
2:43 pm. – 2-28-2021. – B 43. – B

2:43 pm.


B 43.
B 28

111 was what I woke up to see on my page.

The code is easy to read.

B is Being and 43 D-C is Sacred Portal Door of Life.

Being MAN- Bella Harmony.


Hence it reads: Being is the Door of life- Being is Man- in Beautiful Harmony – Being Infinite.

Sacred portal 111.

*I I I,is the code of Perferfection
999 = 27. A-A.
9 (3).

It states very clearly, that it is through “Being” and a Being is the Door of Life at DC Delta/Divinity=Consciousness. And that this Being is MAN or the representation of Man.

Man is Humane and Mankind.

HUMANE: 8 21 13 1 14 5.
= 62. F B.

M.A.N.K.I N.D: 13 1 14 11 9 14 4.
=66. * On Kim-Tree’s Sages Door.

B: Divine Comedy.
B: Beautiful Harmoniously
P: Perfect.

I saw that conclusion and summary resolved via Arithmetic and mathematics “Numbers- Letters-Meaning-Embodied, yesterday.

That Man through “Being” becomes the actual door of life.

In 1993- Edmund White the writer presented me with his book on Jean Genet.
( J G 107 Sacred Portal 107 King Cobra, out of the blue Venom”)

In it, he asks the question. “Is Being-Doing or is Doing Being?”

I had felt that the question was being asked directly to me, but in another Timeline or plane of Existence, which I came to later realize, I was the only one who lived in that plane.

I had responded that Being is Doing and that by “Doing” you Become”
But that it all beings with “Being” and that without Being there is no real “Doing”
Doing requires Being and Being requires a Body.

2 4 3 B D C Being Doing Creates -Consciousness.
It was always there, Consciousness- but by Doing you are able to reach Consciousness Cee by Doing.
But Being is the Foundation.
just as the Body is the Best Friend. B F. of Being Infinite. Being an Individual… Being Harmonious.

And without being on the foundation of being- your Doing has no meaning, there is now Awareness- or Awakening if you have no Foundation or no Body.

And thus never Awaken.
Being is Doing.
Doing Completes Being and Body B B- B/B= 1=A.
One can do it backward as Doing =Being.
But it all starts at Being.
AH! BE… and you will C.E.E.

AH! Breathe.
BE- Action – Awareness.
C.E.E..= A O A -Completion as the Full Circle.
Perfect Harmony.
Perfection Infinite.
Harmony Perfection.
Foresight Hindsight
Hindsight creates Foresight.

6 8 / 8 6.
86 =68. 14 14 =28 14/14=1.
29 = A M.A.N. B I…AT E…001
At 100% A.W.A R E N E S S.

3:29 pm.
111 A MAN.
3:30 pm.
33 O A-Body.


A HU. Ahu who played the First Woman in my production “The Story of Colors” completes at the 8th stage of the production as the 5th Element WU-MAN.


B E I N G. 2 5 9 14 7= 37.
C G= Consciousness-GOD.

What is the definition of “Being”

“The railroad brought many towns into being”
essential nature
vital force
the nature or essence of a person.
“Sometimes one aspect of our being has been developed at the expense of the others”

It is defined as Existence and/or Essence.

E X I S T E N C E; 5 24 9 19 20 5 14 3 5
But it also requires Awareness Movement. Expressing Knowing/ Knowledge- Perfection.
Symmetry a Circle is the symbol of Perfection.
Perfection = Completion.

B= E-A.M. ( Ref Arden Morgan)
E K/P.
S P.

* Like the Caps one gets when you Graduate from college or university.

Being is Doing to completion.

And it is represented by Man.
Not a God, not some savior, or supernatural being, or force.

Man is his/ her own Saviour.

Being is E X I S T E N C E.
Being is Essence- “Rocket Fuel- Essential.
And Existence requires Awareness.

*”Jean Genet was a French novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, and political activist. In his early life, he was a vagabond and petty criminal, but he later became a writer and playwright. Wikipedia
Born: December 19, 1910, Paris, France
Died: April 15, 1986, Paris, France
Literary movement: Theatre of the Absurd
Genre: Theatre of Cruelty, erotic, theatre, absurdist”

*Born 12-19-1910. L S- S J.
Yes, the manuscript I walked through.
12 19=31.
S J. Stephen Johnson.
J S.. Jeron Satya.
1910=29 At 29 Lincoln Street.
29 +31.
J S S L. born 2-25-2019.

