
2:30 pm. – 230 – 23 O. – Visual Rep

2:30 pm.
23 O.

Visual Representation.
Sacred Portal 23.

Tomorrow is the 23rd.

B.C.O. B.C.E O. B C E F.
Double V V O.


One year ago today I began posting at 29 Lincoln Street.
the code after returning full circle to 29 Lincoln Street.
Stephen Esteban Miguel Filgueria had moved to the 33rd State Oregon, and I basically had the place for myself, Stephen was staying somewhere and had bought me this Silver Computer, so my HP Blue Computer was replaced with this Silver one. V.G.
Violet Green,
Victorious G-Ti-Te
7th Color and 4th.
7 4= 11 28.= 39. C I.

Esteban Stephen had been staying with Sara Kaizer who he had organized to buy my computer.
I had arrived at 29 Lincoln Street with Stephan-Esteban and Alexa Vertefeuille after passing through a local 7-11 with first Alexa and then Esteban.
He had left me given me 111 USD and I had the intent to leave.
But he spoke to me, intently, saying he would take me where ever I wanted to go, and yet did not wish me to leave. Having left another 111 USD in the drawer.
And then the play began.
A Few days later Kim Arthur Hinds Jr came to visit and we walked in a warm storm where he pointed out the local Dollar Shop.


Before I accept my new Facebook friends I want to bring something to your attention, I wanted to pause for a moment, to demonstrate how I have been made to literally move from the Program of DNA, to DNE which for full Circle of my Arrival in New York and from St John The Divine Cathedral, “Catherdral By The Sea” TV, to my being asked to leave the next day, which began my “Journey Secret Mission” in New York, 3-21-2001 to its height at 900 South Road and leaving via Stephen Esteban on the 7-21, 2020.
19 years since my arrival and departure to Flushing Queens where I wrote the Elegant Nomad.
Align it to my arrival at 900 South Road on a date which I was preset as 8-29-2019.

I know and recognize this play from Delta Manor, of my using my frequency as DNE to defeat the setups of each battle I had o win, in the shelter with People Places and Things.
P.P.A.T., moving through a Nonstop Conflict with people stuck in a Delta Operating System mentality of this so-called 3 D reality by my interactions which what I recognized as certain people who I had to interact with, either by their coming to me as if moved by something deep in them, or my recognizing them.
Most of our interactions were to raise them to a different point of view my interactions with them.
Money was sent to me by people mainly Facebook friends and people who came into my life again, and with the monies sent to me I would select a person whom I had to, recognized they would be the middle man since I had no ID or bank account, as a foreigner her, so I would select a person who I would have to get the monies through.
I would then give the person a commission which helped them and then share the monies with others who had need. This allowed the people to be even more accepting and open of my activation of the E Frequency in them.
I moved through from Room 5B bed 5019 ( E B- EOS) working my way through nonstop conflict, challenges in the rooms I was sent down to, assigned.
From the 15 man room Rom 3 A bed 3-002 and through each conflict set up, resolve it through the battles in the room, outside on the terrace and all posted from 1385 Metropolitain Woods.
Moving me through scores of people at Starbucks, people in the shelter, and rooms I was in and then moves to, outside in the Cages recreational area, in the Kitchen.
I interacted and had conflict and resolution with the management, staff, security.
I was moved 5 times, and each place I was moved and interacted with the people I recognized I had to interact with, I knew I was changing everything and people lives and outcomes by using my charm and point of view by recognizing the people and coding them and listening to their life’s stories and how to move them to a higher point of view.
The same was happening at Starbucks, the staff, and it was obvious by the bed numbers, I was earning and moving through that I was changing peoples reality by simple conversation, monetary exchange, and interaction by seeing each person and thier situation clearly.
From Room 5B, designated to 3A, 4B, 5A, then 4 A and to 4B where Billy Hung came back and I could have finally fixed my teeth, but could not agree or accept it when I saw the true energy behind it, and this led to Esteban contacting me, initiated Sabrina said by her bring me to Stephens attention on Facebook.
I recognized Stephen on Facebook and Stephen says he does not recall being moved by Sabrina, but he does forget.
Sabrina was going out at the time with his brother Josh.
Josh is the name of the person Stephen met at a fuel station and brought him to meet me and was eventually the one I asked Kamora Herrington if she would give him a ride, and we came here that first day and he slept with me in the Magical Portal room.

