
2:34 p.m.

2:34 p.m.

2:34 p.m.


New Years Eve.


You can not go home, if you do not know how to tell the truth.

The codes have proven that before the end of 2018 that the World, the key figures in the World will be fully congnizant that we are literally in Evolution Revelation and Awakening

This is the literal truth of this End play, right to the last scenes taking place here with Stephen Filgueira and myself, here at the House he rented and brought people together.

Whereby, it becomes the ultimate question which each person I was sent to, to offer grace, to help them see and perceive the Truth of this awakening which because of the depth of the distraction and because of the very real consequences of not paying attention, getting the evidence facts, before you make a decision of this being the Truth- that we are at the Evolution Awakening- that miracle people have fantasized about for Eon… even to the inception of Human Awareness as Thought Reflection Consciousness.

That is the Choice each person has.. had, that free will to decide that which is True and that which is False.

I was sent, supremely reluctantly into play that messenger of a truly Divine Love ( whose love I have also been contesting because it seemed to have completely, forgotten my point of view.. sigh.. but you have heard this all before.. And it changed nothing. So let me not go on about that except to point out its relevance to that which is this Script).

The reality, is that I am following a Script of Human Expression and translation of the Expressions of the Great Being who came before and for the moment, from what I have read conclusively, the Story of Christ Consciousness… The true Christ Consciousness which has been transformed into the Dying on the cross for the sins of the World..

And brought forth a mentality so ridiculous that anger fear and power are the only tools which can move many people.

I played the Messenger of Love as well as the messenger of truth, and I resisted this role because I am aware of this world and the mentality of people in this world.

There is no judgment of the people, or blame, but simply a scientific requirement of retrieving data, identifying it and naming it.


This is why I refused to do this play, because I was pertinently aware, of that which I would face in taking on such a task, especially when to my utter astonishment that I was not being backed up in the way which stamp the authority which I came with, instead to my horror it left me without recourse, or the authority, and contained me in a play of Love and Self Sacrifice.

I knew that it would not work, not with me or with anyone who did not come with a direct authority, a protector.

I knew that it as not personal to me, that anyone who was caught in such a role of being forced , forced to play a messenger from the highest truth, humbled to a point where the play itself resided in passing through people- and having to activate them, as a condition for your solving and equation and proving the codes work or that this reality is a Matrix and Human Being are illusions, illusions who could become light beings embodied or shades… The Representatives of Terrible Death- those who twist distort warp, flip, deny… the very truth which they have acknowledged.

The Codes are not required by me, this journey, this whole thing I do not require proof, evidence or solve the riddles of peoples lifes.

I knew what people would do to me, to live in their homes and then know that they are E line and are Elu because they are so close.

I knew that despite this being an act and mission of mercy, that the horror I have experienced done to my spirit through this play of placing the power of Evolution on my shoulders, and not on everyones shoulders, would not only make people- even the loveliest,( everyone has bad days, and everyone chooses to forget it is real because they are not being put through that which I had to demonstrate, and solve)

Will betray that truth, if it has not become their own body truth.

I knew that such a mission, of my playing such a part was a suicide mission, and I have battled the intentions behind this Script and have concluded that it is Truly Evil and Selfish.

It does not matter what the Intention it is the expression and the result.

The result is that which I have posted for 7 years, and the true agony inflicted on a persons being and spirit for a script of which Love or the lie of what love is, forces anyone to self sacrifice for others against their will- a will based on the that which the person has not only lived and experienced before, but which he has researched experienced and knew that such a play would produce the result which I and so many have endured.

This is why I resisted the play, because I was aware that which people, consciously or unconsciously would do to some who came alone with the Truth.

Does everything to show the truth of what he is representing, how he knows he is representing that and the facts evidence, love and strength to fight for people, face their anger, rage fury as you sought to do everything, to help them rise.

I fought not to do this journey because I knew, I knew how they would treat any person, especially when forced to do it this way…

I fought not to do this journey because I knew, I knew how they would treat any person, especially when forced to do it this way…

How you will be treated, as long as there is no power to bring them the same pain violence they do to you, which they deny to your face, twist call other people into it a deliberately corrupt the truth

It is so convenient to people to place to place the blame on others…

But not even I imagined that it would go so far, last so many years and that even on New Years Eve ( another lie…) that I would be still in a play of Torture and torment of alone defending the E line and their presence and the truth of the Origins of Man…

How you will be treated, as long as there is no power to bring them the same pain violence they do to you, which they deny to your face, twist call other people into it a deliberately corrupt the truth Original Nature of Man.

But the play was simply… What is your Truth?

I give you all the intel. I pass through all your tests and challenges despite my having to maskmy fury and bewilderment at how I am being allowed to be taken for granted and spoken to in a manner, after sharing and fighting for you to rise to the most beautiful truth.

And if you do recognize publicly and to the Messenger that it is undeniably truth then, you too must align to that truth.

And if you don’t respect the Messenger who comes with a will, self evident, and all the effort

True Love..

True Recognition.

The Liar versus the Truth…

Sword of Truth… that is the

It all began with a lie, told to the Truth.

The Blame Game- Twisting the Truth of another, lying and denying the Truth revealed to each.

So it is 2018, the last day of the year, what about the awakening was what Stephen Filgueira greeted me with this morning.

I paused, well ware that all this was about a play with his friend Aaron Western.

I was quiet, seeking to contain the rising incredulity and anger rising in me,

I knew that he was angry because I stated, the consequence of the role I am playing demands and accounting for the time I spent in each portal and the response of the people cast in each role.