Died 4-15- 1986.
D O. S.H F.
Delta Operating Sysytem. Hindsight=Foresight.

This has been resolved and confirmed by the scripts of both myself and Kim.

I did wonder, what more as I was lay on my bed, I was listening to the sounds around me, Kim is always awake often just before dawn… I lay on the bed, struggling with my incredibly elastic body, still, I could not find the snag, where it was hooked and keeping me from aligning it all and transforming from this state of no place, or position of comfort.

I heard the person who came to fix the door. Ray, I just closed my eyes Esteban’s dramatic expression was finally being fixed.

What am I still doing here?
The question invaded my thoughts.
I looked back with Incredulity and Amazement, I had solved the riddle of Existence, using a different Language of Awareness, I had spent the last 31 years at a heightened awareness, finding myself enduring the Impossible- a Possession by a Frequency, a Wind and the desire to find first the E Family and my Home.

I have done what no human has ever done, publicly solved the Riddles of Being in Existence in the worst and what was meant to be the most humiliating circumstances.
– A Script so vile, so cruel, and it had responded, confirmed every question it had moved me to respond to-and then confirmed it moving me, to completion. It ad added people unaware and chosen ones and sent me to them to prove my Expression Knowing and Knowledge.

My body is still my prison, the only reason that I am still here, is because I can not exist here with my Body, I will always be Dependent on something of someone.

And yet, I look at myself, here… and I look in Hindsight, with Foresight, and everywhere, the truth I have been forced to prove is everywhere staring back at me.

There is nothing more to do, to say.

I try not to look at the Beautiful Truth of my expression and battle- its Victorious Truth staring back at me.

Then why am I still here?
In this state, with the body growing more and more intense, it feels as if I have been placed on a clothes hanger, and that Hook, is in the center of my back- where the shoulder blades meet.
And no matter how I struggle, to get off the Coat Hanger- I can not get off.
It would be easy, I muse to myself if there was someone who could massage, move my muscles out of the hook- but they would have to see it, care.
I can do this myself, with wealth money- I would hire someone and give them precise instructions.
I would find a person, people whom I know exist who would see the truth of my body being literally pulled, stretched off-center.
I could do this myself.

And yet, everything, I have done to merit earn my own wealth, my own Independence is hindered.
How is it at this point of what I have presented as evidence to the world, to completion of communicating with that which is unseen through people and finally a Facebook forum that I am still not able to pay my own way, pay for my independence at least in this material?

I look at the evidence, and the facts, and each day the truth of what has been accomplished stares back at me.
And the absolute cruelty of keeping me hanging, dangling…

Is this Manuscript saying that I did not solve its riddles?
That there is no evidence of a response from something other than me through this Facebook Forum and Format?
Is it saying that that which I have seen, understood is not a fact?
That even with witnessed seeing the response, seeing the confirmation, seeing them play, seeing that I have been conversing to the Silence- which has made a sound through each of you- confirming and rising to the fact that something so extraordinary has been taking place on my page.
A Conversation.
A Question and Answer to the challenge that Harmony Perfection is here present.

There are no more Questions to ask.
There is no more Quest.. for the IO.N. Spark…

There is no Question about it- I see it so clearly, as others now do.

And yet I am still here.
I feel that which is the form of my body, its true form.. it is amazing what I feel- its true form nor would there be any iota of doubt from any being in this world if that body was allowed to unfurl from what I can only describe as it folded and furled state.

There really is no questions in me any longer, no tormenting of my mind as to why…
I realized that at this point there is no point in asking why.
The answer is already terrible enough.
It simply IS.
And that IS- carries with it a meaning so diabolical so beyond anything which could be… that the only thing which I allow myself to appreciate is that I am.
That the very E M Field- World, People, Everything has confirmed the Truth of my Expression Sataya.
And that this is the Evolution Awakening at 15 51 Facebook Mhmmd Yusran.

M Y.

I have long since resolved and accepted that this is the Evolution Awakening and the experience I must carry forever.

But there is no reason any longer for me to be here, in this house, in that apartment, and in this room.
Explaining, Aligning that which is patently obvious.

I must accept the Evil and Cruelty of such an extremity of what was demanded of me against my will to solve, and having solved it that this is the response.

