
2:36 p.m – B.C.F. – 3-23-2022. – C

2:36 p.m




Yesterday Jae Sherman moved out, it was the 3-22-2022.
I knew what it meant.

She left a note, though I did get up and saw her face which I ignored.
But I read the first part of her note, ” You are not the Source, I am” she had written, that is all I needed to hear, that she had been literally brought here to challenge my truth and for the entire time she had been here, that had been her agenda.
I informed Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and he was disgusted, why did she have say that he said to me quietly

I just smiled glad that the Source of Evil as Negation had left all multitudes dimensions of Existence as a Simulation of the Truth.

And on C-V-T.V and that use of internet as Frontiers was defeated by not only proof of the Original Truth of my Grandmother but also my Mother line as C to Chukwu 87.

I had already watched to Anime on Computer T.V, the night before Yaztuza and another which I will share, it was about a Demon King of Feer who was finally defeated with his demon Hoard who had plunged the humanity in terror, and the other was a battle with a black Samurai and a girl with exceptional power, of course it was sacred portal 2-3, my little sister Harmony and my own brother playing me, see Obommne Nnamdi played by Kim.

I now had to access the internet.
The play was over for me but I was completing the Carbom Copy play of the Bodies, which aligned to Kim Hinds.link Elizabeth Hinds Davis

So I had get my phone on.

And asked Kim if he could go to Walmart and get a Straight Talk Tel card, I knew that just Liberty C had arranged for me to have a phone Straight Talk. S.T, that Kim had to do the same thing, but I did knew that he had to do it on his own initiative.
It did not happen, nor was it my job to tell him, I could only give hints.

But there was a play which only I could complete as the only Sacred Pprtal 22.
SoI spent all day here with Kim, using his phone and was delayed 4 times. It was insane each time I was about to be connected to gain service, my connection was cut, but I could read the codes by the time codes of each call back time the Straight Talk operator gave me,17-26 minutes, 5-8 mins

I was already able to investigate my page, I had been at 4684 Facebook friends but I saw that I was somehow at 46 87 facebook Friends.
Chukwu ” Supreme Being- is 87.

Chris Filgueira born 1987.
Kim Hinds present here 11-04-1987

And I saw that he has 530 Facebook friends
53 is E.C and 530 is 53O
My Tel.No was 1649.
See sacred portal 16 and 49.
Kim 49 mutual Facebook Froends.
John Mack 49

Existenia Death. E.D

Kim stayed with me the whole time despite having to go out, so I knew that he at least was getting it right.
The two dollars he left me as change from thev40 USD, I had given to him for the 35 Straight Talk phone card.

The last pause to wait was 4-6 mins.
That is when I told Kim I was done.
46 /64, I knew was the code at 17-26 mins
I was done, telling Kim that let’s do today, the 23rd.
All the codes even to the IME and iMEID on my phone were part of the play. All the numbers on the even the Phone Card.

Cardarius Sherman
Vaihere Cardonnet

Was part of the play, my charger stopped working the one bought by Stephen Esteban, it was tiring all this just to reactivate my phone.

So I went to bed and got up at 12:46 pm.And prepared to enter the last leg of the play. But ai was tired, ready to leave, but Kim came out and asked me for my phone, he charged it, and then too over the activation of my phone quietly and in about 30 mins, it was on at 2;17 pm.
I remarked the Time as did Kim noting that Straight Talk and fracafone had sent me a new Tel.No. it begins with 959…

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