
2:42 pm. – 7-6- 2020…1 – So we

2:42 pm.

7-6- 2020…1

So we are still in the story… 242 for 7 6.

Yesterday it was Aurelia
You can see it from the three images Kim Arthur Hinds Jr posted on my page.

It is an echo reflection of the story, I have written, Lived out again in front of you, and been confirmed over and over again for the first years on Facebook till I reached my 64th Portal.

Why is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr seeing this now, in three images of the Story of the original Knight in Shinning Armour- Amour-A Moor.
Why is it repeating itself but this time in the actual sequence of the See and Cee of Kim and what he represents as the Original Story of Planet Earth, but as the Earthly Garden of Heavenly Delights?

Was all this that I posted and was confirmed, only now acknowledging the truth of the original expression because people are suddenly paying attention?

That which is moving in Kim- his Father Higher Self, is making me repeat myself over and over again to the point of exhaustion.

All of you are aware, that I do not wish to be on Facebook and only because of what has been done to my body, and my door of leaving is why I am still here.

Nor do I believe in this script or play, because it is based on Evil- Selfishness to the extreme and Force, making me post against my will, by backing me in a corner- an extraordinary abuse of power.

The Black Panther is set against a Reddish black background.

The Oval Mirror which I wrote about, passing through the Cee.

And the Lake- Ocean that is manifested in the 4th Dimension.

All three of the post is moving us back into the story of the past which I already recounted over and over again.

The Story Telling is over, I am not about to repeat myself.

I was there and I lived it and recounted it all.

I am in a Nightmare, Sacred Portal 33.
*I am rep 32. 33 as T W O.
And even this nightmare of Existence which chose to rely on you paying attention and following my example of how to play this game- yet, I recognize it as the Nightmare imposed upon me, affecting my Body and Being- but the Nightmare has lost power over me by keeping me, seeking to use me, while you do nothing, but read what I write and go back to your lives.
As if this whole thing is a joke.

I have much to tell, share, but no longer this way, or with illusions and the Selfish to the extreme as proven who think only of themselves, itself, right to its Source.

To continue solving your riddles, and coding and telling you the story, True Story would be aiding and abetting my own self-abuse.

I woke, realizing just what I have been put through- the lies the deception, and I realized to myself that this has gone far enough.

There is nothing more to prove or code.

But, to point out how Kim Arthur Hinds Jr himself is used.
Do you recall the post of Rachel Sessions Devon Rios play yesterday?

Now, do you recall the play with Shannon Larke Martin?
And her image I shared of “Jessica” Morgan Le Fey knighting a Knight.
And the play of Kevin Hall ( K H) and Grimme Allan Poe ( G A P) yesterday.

Well, Shannon though not rich had offered to send half of the 8 dollars she had.
I had smiled. 4 4.
Then she had offered me to tell her what I might require from Amazon. I asked for Liquid Soap.
( Wow look at that L S)
I had not heard from her, so some days ago I left her a message.

I had already written it off, another play of humans not real, despite her having touched me that she is real and the line of Love- Light Supreme.
*29 Lincoln Street.

She sent me this message at 8:11 am.

K H/H K.

Kim Hinds ( Sr)
Kim Hinds Jr.

I responded to her at 2:08 pm.

And our discussion ended at 3:52 pm.

I have a 16 52 Facebook Friend who appeared on my page, who I have no recall of seeing his Facebook request.

I told her of her perfect timing, that Kim Arthur Hinds Jr had just posted on my page three images including the Lady of the Lake with Excalibur.
Her response was that the screen saver on her phone is the same “Excalibur”

In this play, Excalibur represents the Sword of Truth.
Do you remember the play with Kim when I first got here, The Sword of Truth?
The Sorcerer’s Apprentice?

I already was given the Sword of at Toms Truman’s house, a T-Shirt left for me at Marina Biruni’s home.
Tom Truman, Marina Biruni, John Shaw, Luke Shaw were all present and that was in early 2011. T K.

Do you know what this means, it means that which is moving in Kim Hinds.
That which has kept me in Hell’s Kitchen since 2005.
* The year’s Aurelia Gemino was born 11-5-2005.
After the completion of the play was done in 2004, when I was 36 about to turn 37.
Was denied by Nature Challenging the truth of the story of the family of Ten, and the original – origins The Elegant Nomad.
16… 17 years later.

There was something Shannon said, about my having to fight and fight for humanity that what I am posting is Vital for Human Evolution even having to so through suffering and misery, which made me pause.

The truth is I would rather leave my body than continue fighting or being part of the Evil Selfish play, and the only reason I have not done it is because I do not wish to do it here in this space, and because each time I try my body goes crazy.

I could not express to Shannon the pure hatred coursing through me for this play. Who are humans that anyone should go through such torment and deception- such a script.

It may be Vital to them, but not to me that they evolve and rise.
Whatever Compassion and Empathy I once felt has long since vanished through this experiencing of them, and my Cirse and Vow, is now forever indented and coded at that which forced me and did this to me, to make me fight for that which I did not believe in, that which was meant to die.