From you.. from this Script and by the Force of Evil which can not only challenge that which has been proven through such extreme provocation and an impossible script which it apparently has the power to add more and more details, more demands.
The Power of Non-Existence.

To keep me, in a state of Non-Existence… as if I do not exist, as if that which has been expressed for 9.3 years does not exist.
That I do not exist.
And everything it moved me to prove right to the equation which Manifest that which was Unseen Invisible, Cause& Effect.
Dragged on.
Spiraling that is all I find myself doing, proving the same thing over and over again.
Saying the same thing over and over again.
I was reading a message from Sharia Perry. S P.
Quashria Allah/ Anamla Qayin.. as I noted what she was saying to me, I smh… I am not going to repeat myself, yet again for the umpteenth time as to why I have been stuck here. Why I am here on Facebook, what has been done to my body and the Satya Truth confirming it through this Script of being true, and yet still have to explain that which is obvious, that which they missed or did not read or acknowledge or accept as real or true.

Is it Humans, People who this script is waiting for to grasp, realize, understand?
Wake up, realize and do the appropriate action of understanding that which is so obvious?

If that is the case, then it means that we will wait forever.
I have no trust or confidence in a species that does not even exist.
Have no idea to read, see, feel, understand, smell, taste touch, or even read a personal expression and experience made so clear and still translate it through their own perception and experience of what is- ignoring the meaning so crystal clear to add their two cents, regardless if all those suggestions and ideas have been clarified from the very moment I came on Facebook, found myself living this way and with a body which speaks for itself.

4:49 pm
It is not simply exhausting but unreasonable to speak to something expressing codes of that which is non-existent.
That their expression is nonexistent, unnecessary, not of any worth, the value of significance because all those questions asked, have been answered, and perhaps they were not paying attention, or in their heads, and they simply think me an idiot, a fool who as the Seamless Perfect symmetry which is staring everyone in the face- Perfection that there is no gap in my expression for every question has been answered.
And so to answer such people and their questions is as if I am willing indulging my tormentors who just need to say something – none of which is any value to me.. words which have no meaning because all those questions have been answered
ad nauseum”.
Which is what I feel, more and more each day… a Nausea.

I am not going to address Non-Existence.
The Expressions which negate my existence… sometimes people do realize that there is nothing to say.
That they can simply be quiet and let sink in the truth of that the person’s expression of what IS.

This is It.

There is nothing to add, except that which takes into consideration the Facts… that the person is telling the truth.
And to not acknowledge that is a negation of that IS.
And that is Non-Existence.
An expression which is Non-Existent- which negates the IS.

Home means never having to deal with such expression ever again.
Home means solutions actions, not words forcing you down into torment and torture, into nonexistence after giving the same people expression Transparent which causes them to rise.
And then in return, they give what is in their minds that which they, in turn, must give in Fair Exchange to that one who shared naturally with no expectations of gain, for what can you give a being who has solved the riddles of Existence?
Who has proven memory of the birth of Infinity, the father of Infinity, the Mother of Eternity?
Meaning of Existence from here to Infinity Eternity to I.E- I Express.

Sometimes, it is the most difficult thing in this reality, to simply receive and not feel that they now owe and must give something back in exchange.
But the negation of another’s experience, expression explanation voice.

Sometimes all that can be said when there is nothing to be said, is to do an action a gesture which in that action is Empathy and Understanding.

* See it in Kims Tree Sage’s post today about Isolation.
Or his leaving the Heater in my room because despite both of us being able to exist comfortably in cold temperatures, my muscle contract I found in the cold and thus, creates a stiffening which I did not have before.

My mother… and then many people afterward used to say to me ‘You always know the right words what to say in any situation”

But I am also using the language of Silence and Quiet.
Silence is indeed Golden Aurelia Kim Arden has these traits.
And Quiet is Silver…
Arden and Kim have these traits.

That is Empathy and Understanding… Compassion.
C U E.
/ E U C.
There is no “Cueing”- prompting, expectations required as a response because that is a setup.
E U C.
Expression Understands Consciousness
That is E S P.
Exceptional Sensory Perception.

Knowing when there is nothing one can say.
Being Quiet.

Simply Being Present.