Yesterday, I had spent 30.82 USD and then had to earn it to move Laura Walsh from her Astrological Awareness of the Heavens to the aligned Heavens Space from which I see.

I had told Esteban that I had never left Delta Manor and that I noted this with my relationship with Kim Arthur Hinds Jr where money sent to me, literally allocated as if pocket money was given to me, just enough to eat and which instructed me on the work and play I must do.
Once that play with Laura was confirmed by aligning through expression to the E Blueprint from the 3D which I had been doing with Laura as one example since I moved here and that play with Jae Sherman and herself as to which see of the Statrs- Astrological Horror Scoper versus Horoscope.
Jae Sherman as you may recall arrived here as a Satanist and placed images of Baphomet here in the Kitchen with our, well at least my permission.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr was not comfortable with having images of The Devil around the apartment.
Both Laura and Jae and conflict with what they called Narcissists.
I was aware that there was the true Narcissus and the corrupted 3D illusion lie and.
In the end, all posted here, I used evidence facts to chose laura as the true.
That play was completed yesterday at 16 89 ( 1989) Facebook fried with Laura aligning to code B.S she said she watched on TV and the 80 90-year-old she was observing in Com in Town.
I had been to C Town where I spent 30.82 USD.
3O is 36= 36O to I.O.

Once that play was completed and Laura had risen to C.True.
I saw a “like” by Sophia-Taniah Borgeson-Shackelford of a post from Liberty C Liscomb ( code AM) about Expression.

S.T.B S.
BS as Laura watching Brad S.
to me at B.S as 2 19 South Whitney.
Laura Walsh lined to I.
Sopha Tan I AH ( Intan Intan In Tan I AH) who are the Tan people- the consciousness complexion of the new world people, my original Fair Tan complexion before I found an inverse version of Micheal Jackson condition happening to me turning me complexion so much darker than my original complexion that family people who knew me as a youth noo longer recognized me).

The Tan race is the Energetic mixture of all races blended into one Consciousness.
It was my answer to Jon Jason Lee’s question when came to Paris and brought me back to London in 1996.
“How will you dress the people of the Future?” he had asked me.
In the Blue print of Existence as the 1-7 colors all merged back into Transparent Light. Red and white- to create the color Pink Rose- not Gay, as Pink but PR
River Phoenix as Arden represents – Eros- E ROSE – Adonis Narcissus.

After, the play of Laura was aligned, I went to 527 Bodego- Amigo Super market, having returned from C-Town Supermarket which is the down the road to the South while the other is up the road to the North.
N S O.
Ajala Nso

I spent exactly 5 USD.
I was startled 36O +5.. I recognized the code instantly.
I had been observing myself of recent and recalled how Vincent Kerywn of bed 22 at Delta Manor who I had gifted 100 usd had called me the blueprint of existence- He was on bed 22.
And Original Man.
I had already knownn this by what I was experiencing, and others telling me, but I never full understood how it worked or would play out, 11-22 was his code V K.
Recall Victoria and Kelsie? who I met the first day Esteban prepared me to eet his friends at 29 Lincoln street Nov 2018.
I met John Mack there also that first day.

11-22 is my Mother Cecilia Onu and David Roman Nicholas.

Today, as I got up, my body, my back, the knot, the snag in my back muscles were so tight that I knw I had to get a true massage, or some help.
But there is no one who was around. Liberty had done so to me at 900 south road, and others, but no one had truly been understanding and read my body well and where the problem lay.
Liberty’s massage and yes Salt Baths came to the closest.