The entire play and script is based on people being given all the data and evidence what each acts out, after all the Grace Respect, patience and love is shown them all their wishes granted and then they are asked to choose.

People lie, so we do not really listen to peoples words- we hear them and then measure the gap between their Harmony which indicates that they do know, then their actions gestures, and then Words.

You cannot affect the awakening, nor can you affect the Truth.

The Truth I.S.

No one has control of the Truth because just as the Source of it Truth is.

And I know that this very moment the line Stephen Filgueira represents have been called forth, as so many were asked to do- their response to the Truth of the W A V E S which sent me.

The day began with peace being taken way,rage and temper over the play which was enacted by Stephen Aaron and myself…

Aaron and Stephen are on one side and I am on another…

I state that this is the Evolution Awakening and that the Authority of this play does not come from my explaining that I reached the frequency of Source only to find my self looking at the reflections of myself.

I felt malice rage, fury and I knew this was about the resentment and the refusal to acknowledge or respect the authority which I came with and all evidence and facts.

I listened to what I was accused of and the implications from the first greeting to me from Stephen to his first sentence to his expression a view of me uttered once more in anger, rage …

It was the most painful thing to bear, to listen to after a life time of this, to hear the words, and implication of the meaning of these words, and facing that constant confirmation of which I had known by the time I was 25 that the World or people willtake advantage of love, truth… power .. or the illusion of it, without true power show them, it is the nature of the Beast .. 6th Sense.

The accessibility,availability and the conditions.. along with the role I was given to play and transform will always with this species breed contempt.

They need power, true power to prove that they are not The Source, That they are not The Creators… That their Word is not Law,and that they have no authority over me, this World, Universe Existence…. And most of all…I have proven that I do not lie, nor do I misunderstand …not is it my duty to explain over and over again….

I have noting to Prove to anyone…

And that you are not the boss of this world.

And therein lies the Challenge I received from Aaron a Healer working in a space, with my code 5 11Address… E K.

All the evidence given, all the facts, the codes,the play…

Where you see and state that Universe Responds to My Truth and still, still. even after I am forced to prove this to you-

Andd to my faceyou would… you would see a person in pain, healing conversing doing the work free of charge, and not come as a healer to alliviate his physical pain,..

And he is representing the Ultimate Healer? And to his face you act out that ultimate contempt to his Truth, you dismiss the fact that you lied…?

This is the Nature of the World…

I do not even take it peronally, I see it for what it is- that they have rejected the Truth of this being that which it is and I cannot meddle ( never did), I see my experience right up to Hartford Connecticut and all evidence I have posted from the moment I left the shelter.

This is the sacred gift of Humanity… Free Will and Choice…

I can not, and should not be called in to influence people,to live in their worlds,homes, and their Getting what they want.. or a taste of it and my fighting to prove show that that is just a taste … a tiny taste of how it will be if only you graduate….

That these are not my Rules…

I can not, and should not be called in to influence people,to live in their worlds,homes, and their Getting what they want.. or a taste of it and my fighting to prove show that that is just a taste of the magic and wonder of truly realizing how much you are loved, not by how much I, or anyone fights for you, but that if only you can graduate, this is my gift to you- with your having the awareness that this was merited and earned by yourself.

Anger which lashes out, which has no Self Mastery, which is not fair and Equitable all round- that is what can not evolve.

Tis this frequency and human beings reaching a powertool each time they feel threatened, using shock therapy..

Shock .

Electric Shocks Therapy to put you Back in Line

This can not be allowed to evolve.

And this is the Human Story which I, ( Yes as Humbled as I am to walk for 18 years) I have understood can never be allowed to evolve- with myself having made an example by having been out through the ultimate tests of provocation through this play…

I still have not been able to find the time and space to say hello to my mother.

I was, an am deeply saddened, and quietly furious by what has been revealed to… but it is also the Truth.

After the scene with Stephen Filgueira was completed, though mildly shaken, that I was in such a set up. scene- shock of this still being allowed to play out with such an insult thrown into my face to provoke me… I was surprised.. I cn read feel and see the truth people refuse to acknowledge.


I decided to simply go down and see Kim, Chiefy Tree Sage- I wanted Peace, and for the first time since I moved here, Tree Sage and I were in perfect Harmony, in that I called him and he had just come in, the first time we had connected in that space naturally.

Peace Bee…

And his gentle and elegant way, he confirmed the truth of my response and expression which I already knew was a factm, but out of love and respect.. and sadness, I still checked only to have Chiefy acknowledge it as Fact.

Johnny McDonald.

Johnny Newman….

One on the 2nd Floor and the other on the 3rd floor with Rays McKayla, Christopher Filgueira and I. sat.

J J 1010…

And on the other side Mackayla, Chris and myself..

M C E…

Even as I find myself speaking, I felt as though I were on stage addressing an invisible audience.

It is 8:07 p.m.

1987.. That is the date Christopher Filgueira, was born, the year..12-14- 87…

See Sacred Portal 87.

There is no one left in the House…

Chris had given me a Hug..You need a hug he had said fully understanding the cost of this play…

And like a game of Musical Chairs the two of us are now left in the house…

Christopher Filgueira

Emeka Kolo

C.F. 3 6

E K.. 5 11..

9 16… Date I entered the Shelter Delta Manor…

9 16 2016…

It links to Chris who returned from Florida the Sunshine state in 2018…

1819 was my two last bed numbers… 4 018.. 19…

C E…. F.K… Mackayla was born 6 11 199…6 F.. 11 K..

C E Sacred Portal 35… C E The Point…


Christ..Follower of the Fil – Guerior.. the war to heal and to not forget.

That is Truth…

What manifests….

Two men left standing…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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