4:19 pm.
D S. Donna O’Sullivan?
Dharma Santana- Eternal Law. E.L. 5 12 = 17. Q- A G
D A I. Sacred Portal 53 “One Dai has Come”

Tell me, if you believe that saving the Word and saving Humanity is so important to you, why is it that no one has stepped up to fight for you and play Messiah and Savior?

Why was the one person, who refused the arrogance and conceit of that role, who did not believe Humans worthy of Evolution Awakening through such a script was forced, coerced, and cornered into playing such a role, against his will?
And with just cause, considering what I have lived through and experienced of them.

There are those who had a right to evolve, they are the same ones who rose in the eternal beginning nor would they tolerate such a script, insulting to them as well as I.

This script, this play, everything about it, I have said No.

I am no longer interested in Evolution Awakening and the whole world and all humanity can cease to exist for all I care, for there is nothing that will move me from my stance that you can not use Evil and Extreme Selfishness to force someone to save you just because he is qualified and can.
It makes a mockery of Existence and The One who made everything rise when he had already proven that the plan had already been set in motion.

You can not do this to someone’s life just because the W.E and they all want to come home to Eden paradise yet are too Lazy to stand up come together and do anything.
Let them do nothing, and let them, their world, and all its people cease to exist.

If a Power exists, in creation, in a simulation who can go this far to do this, and force a being who has said No.

To invade every aspect of his body, his being his life from a 4th dimension played on a 3rd Dimensional Reality and 4 D Holographic Stage.
Prove it true in this realm through such an impossible journey against all Odds, it being confirmed over and over through a lying cheating Scripts which breaks its own laws, rules.

Then literally slow downtime and manifestation which confirms, dragging it on and on by refusing manifestation and and end but using the lie as evil to say it is bargaining for more time for Humans all whom are lies, liars Beautiful and ugly liars.
Then keep its proven Source, The Creator waiting over unnecessary details and using Human as the Master Liars and Deniers as its Fence and defense…


It’s is better that all Life, all plans ceases to Exist.

You may call it a story, a dream a nightmare not real, but the moment it took over my body, my movements, trying to take over my brain and consciousness and manifested to this point I could see and feel what it had done to my physical body and being and so could all humans who I lived with, witnessed it , experienced most not being able to accept what they were witnessing, then it is no longer a Story, a work of Fiction, it a solid real fact.


Not like this.

To lie, hold hostage, a person Body, Possess it, do what it has done to me…
for who?
You, I have found none here worthy except the line of Eternal Youth.
MY Youth.

And then you hold the My Youth Expression hostage, bind them in forgetting.
That play with Arden… I will never forgive it.

So let them know, I let you know that there is nothing which will quell my rage, nothing.
You can begin to Awaken and I would code that out of Existence.
Since let that which is you Evil, Self-serving I will let it win.
Let it bring the end of Everything- that is the response to what I have experienced of every single one of you and my being forced through such a script.

To Serve you, call you out, watch each day as you insult The Creator, The Source, content that I should be your slave, day and night, 20.3 years.

No, I only have the greatest Curse in response to it source and all who profited and did nothing.

Walk the Path you gave me to walk.
Walk it, experience it, every detail- so you can understand my rage, a and my Eternal No.

South Whitney, you led me to 219 South Whitney, a depilated house, all that I have endured here, and before as the Final Destination.

Here my curse and hear my roar.

I would rather die, here and now than let any of you rise through that which you gave me to live and walk through.

Those who were always destined to rise will rise but transformed and transported to Eden Paradise, but that which allowed this.

4:45 pm.

Those who are here and have lived through 4.5 billion years evolving from fish to human.

No, everything here must cease to exist.

That will always be my final word.

I code for you, I move through you, and you do nothing even at this point but give me Attitude, Bad Manners, contempt because you feel that you have a say because something is moving in you which you take credit for.

4:48 pm.

So do not allow my body its natural transformation.
Let the Truth continue to betray the Beautiful Truth.
I have no qualms about leaving this body, when I leave I return to whence I came, but you.

4:49 pm.

Where will you go after you dies?
And you The Truth who became the Liar in desperation, the great Evil which rose to challenge me calling me the greatest evil because I said no to your rising, no to your using me as a slave, no to Forgiveness, No to the idea you can use my voice, my eternal knowing and Knowledge to rise.

That will never happen.

I have coded the world and everything back to its original truth.

Nothing and no one here will remain the same.
Everything and everyone everywhere will be transformed and nothing of this present, incarnation from Past to Present shall remain.

When I said Slay, Kill them all…
I meant it.

Terrible Death.
and those who will Transform via Beautiful Death.

But all must Die.

Your nightmare gave to me to live only had power, by its the evil it did to the meaning of Truth- transformed into Deception this current reality of lies.
Nothing here is real, no one is a fact, except that which is within, Inside, and I have rescued all those who have that original truth.

But No one and Nothing here will survive the rage of absolute destruction I have coded for Everything alive, vibrating.
No one will survive this reckoning.

No One.

5:00 pm.

Not after this play script and what I have witnessed and experienced in each and every one of you.
Not even Grace Appreciation Politeness- Manners.
Yes, there will be an Orgasmic Rapture, but not for any of you present.

