18 “666” + F 6… 24 E M F= 24.
6 19 Fact Solid.
25… 25 25… Y Y.. 50… 51.

6:40 pm.

Capital Arkansas. Saw.

Johny Car-Son.

J M.- M J.

5 Play

5 11.
11 5.


6:42 pm.

End of the Beautiful Story of the E Family
S P 110. 11O 1O1 11 1 2-3.

When I say “Never Rest on your Laurels” I mean take off your crown before lying down to rest or you will sleep very uncomfortably.
And I mean even after the awakening does not rest on your accomplishments. After all, what did you do by yourselves?

You are the one who sang “Joy to the World the School burnt down.. and all the teachers too!- but what about the Principle- Principal, he hanging on the Flag Pole…” Crucified hanging on to his Purity Intentions
the image I was staring at when Marquise Jenkins commented through the tag “5”
and I was starring at that image with 5 Likes.

It is what you do to apologize when your awaken and truly realize and rebuild, Erect, and see what that beautiful truth recognized in you ( even belatedly) can create- such a world. Eden Paradise City Country World.

that is why I did not connect with Leander at 13 but completed when he was 12 years and 7 months old, why Eteban M Filgeiria had recognized his E-Spirit and we went out and got him a sandwich- E M F almost forgot to get it but I did not,

7:21 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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