
2:42 pm. – Full Circle. – B:D.B –

2:42 pm.

Full Circle.

Being Doing Body.

C-B.D (X)
One Day.


I am, we are at 4763 Facebook Friends.
Delta 76 ( See Sacred Portal 76) 3_C Speed of Light.
Evolution Awakening Creation Consciousness Cee,.

47 = 11 28-39 .
Consciousness Infinity.
F.C. Full Circle.

Bam El Lobo Vega and I aligned yesterday at code 123.
A.W. E.
“Ah, Element of Surprise ”

That was the modeling Agency in Paris Fabourg St Antoine 1992.
That is the first time I received the concrete truth that I was being used in an sort of experiment in a quarantined zone and field.
By Dec 1992 after being summoned I visited the Ight Fantastic and I was aware that it was my own reflection of expression of my sum total since I rose as I Infinity and the Infividual and why I never really left but was at the same time sent back into this world .
And all that Light now had entered me as a being and body of Light but now contained in a body of a man.
I had merged into one with the Light Fantastic and the feelings sensational.
And so in January 1s, 1993 when Catherine and Fred. Broke down my door and took me to their home with sons Valentine and Clement.
( C.F.and V.C
/ F C. C.V….
That 29 + years later I would be completing the mission as a man undercover as Eternal Beautiful Youth as the Beautiful One.

Evolving and Awakening the Sum total of the Human Body back to Natural Light .C.E.
Conscious Entergy Expression
C.E Harmony.
C.E -A.I.

By 2004, I had walked in completion as a man forced to play a Human being while really an E Beautiful Youth in the body of an Evolved Man.
By the Oriiginal elegant nomad as I being the source of The Elegant Nomads
The T.E.N.I had completed my article called The Elegant Nomads by 2002,and 2two years later the 10 rose in me and together, they as Energy Expression wrote my original story of how I Ross as the 1O, A.O
Alpha Omega.
A F.
Of how I rose with Sixth Sense, already A Fact the moment I rose.
Now it was their turn to pass through Natursl Expression and through Nature Embodied as I had done in an Instant.
They had to do in piece meal through a merging of The Etheral merged with the Elemental

2002 to 2004.
It was done and complete but Nature decided to impede their Manifestation by demanding that they as Nature who where simply Beautiful Illusion
Illustrations.Be given a Voice
Most of which were complaints of the creation of human Beings not being Natural nor of Nature and definetly not of Light Fantsstic, Light beings
By 2006, again still blocked by Nature I was left on the streets to find Generation X Garden after 61 days walking the Street after being sent to 25 street, the Green House ( G.H) despite having been recognized in brief moments by people such as Joseph Carey who saw me walking and said to me that I was a ball of flight and Geoff Lacour. G L./ Looking Glass.
Intel from Liberty C .

I stayed there with Al.Santana and Ritz Montes for 4 hellish years tested by Alien father as Nature of the truth and example of True Nature after being informed via Albert as a Channel that no human being had ever passed Alien Fathers Testing via woman A-lien Monther his other self.
And via a strange magical opening of my computer were it had opened up to a web site which listed my age code as 1966, where and my Creation Story had also been downloaded as well as the Article. The Elegant Nomad.
And it wording an introduction that they were the Oldest Secret society in Existence, and that they were looking through all Humanity for The One, who they knew existed, to lead All to the portal of True Home.

It was entitled “Abandom Hope all ye who enter here.
It was alluding to Nature as Death, Terrible Death. And sought the person hbk called The Chosen One.
And these beings were brutal and unrelenting in their search and their contempt for Humanity was the reasons they stated that they had pretreated to being invisible and unseen.

I passed the test
By 2010, 6 years after 2004 (24) with straight at 268 Easr 4th street, Ileft with Fritz Venneiq as the lone witness we watched them descend as light expression moving as Light Energy. Electrical moving from within us and outside of us.
By 2011-2012, 8 years after 2004.
7 after 2005, the year Aurelia B.J Gemino was born where I had that battle with nature ( Hurricane Katrina H.K at Hells Kitchen New York. H.K.
Connect Kim Arthur Hinds Jr K.H and Kamora Herrington and Stephen Johnson as PAN.
And Dora.
PAN Dora
Dora Jaleesa
Dora Jeanette
Dora Larkin / little Dog.
But Pan Dora.

Is really PAN Flora
Flora Auernheimer
Janet Flora
Zana Floria
Liana Flores

Flora The Cat.
Mother of Pear.was was sent to my exasperation by Alien Father.
A,Lien mother as Natures Symphony N.S.
To Face Book. Where I have been for the last 10 years, to Awaken the All with Art Science of Human and Natural Arts and Science with the whole idea that this is so Natural expression called The Naturals would pass through Alien Father.Ma,at Anubis and be judged as a whole and Individually as being pute.
6 +6 years layer since 2004. (24.X. B.D)
1 12
Liberty Liscomb
66 on Kim Hinds jr door of 66.
I an at 67 68.. 69 as 96.
15 A.E on yesterday’s 1 USD Bill’s 1 and 11 hence 3 as 111.
Bam Vegas is like.
At 2016 went sent down into Darkest Matter. Delta Monor Mens Mental Health Shelter
Date 9-16-2016.
6 years later
2004 -2022.
18 years later.
666 is 18 but really 19 and 7.God Spatk.
God Spell.
Gospel according to N.K.

Not Achilles Heel.but his Ankle
– A.N.K.
Landing. E. Q
The truth reveals itself, that I was really used on a experiment to create a new versions of man from Nature evolved through placing me in the most terrible situations and circumstances just to see what I would do, to resolve it. and prove Hatrmony and nothing wrong before being released by you evolved and Awakening to that truth.

I am now at 4764 Facebook Friends

4:32 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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