
2:44 pm. – I actually began at

2:44 pm.

I actually began at 2:32 pm.
But the computer and this simulation is meddling again, even if it is for the right reason, it is still meddling, and I have to recode each time.

2:44 pm.

15 44 C-Town Supermarket.

O 44
E-A 44

2:49 pm.

It is a surreal, truly surreal and a living nightmare yet a fact that I have been coding this reality out of existence, by moving through a script designed already through Foresight and then brought back in Hindsight to get the Evidence AY that it is all well deserved and aligned.
Each day I arise, I am aware of just how truly absoultey evil and a terrible idea this script idea was and is and why I refused, and how my instructions were overridden and now with regret for that action which on my way up and down this script since 1992-to Jan 1993, and back again from 29 Lincoln Street to this current address, the monumental work of fixing that arrogance of the Spirit realm of Mind and Thought, and the Human Avatars, and the Naturals who are still waking up and despite 10 years since I entered the play on Facebook in Dec 2011 and January 2012.
Even after completing the script in 2004-8 years later, I knew the play was reset to end in 2012.
Confirmed over and over again, right here on my page 10 extra years were added by usurpers and that which has forfeited its right to be called E Family Sacred Portal 56, as well as the family of T.E.N.
I am The Elegant Nomad.
I wrote that Article here in New York in 2001 and completed it in Early February 2002.

Liberty C and Jeron Satya Lang was born on February, 2-7, 27, 25, and I spent 27 months at Delta Manor, I went to the Light Fantastic in around Dec 25-27 in 1992, I left here on 5-27-2019.

My E-Mail Hotmail account is The Nomad 1999,
I wrote the Article Short story for an interview, Manny Baron, at William Morris ( M.B. W.M) for a proposed interview on Diane Sawyer ( D.S)…
2002. ( 22 V) and I rose beautifully in 2002.
And 20 years later, 20 years later, I have been aligning correcting that script day and night, body and being tortured and tormented- consistently distracted from correcting that which was already in perfection, as you can see from the codes, M.B. D.S. M.W. L.C-C.L “Lyrical Conversation, Covering Letter” D.J/F.D… has been consistent and constant, for all these years right to 2019 Dec Jan.
20 19 T.S.
20 19= 39.C.I.
47= 11-28=39. C.I.

3:16 pm
Liberty C Jeep Chevrolet license plate.

3:17 pm
3-17, 3-19 Fair Field Avenue.

What was not consistent nor constant, or in Harmonious Expression with the Script was you, even when I was sent down to clarify the truth that within you is Perfect Harmony, made to fight, prove, get your attention that you are in harmony Inside, but with all that work of which Foresight created the original script perfection (O.S.P) then Hindsight in aligning again to its perfection as 2020 Vision my Nightmare made so terrible was in dealing with the Human Race, even the Chosen Avatar Descendants, in a script which you were meant to take responsibility and have been ready, should have coded the truth by your selves, and to the bitter end, I was literally physically forced after proving that Perfect Harmony had to even go far as tagging you, spoon-feeding you and still you were not able to pay attention or do your part.
After all this work, all the extensions granted all the insults, injuries, the giving non-stop evidence, facts, proof, even The Chosen ones, did not pay attention to a script and codes as easy as A.B.C.

3:27 pm

I would have walked away in contempt and disgust a long time ago, if you are so interested and addicted to your reality like this, despite all the proof evidence, labor and work.
When I see posts, like Alexa Vertefeuille after all that work, after already proving the perfection inside of her, when not distracted, I just felt an absolute contempt for that which created this script and sought to include you its chosen ones.
That is why it has all aligned to Sacred Portal 22.

3:32 pm.

It brought me here, here to this portal, and I have been here almost 17 months and it is the incorrect portal, The correct one was 317 Fair Feild Ave, where I was Independent and from there moved to 900 South Road Via Liberty C 40 Mutual Facebook friends.
See Sacred Portal 40.
Africa- It was a story, a true story of the past 4.5 million years ago.
But Nnamdi Kolo was born in Oldham England and so it is 5-4-69 not 4-5-69.

I am at 4-59-8 Facebook Friends
Delta 4th Dimension a Story Book, Color Green- This is the Blue Planet 5th Color, 5th note Sol.
Elegant Imagery
not a Number, Nature by Numbers.
4-5=9.8 is Harmony I.
98 is I-Harmony.
But most of you are still Numbers, attached to the nature and behavior of a Storybook, a square book. A-B.B.A.