I kept thinking, Arden can help, should I call him, but as far as I knew he was still and 18 year old youth whom would know exactly when to contact me as an arisen with memory.
I had no choice but to get up.
Kim was there, the last portal of Delat Manor- dark Matter.
* Do you recall the image of man on a bed travelling with a Cat through the universe?
I had been sent monies through people and it was always through Kim, just like the shelter- meaning to pass through the next equation completeness- out of the Opening of the Black Hole – Uranus- 7th planet to release the All, as 1/4 the hue man race, the last of this money laundering play of using me, was him.
He is free now, he has a job, seen his daughter, the conflict and complex battle with his Twin- Queen * Liks Queens Gambit.
Links Victor Manu Queen Samuel and Manifest Queen via me at the room lastly occupied by Que a man, Q U E and its image in right infront of me where I am sitting to my left on the wall above the two Pink Rose birds with “Human?- Bead”
and the other with “Bella 9-19-20”
I S T.
I Sophia -taniah.

I still had not reieved the Liquid Soap from Shannonn Larke Martian so I knew it was not heard, nor was she real or she would have kept her word and followed through – the 8 usd she had offered to share with me, or course was a ruse, but I noted it to be fair and I am still and optimist, but it was done at 15 44 C Town and with Liberty who was 44 age code when I lived at 900 South Road Feb to July and 43 from August to Feb which is 6-5 months 11.
The other balance was Laura, and I had met a Laura at Liberys whom I had interacted with. * All on my page coded.

So I knocked on his door, and asked if he was well, he is.
I had even noted in the picture he had shared with Serenity that he looked more grown up- different so I said to myself he is near.
So I asked him if he could order the damn liguid soap, and added that Jae Sherman had sealed her play by taking away the Switch Blade knifes first of her father, and now the one with the code of ORB light green from the drawer so I could not use it to cut my meat she knew I used when eating.
That done, I did my toliletries and groming almost bent. to the waste, so sore and fighting to soften my muscles, when to my surprise he had played what I felt was the Squire of Sir Arthur, now knighted SIR- “E RISE” in the Beautiful Ancestor script of the Human Children true 3D, and went out and had bought the Liquid Soap, in blue, his is Pink and Rose.
He noted it was 9.79 usd.
He said something about “Forget about it” but I just went in my room and counted out the money all ones 9 of them and some coins and gave it to him.

But I noted the amount, Sacred Portal 97 and 79 Blue Print of Existence and Jesse Macias and Quan and John Mack and Andre Kelbanov.
Full Circle.

So, because I know that this play has tried to give to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr the credit ( not really his conscious intent, though it does look like it, just as they had done with Joseph Carey who who has been on the fence and meddles with Richard and Scott, because of their love and connection for me, But Kim had not done that – he had just allowed him self to be used and let his ego and true intentions slip out by how he seemed to forget that I am the Knight in Shinning Armour because I had done the work, but all that I knew was that I had coded him Safe, Blameless, and so had Arden I, recently but boy am I angry with him professionally, not personally for the impression and shadow he had created perhaps innocently.

This is why I paused here, seeing me at 16 87 Facebook Friends. Aligned to Sacred Portal 16 and 78 as I and Arden I.manifested.
He was born in 1987.
But 1987 is the year I met Adola Mary Jane “Diamond” Gem form the sea and the hardness H-ARDEN and the year I met Prince Chidi Ejikeme
Code on the MicroWave – ( M W) right now is red pamphlet Light Blue and white, with the name B J’S liked to Aurelia B J Gemino and me as Jaymes Bond.
4:44 pm
= 12.
Now I am done.

My Mother C O
and Nnamdi David who is Devi Devoted – Both in Arden and programed in Liberty C Liscomb had used me, as the Azaro Blue Print of DNE defeating the old blueprint as the story of DNA, DN- David Nicholas- D N A back to DNE. D N D N DD NN. A-A E-E back to I D N E and I D E N.DS

4:48 pm

16 87 manifested 19 87.
= 103
J C.

Manifestation M -P – Perfection 111 x 2.

4:50 pm.


Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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