
2:35 P.M.

2:35 P.M.

2-2-8…..(2O+15=35..Time 2:35 pm..B.C.E=H.)

E+C=H.O E.




O Full Circle Sphere Ahtmosphere Perfection

E Energy Infinite source of Self Regenerating Energy.

E.C.H.O E.

Some one just quoted to me an African Proverb

A Lie carries many Vibrations…

But the Truth Carries none…

I found that the persons Espirit wished to affirm this to me, since I had made it very clear through the Evidence of what I am Being Doing Consciously Embodying and En-Acting in this Facebook play which I posted yesterday…

That I have gone beyond Vishnu and Atom…

Vishnu- who resides in Nara -Water- represents V for Vibration….

Just as A represenent Atom as Abba..

Father of Many Abraham.

And F as in the 6th Note represents 6th Sense and reason…


Is beyond Vibration….

As Exemplifed by my posting on Face Book for 33 months, attracting Facebook friends from all over the world whose Harmony Synchronized perfecting timing as Echoed through my proceeding posts, can only make one surmise that they are each being activated to form an Echo story of response affirmation.

But since most have never met me, nor heard the sound of my Voice.

Then there is no Vibration (Vishnu) per say…

But rather stillness and sine which is activated through my posting which has created the Echo response…

Nara is the code represented in both Dina Singh and Clark Narayana…

Nara which means Water Eau- Beau..

And Narayana which I call Nature.

I posted a share from Lord C N which exemplifies the meaning of Silence is a Sound.

And Dina Singh linked in perfect Harmony at 1O:44 with me, which corresponds to Sacred portal 44 the Goddess.

Please recall the play of David Philipe Gil at on Jan 27..1-28.

And the code gift of 1Ousd..

2+8=1 Full Circle of perfection O Circle Sphere.

Thus 1O:44 P.M which I noted on the post if Sacred Portal 148…

Which was then Echoed by Dina Singh.

And I just listened to her Tape which lasted 7:28 minutes which is strangely the birth of my bio sister Nnoyelum Ijeamaca Okolo…

Who lives in Virginia…

Her name means Stay close to me, beautiful movement Energy of the young man

And the Tape is Dina Singh echoing my words as her future son in Law Brennan Duncan, reads them slowly.

As if she already knew what was about to be said because it had already prevaded her being Abd Consciousness without Sound or Sight…

But through a Silence…

Beyond a Vibration..

Ripples or Full Circles

But through an Expression of an Energetic Principle beyond Vibration which needs a medium to past through

If this riddle is about my Sister who was born in this world before me and who is born 7:28,

It would mean by not only the full meaning of her literal name Nnoyeleum Ijeamaca Okolo..

N.I.O…O I N…

And this play with Dina Singh, it would signify that before 7:28 or G.B H existed..

Gode Being H…

David P.G…Gil meaning Joy with is a name given to my sister…




There existed a Male and Female principle before her who was, is 11-28…

Whole and complete…

Her source.

D S.


D..C.. 34

N.S…North South..?


5-1O. .

51O ..

E.A O.

Dina Singh is code 51..

I am code 51O…E.A.O…

Rose Well.

Rise Well..

Not Roswell Area 51 in physical Space but in Energetic Space influencing causing all to rise, be activared, evolve and Awaken…

From beyond..

Requiring no medium to transmitted its message to All the U.E.



E B F.H.

Emeka Best Friend Harmony…

Echo E is the U…Universe.

I.E am Beyond.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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