It is in that space of Quiet- which I was nicknamed The Quiet Heart and Sun Shine.
The Smile, even one of Beautiful Sadness that is where that idea of the gap where there is no gap, what it is, is Agape. Brotherly Love.
T.R.U E.

That is Love.
It is Quiet.
It can Cause “Jay-Joy” Rejoicing Tears Laughter… Incredulity.
But is can also be Quiet.
That quiet beautiful sadness which makes tears caress and falls from eyes… tears so quiet which even as I write this, tears have been streaming down my cheeks all day.. and yet I am not even able to acknowledge the beautiful sadness of the feeling and why.
Because I already know why.
Only the music I play now each day, “Chill Step” expresses what is in my heart.
And I do not wish to deny thier reason, purpose and power… but this is not the place, nor the setting for such an expression of such Beauty, such magnificent valor of a man knowing, accepting that he has been made the Embodiment of the Door of Life in this world.
Made so quiet, made so seemingly anonymous.
Non Existent.
That I have been elected, used as the literal representation of Man.
A Man having attained that which H.E… I… was already A W A R E= 48. D H.
* Please see Dana Hawkins ( D H) share about God being Consciousness.
C G. 73.
And having known this all along.

A True Conversation between E and A =1- K-11.
1 11.
P E R F E C T I O N.
Sacred Portal 111.
I I I.

Both parties absorbing in the space of the Quiet a shared Silence of Understanding the experience, the True Expressing of another.

You may hate what the conclusion is saying, such as in my case, but for example, if someone tells you why they are ready to leave their body and explains it where there are no seams in the logical reasoning, explanation then you must accept it, no matter how much you may miss and love that person- but you can not deny the experience he or she was given or the reasoning and response at the completion of all that which was demanded of him and it being fulfilled at such a cost. yet it was fulfilled.

Its illogical to deny the perfect symmetry of the Summary and Conclusion drawn.

Do not negate, that which simply IS.

I do not, no matter how I fought, despise, loathe, refute its reasoning…
In the end, and in conclusion, it is what it is.

The Source. The Creator is a man.
And Truth Manifests full Circle for all to see and feel, experience as a Solid Fact.
And if all the requirements. all the equations have been solved and confirmed by an Echo response, not within my control have confirmed it full circle in perfect symmetry as Fact.
And still that being is writhing alone in a bed with 103 USD in his wallet. J C.
A F C.
Then you as I have, must accept the conclusion- verdict and response.

That is the meaning of “It IS What It IS”

5:43 pm.

I came into the world with such Joy.
Such Bliss and Extase of being in existence and such excitement, not at the role given to me to play, but rather of its meaning and significance.
The end of suffering pain.. hurt.
I came to share the most Beautiful Truth and for 53 years 35 years.
E M E K A K O L O has shared, fought the impossible odds of proving this. in the History and Timeline of this idea of the world.

And I know my Identity and have always known it, and each day I solve equate that fact is reinforced again and again even as I sit here in shock and horror at just what was done to this truth.
How it was presented, how it was fought for.
For you see, you who have had ignorance and your bliss, given the free will and power to ignore the Facts.
Even those brought into your awareness, I haven’t.
I have never had that peace, as my mother repeatedly testified” You have been fighting from my womb and from the moment you were born.
Fighting an idea of life and all those in every moment in your life who have denied that truth you represent who fought, cursed, denied, did the most unspeakable things to me.. in outrage at how dare I tell that truth.

If you have any Empathy, Understanding… or Compassion… have it for that.

Have it, at least now in a quiet private moment of what my life has been like for me.

To simply understand and respect at least my point of view.
A Point of view which Everting Everywhere I was sent, Everyone I was cornered into interacting with, Everbody has confirmed through this script of my life as Emeka Kolo. 35 53
1. 16.
Sacred Portal 116.
A G.
8 Infinity- I Standing Up.
Not Lying Down.

See the Truth at least.
Respect the Truth- I was made to prove.
And you will find that it is not Pity for me that you will feel.
But Beautiful Pride.

And an understanding complete as to why my decision and desire to leave this Body which has become my hell makes perfect sense.

E X I S T E N C E.
5 24 9 19 20 5 14 3 5.
= 104

E S S E N C E.
5 19 19 5 14 3 5
= 70.

Total 104+74= 174.
A G.D.

B E I N G.
E X I S T E N C E.
= 141 A D A.