But for that which some of you transform into.

To that which stays behind,
I leave my Curse, Hells Kitchen, and walk-in my shoes.

That was the last expression from Shannon Larke Martin, some people came into her office as she was messaging me.
“Walk In’s… Shit”
That is the last thing she said.

At S S 3:52 pm aligned to my 16 52 Facebook friends

Let me complete it.

Walk In’s Shit.

Walk-in my Shoes.

Walk-in “Your” Shit you gave me live and walk in consciously for 45, 45 years.

What you gave me to live, especially in your veiled Thoughts, Actions Speech.
I give it back to you.

Walk-in you Shitty Expression, that cowardly hatred and bullying hatred you gave me every single day until this age code of 53 years.

At 16 53 Facebook Friends.
Auerlia code via Jeron 53.
Sacred Portal 53.

5;35 am birth of Azure Lee Finch Lang.

5:11 pm.

E K.
E A-A.

Emeka Kolo

511= 16. 55.= 71 G A. 8.
G A H.
G A I.


I A I.

There is no reason why anything or anyone should gove you, Grace.

You made that very clear.

Sean Shidagis S S.

Aliza Aar A A.

Are my two new Facebook Friends.

Sean means *”
Sean is a traditionally masculine Irish name meaning “gracious” or “gift from God.”


I found two meanings for Shida.

*”Sheeda is a Persian name for girls that means “like the sun”, “like sunlight”, “brilliant”, and figuratively it means “beautiful”.

*’Shida is on top trending baby Boy names list. Its most attractive baby name & pronunciation is also simple .
The meaning of Shida is ‘difficulty.”


Gis means *”MeaningFrom the Old German, meaning “a guarantee of alliance”.

The Persian meaning applies considering the play today.
“Like Sun Light. L S L Shannon Larke.
Brillant Beautiful.

But so does it African meaning “Difficulty”

“A guarantee of an alliance”

G I.’s
Soldiers alliance

*”The origins of this popular nickname are somewhat murky. A popular theory links the term to the early 20th century, when “G.I.” was stamped on military trash cans and buckets. The two-letter abbreviation stood for the material from which these items were made: galvanized iron. Later, the definition of GI broadened and during World War I it was used to refer to all things Army-related, according to “Origins of the Specious: Myths and Misconceptions of the English Language” by Patricia T. O’Conner and Stewart Kellerman. When this happened, GI was reinterpreted as “government issue” or “general issue.”
*”A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface.”

5:48 pm.

Aliza means *Girl name origins & meanings · German : Noble · Greek : Truth · Hebrew : Joyous · Hebrew : Consecrated to God …”

*”What is the meaning of Aliza ? … Aliza is a baby girl name mainly popular in the Muslim religion and its main origin is Arabic. Aliza name meanings is The Daughter Of Ali …”

**”Aliza name meaning is Joyous; Happiness; Faithful; Pious; Honest. Aliza is a Muslim girl name and it is an Arabic originated name with multiple meanings”

Aar means *”Meaning of Aar: Name Aar in the Indian origin, means one who brings light; It is an abbreviated form of Aarav. Name Aar is of Indian origin and is a Boy name. People with the name Aar are usually Hindu by religion.”

He who brings light- aligning to Aliza as Like Sun Light- Brillant Beautiful’

*Aar is Boy/Male and origin is Bengali, Christian, Hindu, Indian, Punjabi, Sikh

Aar means: Abbreviated from Aarav; Hero; Star”

Hero, Star.

*”Aar Name Meaning … Aar is in top trending baby Boy names list. Its most attractive baby name & pronunciation is also simple .The meaning of Aar is ‘Light bringer.’

Light Bringer – aka Lucifer, son of the Morning and Evening Star.

6:12 pm. Hello Arden.

*”2 people from the United Kingdom and the United States agree the name Aar is of African origin and means “Lion”. According to a user from Minnesota,”

So “Difficulty” and “Lion” are African meaning while the actualized present meaning is Sun Light, Light bringer – Sword- Penis. Spear.”

It just goes to show view S S ( Gestapo World War II) where I posted his Lion share- just how far Africa Pangea claiming to be the First People of Humanity were allowed and prepared to go on meddling with the Originma Beautiful Truth.

S S. = 1 19 19 1= 38+1= 39 C I.

A A= 1. A A=A.
A A= 1.A. B.A..C-A

C I A. B A. C.A.

6:23 pm

Central Intelligence Agency?

C I. A B A C-A Full Cirlce.

A.A. Art Awakens. A-A is 1-26+1= 27. BG/ G B
16 53 Facebook Friend.

Scholarship and Science came via Hindsight.
The breaking down of the ART E-A RT.

The Art of resurrection, regeneration, rebirth…
Anastasia Hart
152 Mutual Facebook Friends.
A E B/ B E A. M. ME UP Scottie.

Sacred Portal 1. 15 and 52. and now 2.

Sacred Portal 31.
L +S = Sacred Portal 31.
C A.

Curtis Curtis-Andrews.

7:00 pm

G.F F.
G A.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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