
2:45 a.m.

2:45 a.m.

Easter April 5th



4 is the Heart first.

The Heart hears the Truth.

It’s a a note.

Age of the Earth.

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5 images

Coming out of Plato’s allegory of the Cave

The same Cave the tried to contain Jesus

The True Men Show and Tell.

He rose on the 3rd Day because he was E.T and his body was wounded but whole for he had passed the test of Death – Earth Minerals Epression Vibrations and the illusions of the Dead and all the causes of Death through violence disease… broken hearts.


And so he became both particle-a Body

And Being – a wave and so he became Holy Espirit..

And as he had moved through all the tests as Satan Santana Baba Samedi, Ma’at and High Priestess.

He ascended in to Heaven at the same time as Ethereal Wave .. E W and he crossed the full Circle of Creation Time and all the testers through the underworld.

And in Heaven as the Space which is Time but as Perfect Timing.

And re emerged back into this world but as the Future man incarnate

Unseen in this realm yet present here in this Dimension.

But just before he retreating into The Mists of Avalon he appeared before Thomas ( verse 18)

Busayo Alonge…

Doubting Thomas

D T.

Donald Trump

Does he align to the meaning


4:20 ?

My dialogue today was with S J M

= numerically the number 42

The meaning of Existence backwards

Doing Being… Natural You

Nature Time

Universe Time

Earth Heaven


He came to bear witness appearing to Thomas and Mary Magdalena Esther Easter Ishtar..




33. C C

205. 25. Y


Yeshua Christ

Why See

South Whitney

Age of Christ Death age 33

I N R I.

Christ was only Christ knew he was in a story

He knew that the people could see their truth even as they crucified him..

He knew it was not Their true hearts sekves..

But their doubts. questions hearts which had been so so betrayed eroded by Pharisees Hypocrites… Slavery to ages of Time and the same cycle of disapontmrnt though the clung to a memory of Paradise.

I am watching a series right now just started, it took me until now to quieten my spirit from today’s play.

It’s called Osmosis

Esther and Tom

E. T.

5-20. 1973

3:10 a.m

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