3:42 pm

3:43 pm.

Everywhere you look, T.V. Films, books, your News, everything children animals are awake and aware, and you who unlike the babies and aninals, who were intrcted, given so much love and devotion which was not by me, but that which has been holding my body hostage, that which brought me to New York on March 20th, 2001 ( 21) is still making a claim on my body, on the being the source of the script despite it being obviously 1999, 1966.
And even at this moment, by body is still fighting this lie which you are are the cause of, because despite evidence I was forced to provide in the langauge of this non-existence reality, which I said no to, I will not descend into non-exstence yet again and speak in your language so corrupted, I was again forced.
That was 2010.
I was age code 43 and 26.

3:51 pm.
And Evil -Negation became a fact by alllowing this script to go this far by pretenders usurpers saying they were the E Family.

This duplicity and deception goes all the way back to Durek Verrett D.V who told me when he came and found me in Istanbul Turkey, when he said he had a message from me from the E Family, which I knew was the Ancestors acting as if they were the Eternal Family.
I knew it was a lie, which is when he told me that I had to come to New York, and if I did not…
That is not how the Eternal Family and any being even Human Naturals behave, using extortion, Power and Force to get their way, even to dare force thier source, and when I saw how Durrek Verret behaved, especially with his companion and then in Istanbul, and when I met him and he acted as though he did not see me while I was living in Hell on East 4th Street, it just confirmed what I already knew and why I chose to go to London rather than follow his recommendation from “The message” he was told to bring me, and which made me come here by force.

3:59 pm.

And from the moment I arrived here 3-20-2001, all I have experienced is the Lie of Nature and not of true nature or real nature, but of a fake -carbon copy vastly inferior, playing Mother Earth as God, Chukwu and all your ancestral beliefs, in which I spent nearly my time having to fight you to see the truth.
And your arrogance conceit, racism, superiority, made me truly despise you though acknowledging the Beautiful Truth which I would not deny.

4:03 pm.

But what I experienced of you as inverses where you are more influenced by what is Outside, rather than Inside you, even after all the effort and work…
And even with everything your addiction to the lie rather than the truth and the nature of this script itself, as such an abomination of the truth of The E Family that all I I wished to do was leave, leave this horror of what I was being told, was the E Family.

I am E and if you are of I.
Then you, especially with all this effort imposed force on me, then you would have some semblance og me outside of you, but look at the world you created and how you see The Source as your servant- slave-rag, why would I have to fight to align and prove that you are E or I..E and example when you were Chosen and not by me?

4:11 pm,

I have coded the Script against my will, of those in Harmony but only because I have been speaking non-stop, posting day and night, giving you the Tools and Guidance while you focused on your non-existence reality and kept your bad habits, and just as Dr Dror Asuah who saw a vision of me when he took his boat to his lake house near Woodstock to investigate my claim of what I told was happening to my body and being, that I was being held back by a chain of creatures from here to the very portal of Eternity, Infinity, that these creatures whom he gasped at saying that it was impossible, that they can not do that. For they had told him that they were going to stay attached to my body, that they wished to evolve but without changing or obeying Eternal Law or Eternal Truth.
He was so horrified, saying that this was impossible.

I was living with Akil Apollo Davis at the time, and Evan ALexander Judson- ( E.A.J at the time ( / J A E… Link Jae Sherman who I might note is yet to return it was 2011, and she moved in here, 11-10-2020) and with Tim, Beyond, Rachel Sessions and Rachel Young at the time.
Esmerelda and Lisa Levine were witnesses and wished to come along, I was spasming and jerking so much I did not go.
Dr Dror Ashua telephones me later from Up State, New York at the time, near where Donna and Jonn Deleguidce lived at 18 Mountain View.

I had spent a while, wondering where had they these evil ancestors gotten this power to circumvent the law of Nature Existence to do such an outrageous thing from the 4th Dimension and imposed it with such conceit, and arrogance.

Until, a few weeks later, Evan and his friend suggested that I come on Facebook, to find the E Family that they existed.

Instead, I found that the Evil Ancestors was actually you, which I have witnessed in this playscript, which led me here, to this place and this play.

Where they were wrong and …

4:33 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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