
2:33 a.m. – I am at 4255 Facebo

2:33 a.m.

I am at 4255 Facebook friends. and the only reason that I took this cue is for you all to take a closer look at Sacred Portal 47.

That is the number of Stephen Johnson apartments, and 48 is where the worker complained of a Stench.

My Mother Line is 1947 and 1948 Birth codes.

Now Sacred Portal 48 is Beautiful Death as Transformation.
47 are Arch Angels of Hatred and Destruction. Haine, Rage. portal is the Mouth of an Enormous Owl.

I am H.OWL. Allan Ginsberg.
Now these Arch-Angels are Being of Death and Destruction to the Liars, they are Love as Hatred.

Now see the posts are labeled with names of the beings I met through Albert Santana.
I met John Shaw first about 2009. but I had met Fritz Venneiq 2006-7through his cousin wh Micheal Frazier in 2004-5.
Through a connection of Joseph Carey and found Johnny Larkin was terrified of a Darkness so black that Michelle Lobsinger was afraid for him, in that Recon Studio Building on 33rd Street.

John Shaw. J.S.
Tom Truman. T.T.
Marina Burini B.M.
Luke Shaw. L.S.

April Truman. A.T.
April Shaw. A.S.

April means Open
And her other name was Gay.
‘She often commented while visiting how she despised what the Gay world had done to the meaning of her name.
April Gay. A.G.

Now, look at the codes of those names coded in 2010 -2011, which is 12-11 years ago.


And A.T. A.S. and A.G.

And look at the play right now.

2:51 am
10-11-12 years later.

TT is a Gateway.
J.S.Justice Supreme.
M.B- Manifest Being.
Bob Marley ( and Recall Mackayla Burgos, and cousin Olivia Burgos)
Manifest Beauty.

April means Open.
Gay means Gaite, Happiness,
Not the Gay Rainbow Flag.
But according to Anne Mchugh who actually did make contact after I had experienced a slew of pretenders for decades.
Rainbow Serpent was the code.
1-7-8 O! OH!

2:58 pm.
I was made to probe my Harmony with A.G. Arden Gemino.

A.T.E/ E.T.A. Square Waves Box
A.S Art Science, 😯 photo taken of him when he was age ( by Charlene Johnson is God Mother C.J. 3-10 whom I met.)

A.G. April Gay. Allan Ginsberg, “Eros Magazine”
HOWL Poem.

Arden Gemino, 18 Alexander Grove.
Arden Gemino is not Gay, he is just Open.
Just like me.

Tell me why have the codes not changed since 2010-2011?
And I met April Gay- Truman, Shaw.
A.G. S.T. in 2011.

Albert Edwin met that entire family except for April Gay- T.S.

J.S. Jay Steven Stevan- Jae Sherman Human?
L.S 29 Lincoln Street.
Lucifer Stephan.
L.S= 12-19.
March 12-19.
Light Supreme.
Love Supreme

And see Sacred Portal 52. Authority of Existence granted to Love Supreme.
April Gay, T.S who lived in Map Town in England, with the word on a banner that read “Father of Infinity.
Which is my Sacred Portal 147 ( A.B 17, 7 17) marked on each sacred portal A & B.

17 17-1. total 35. C.E.

Why is it that two mothers, one from England and the other from Eritrea -Ethiopia near the Omo Valley traveled from Egland and the other from Texas, 28th State to meet me?

One the mother of John Shaw with a sister I never met, called Bridie, and the other of mixed Eritrean and Dutch race, along with another I met of George Phillipe Roc address of his Mother was near Kew Gardens Queens where I lived in 2012-2013. He too was of mixed race French and Trinidadian-the Islands.

Which had the Truth?
The Original Truth?
The Original Script.
And way out.

Tom Truman told me how he met a friend I reminded him of and he knew it was me, in a Tree where they would hang out, and confessed that he knew that he was a destroyer,
There is another version also of Stephen Johnson and his brother and a friend in a tree, who threw something to distract him while as a boy he was waxing Lyrical and why is Kim Arthur Hinds Jr trusted my suggestion to go by the name on Facebook as Kim and no longer Tree?

3:25 pm.

3:26 a.m.
C-Z-Guest Hostess.

Enough of this play.

Delta B.E.E.

Peace Bee

3:28 a.m.


C B I.

3:29 a.m.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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