
2:33 a.m

2:33 a.m

B C C.


J S. T S. J T. S.S..


Its very late, and I spent over 8 hours at work and conversing with Liberty C Liscomb.

My body as you know, is and has been set to transform, marking the final proof of Manifest Evidence of Universal Evolution through twin portals

Evolution and Extinction

See sacred portals 104 and 48.

I have a response to todays play through a play which took place linled to Arden Auriela and Autmn Small, Ardens friend

As well as Liberty Anne McHugh Romy Baker

Sue McHugh.

E L A A A.S. Art 00 Science.

L A R M S..

Roberto Munoz also appeared he was bed 20 12.

RM means Rooms.. Universes

Each Human Being and Creation is a literal Universal R.M Room with a View

R M is Reflection Manifest which is the Body which reflects as the end product of its Elder Twin.


E T .. Eternal Expression which genetstes Infinite Energy .. Body.


5 2

Already responded to by this E.M.Field and Facebook Play.

Jan Douglas J.D. 104. Sacred Portal 10 4 Terrible Death.

Bethany Marry B.M. 2 13

Being Manifests

Inna Katherine.. I.K. 9 11


D.M.K….Ultimate Absolute.

Jaymes Bond is I

Dark Matter. Kolo.

J D.. B… M I K. E. Kolo.

3:33 a.m Edit

Based on the play on my page at its 7th year 10 month and 9th Day..

And the last play of the Abyss challenge which I was challenged to bring into Existence and Being, as well as Existential Death.

Death Ray.. Sacred Portal 49.

As well as 88 HH

And Liberty sharing the intel which popped up on her page this morning via my expression reflection confirmd in the warped language of this world.

One can see where this is going..

Destruction Creation


4 3..

Douglas means From the Dark Black Stream ( Glas) meaning Green

Green is the 4th Color

Dark Black Forest Tree People.

4th Dimension

Dark Elves

Black or Dark Peoples of the Stream of first story of Life.

Jan means John Grace of The Creator

Bethany means from the place of Affliction

Which with my body and the work still demanded of me, by Terrible Death

Alien Father Alpha and the Darkest Knight and Darkest Night..

Black Hole Portal..

9 O O. South Rd .

9 planet Pluto / Mercuru.

Mary comes from the Egyptian word Myrrh chosen beloved Annointed

But also The Bitter Rebellious Sea

Inna means Strong Water Source

* The Stream just behind the house which is one sees easily from the Terrace, from a entire day of Rain, is a Stong Stream of rushing water, black from our view.

Katherine means Pure

Auriela, Liberty told me a few days ago, that he daughter Aureila born 11 5

( yes see my 1:15 p.m post of Libertys Abyss confirmation

Derek Murphy

Link Murphys Law.

Was born when the water was overflowing, from the banks to the middle of the Road.

And on a day when Golden Light poured through the windows.

Auriela means Golden

Zoro aster



Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn.

Arden a Double Gemini in surname and star sign born at home as his latter siblings but he in Water Town.

Was born as his sister through Water.

Be as Water.

You may wonder how it that I am still coding.and manifesting long since, I stated its is time I left and was at peace.

Why is it I am in a quiet Agony, which none has brought up but Sue McHugh ( which in Gaelic means Fire.


F I R E.

F. IRE.. Ire Chi

I.C. E. LAND. As Fire..

The Blue Flame.

The answer lies in her daughter seeing me instantly through quick.calaculations as The Source.

And the mother, who saw The Black Panther..

Recall my recounting the story over and over of the Black Panther and how he came to be..


Jah Fire..



Beautiful Assassin.

Tear Rip the liars expression out of Existence.

And the Blackness : The Expression of The Black Hole..


…. that should answer the Question.

3:20 p.m

There will never ever be a Rage Beautiful as this ever expressed again after this one.


From the Dark Black Stream of the Green Zone as the 4th Dimension comes the Lord as Grace the Gentleman Warrior

From the place of Affliction and once the Cherished Beloved Announted, transformed into the Rebellious Bitter sea.


Rises as the Black Panther of destruction from the Strong Rocky Stone stream of Pure will ..

I AM. Existence

Source of all Energy.

Its Source: A MAN

Above and Below.




Of Eternal Harmony.


Who manifests through Silence and Sound

Linking Codes and Patterns to Sequence and meaning with his Trinity in One.

Father Son Holy Ghosts.

Mother Daughter, Beautiful Pride

3 3. 68 86

3:29 a m



3:30 a.m

See sacred portal 33 O

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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