
2:33 PM

2:33 pm.


Woke up to 1 message and 28 likes so I knew what my day would be linking about.

But so tired of this play that the desire to walk away is so great.

I am so disgusted by it..

I loathe Pain Misery and Suffering as a Consciousness

But I came back to and saw the message from Birgit Stein…

And did the weave, solved the riddle and linked the equation..

When at 2:O8 pm, I received a text from Prince Timchang Onechance Nandap Tarok…

Who had come to my mind of recent…

The code of Tim is decoded as

Time Change One Chance Na-n-da-pe Ta-r-o.k-e.

Time for Change, One Chance NA ( Neel Akash Wide Open Space) N-Natural DA Physical Earth

Theta Alpha (18) R OK Emeka…

As you know the current play is at 28..still and in my universe we are aligning to 1.

We have already aligned to 1-87 which represents Returning the world to thier senses and Sensie’s

Through Lord James Kerr Lord Kerry Redwood Atjecoutay and Alexandra Martin via the red wood. And Maame Egyirba Anamoah via the palm tree.

Affirming the turning of water (Sharing Knowledge in Transparency Supreme -code Treana Skarpias 19 yrs old. Letter S) to wine

The Evolution Awakening..T.E.A…

Tea a drink with Jam and bread.. Boston Tea party or Ti as It..G the note of Grace

We have also aligned with the Senses (Hues of color line of Gabe Brutal) and Sensie’s Lord Ye lord Orien Laplante lord Lord James Kerr whom affirmed the alignment of the Obama post M855-558…see my Sacred portals 85-58..

H.E (Heaven Earth) E H..E Harmony…

Oba Ma…see Wale Idris Ajibade share Festac 77 (GG) mask mother of the Oba of Benin whose head decorates the Gates to his compound.

*see meaning of Wale Id ris-e

The Queens name was Queen Idia…

*see Sacred portal 43 gates to True Life guarded by two Aspects of Woman..Gentle fierce and the face in the center …

We had a private onversation about the truth of weapons he spoke as a Sensie affirmed.

Thus with my codes of Facebook Friend at 2-58..we are at Spirited Away but this time the correct way, with my Guide Father line comming to get me at this last portal I have been fighting to pass through the correct way for 8 years and five month’s.

But could not until my codes were affirmed and shared with the world as an Emanual of Emmanuel so there would be no fear as the Eline began rising and morphing in this realm.

My former host at 268 put on the 4400

44is DD a few days ago aligning to Lord prince Don Diego DD and to Divya Dharsini DD..

And as I watch the series which we began watching at 1244-1:44 am..

I understood the story of the Elines arrival perverted into fear…

As being this literal truth of what could have manifested without the E Truth being established

So from what I can read I am now passing through the Gates into Belle Vue..

The Beautiful See after 14 yrs in the Ugliest C of human consciousness and perception.

It is snowing outside and I know it is a code..

My bags are packed but after 26 yrs and so much deception and delays I am indifferent except to be home..

So I weave and link…

Here is the code of a web site he sent me

Change/1EdOrkg…( 1E Do-R KG..117..77)



It is called EkitiGate…

EK I TI Gate.


Now in this Conscious it is about rigging


I was having a private text conversation with lady Birgit Stein…

My Espirit recognized her immediately yesterday which of course was affirmed by today’s play.

She spoke of the Yoruba and having lived in Ghana…

I already recognized the link the Ghana story (Kente) and Benin in Edo-Ile Ife to Oduduwa, to Erie -Igala- to OINRI Igbo to First Contact..

Her consciousness reminded me of my Great Grandmother…MBA A for Ocha…

Sound of White light from the Sky..

She is said to have descended from the Sky..

It is snowing in New York right now..

Mother Grace as Beautiful Pride goes by the name Snow Flake (S.F.- Feelings Sensational..)

The Individual Supreme


DI DI in OINri Igbo.

DD also meaning ‘Patience

So out of curiosity and to make sure of what I was reading was correct ..

*Though I had already signed the petition.

I asked him why he felt he would send such a thing to me who is weaving codes of E Harmony.

His reply was *As in Heaven as in Earth




+x.. 13-4, 4O…DO.

( Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna sent me 4O:39usd..DO C I.



8….167…87…78…Harmony Grace.

Code Transmission..

E.K I TI Gate Ha-Te…(Damn that is why I was sent to the source dimension of Hate..Instead of Sacred portal 85…Hat-E.)


Time 4:43 pm (Sacred Portal 43)

Emeka Kolo I the TI note of Grace Gate to Harmony GA ( G=7,A =1, Grace Ann-e code Alfie Ndubuisi Nze 71.. TE. 7th note Truth E)



Energy Truth Alpha Grace It I.

So if this is the code to pass through

Once more publicly demonstrating my consciousness of E Harmony and how I manifest reality normally before being set up for the last 4O yrs (nearly my entire life) when I wrote the story of the Evolution Awakening on Earth and this world.

Pass through the gate, affirmed by the code of my host who just completed working on a gate and his nephew arriving from a place where he lives in a place called the Gates..

To the Gates (orange) art work which was mounted in central park where a great deal of the play with Shango and the E.T played out…

Then to Bellvue where he works

Code Uncle Nephew


Un Cle Nep He W…(Double U Vie)


Atom…aah Tom..

Neutron Electron Proton..


*See CarBon share of Angela Marie Alexander

Lady A.M ..A

Neptune….the Double you Vue

Belle Vue…

The Beautiful View.

Nep-Tune Poseidon

Eros e




Time 4:58 pm.



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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