E S S E N C E.
= 107.
Jean Genet. J E-AN. G E.N E T.
/ T E N E G. N A-E.G.

= 211. BK. U A. B: A-A.

B E.E.

It’s a Bee which Arden drew on the Mug his family gave me.

B A.
( E .E= A).

And then I saw this… The meaning of Jean is “John” ( Grace”)
But it is the meaning of the name Genet which caused me to pause, to be quiet… to again, realize that my every word and expression is Eternal Satya Perfection.
Of the Script of A.
Awakening- Evolution.

Genet is an African Name…

*”The name Genet is a boy’s name of African origin meaning “eden”. Appealing French-sounding African name, but also with associations to sometimes scandalous French novelist/dramatist Jean Genet.”

It means “Eden”

The name Arden also means Eden.
G-Arden of Eden.

And in Aramaic…

3 people from the United States and Ethiopia agree the name Genet is of Amharic origin and means “Heaven”.
A submission from Tennessee, U.S. says the name Genet means “Heaven,eden” and is of Eritrea origin.
A user from California, U.S. says the name Genet is of Amharic origin and means “Paradise”.”

Heaven. Paradise.

P H E.
Poverty Hollow E.
Perfect Harmony E.
E Harmony Perfection.

5 16 -8.
8 16- 5.

29.29… 58…… 1 58 Red Truck,
58 1.
29 Lincoln Avenue.
Esteban was born 8-16-1984.

So tell me, was this not a riddle?
An Equation which I had to resolve.
Which brought Ray, to the door where he fixed the back door which Esteban kicked in.
That I had to Equate what the writer called Edmund White- E W, whom I met later in the company of Allen Ginsberg. A.G in 1993.

/ W E…S T… T S E W… “Sol a Needle Pulling Thread” S-A N P T.
Sol 5th Note.

W E.G. A. L A X Y 10 11 C.I.
V.V .E G A… Bam.

Yes, I have a Facebook Friend for years whom I instantly recognized when he became my facebook friend years ago, Bam El Lobo Vega.

B E L V.


No Belief was never required, Solid Facts were… are.

Add another L and U E.
L U E… CU E… 12/21 33 -E=A E.
F E. 6 5.


B E L L V U E.

B E L L E= A. V U E.

“Beautifully Seen”


7:04 pm.
G O D.

So yes I was cued, was I not and it used outside influence sound Noise, disturbance of my effort to move to quiet, by disrupting it, and by creating “Emptiness” Nothing else to do ( not hollowness) I was brought here to solve and resolve this.

From a play which took place 28 years ago.

7:06 pm… 7:07 pm right now.

So tell me, if I did not tell the truth, and that this was the experience given to me, A man By God?


It means.
The brightest star in the constellation Lyra, approximately 26 light years from Earth. Vega is one of the stars that make up the Summer Triangle.
[Medieval Latin, from Arabic (an-nasr) al-w?qi’, the falling (eagle), Vega : al-, the + w?qi’, falling, active participle of waqa’a, to fall; see wq? in Semitic roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
Vega (?vi???)
(Celestial Objects) the brightest star in the constellation Lyra and one of the most conspicuous in the N hemisphere. It is part of an optical double star having a faint companion. Distance: 25.3 light years; spectral type: A0V
[C17: from Medieval Latin, from Arabic (al nasr) al w?qi, literally: the falling (vulture), that is, the constellation Lyra]”

*”Noun. borrowed from Medieval Latin Wega, Vega, altered from the terminal syllables of Arabic al-nasr al-w?qi?, literally, “the descending eagle,” originally a name applied to the three stars ?, ? and ? Lyrae.


EL means
*”From a Semitic root meaning “god”. This was a title applied to several Semitic gods. The Canaanites used it as the name of their chief deity, the father of the gods and mankind. The Hebrews used it to refer to Yahweh.”

Lobo means “Wolf”

Descending Eagle Eyed is the Brightest Star.
B S.

3… Two in One
Yes, the Girls name the series- “His Dark Materials.”
H D.M… smh.
His Transparent Materials.
H T M”

Did I really have a choice?
And no matter how awful this is to accept, one can not shy away from looking at the truth.
Star E.

Sacred Portal 14.

Especially when it is staring you in the face.

7:21 pm.
The date 7 months ago and 7 days ago I left Arden Gemino at 900 South Road.
7months and 7 days.

7:22 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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