
2:28 PM

2:28 pm


I did not come to face book to fight a system.

To be honest, I did not even know why I came until I began to post.

I realized that I came to Explain.

Words poured out from me of understandings which I recognized only afterwards.

To deliver a message- a message to the World, which grew from a gentle breeze, to a storm, then thundered through me.

But more than anything, I came to prove a truth and find someone.

And all other expressions were by the way.

I do not believe in Possession but it often felt that way- possessed by an Envelope (my Body) with a letter (My Being in this World and Apart from It),

-and pressed, so pressed to deliver this message.

And its contents.

Of my Individual Beautiful Truth,

my Impression-Expression, of an Idea of Being

-exemplified to such a Bare and Transparent way,

in front of everyone, I have ever known

and perhaps will ever know…

Forever it is now indented, expressed, enacted and, even inscribed in actuality, in the annals of recorded history

– On a computer generated social medium forum…

Until I found myself proving that it was not an Idea…

But a Fact…


Nuno Ordens Miguel-




Emmanuel A.D..A.M..


(Orien Laplante.)

(O..Rien… Nothingness…La Planted E in the Nothingness)


Added The Name E

As an


I.D Evolution Awakening..

Which some one had to prove as a Fact…

As well as Area 51….

And to find this person, this Being who planted me in the Nothingness, with the caveat that I live in its illusion until I proved my Idea a Fact, through a long line of people of the truth, that they They Lived Before Adam and the story of Evolution.

Kerwyn Vincent, Lord K, has a Spirit Daughter from his Lady L

born the exact same day as The later Professor Catherine Achulonu…Who was born October 26th, and October 20th, 1951..

Yes K.K…. Z- Zion 26… And 20.. 20 USD borrowed from Kerwyn, but really the letter 20..

Its a code… 26-20…1951 to 2014…

Z to Ti. Area I Supreme 51..T.N is True Nature not a Physical Area. Eden in Sumer.

An Alpha Bet….

An exchange in the Spirit World of Truth…

That I won the Bet…

That is why I suppose, I found myself saying that Kerwyn Spirit Daughter was born the same day as the Later Professor Catherine Achulonu…

They are the same person she is 2 years old…perhaps going on 3…

The Late Professor passed away, while on Face Book, and while in this play on my page, on 18th March 2014… 3-18-2014..

C.R. A.H….T.N…..

i took the 20 U.S.D from Kerwyn, aware that it was a same playy which had occurred with Dewight Smith, and a 20.00 U.S.D..

20=T.. Truth…

And that I had taken the monies from the Father Daughter Dopplegangers….

Because everything I had told her about there The Embodiment of They Lived Before Adam went further back than the Twins..

as Male Female… Sacred Portal 84..

But Two the Story of TWO men…

Nnamdi Emeka…


Emeka Kerwyn… Vincent… (Vincent Nnamdi Okonkwo)

Da Vinci… The Unconquerable… Dan Brown.. D.B..

5… 11 22.. D.C David Chukwuemeka .. the Two Beloved Creators.

And even further back, to One.


5 11… 16…P… Planet Plan-E.T.. P.P.. 16 16.. 32. 5..E.

And while I sat with Kerwyn today, both of us waiting to see Cassandra our Case Manager, A Friend of Zion (Kerwyn) called,

His name is Peter, and is the only Face Book friend of Kerwyn;s that I have…

Peter means the Rock- Stone – he had Gall Stones, Rocks removed.

Kerwyn Zion, expressed his desire to be near his very close friend whom he had haunted and Terrorized as a youth with…

And I thought of Zemira and Jayden the two children murdered by negligence and state…

Zemira means The Singer and the Nightenglale

Jayden means God Has Heard

And I smiled deep within myself soul as I who carry the Corner Stone I was challenged to find by Susan Tran and Catherine…

Which I found while on Face Book on E street in Alpha Bet City…, despite telling her in 2006, that It is Here Present…

And that the Awakening was meant to take place in 2005,

1 Full Circle after I wrote the Original Creation O.C…Story…

Which is in my Locker, A Green Plaque G.P…

With the Words, Amazing Grace…A.G..How Sweet the Song..

And that was, Is the Corner Stone present before the Anything other Thing in Creation and Existence..

The S.O.N.G… OF…Existence


S.O.E.N.S.A.O…A.B B.4 (Before..B.C..E)

Z-J..God has Heard the Singer the Song of E in the Night in Gale…Storm.

But I am not of the little people, of the Parents and A.C.S…

(American Children Protection Services…)

But of the Awareness Consciousness Supreme.

And so the 20 usd from Kerwyn followed by the 5;00 u.s.d

from Emmanuel..

My G…


20 5.. 25… 2005….

25… Y… Came before the Z. and after the Z..

Z Y. X W (VV) V U T S R Q P N M L K J I H G F E D C B.A…

Yes…4B 5A….

That is the way we See, and thus, as a full Circle..

B.A.-A.B….Y.Z.Z.Y….G.H.-H.G..Forms a Circle…

B.A-G.H… D.A.D.

A.B-H.G…A.B.H.U.G..E… Limitless..

There were so many things I wished to Explain.

So many things…

But on a Face Book page, on the streets, Shelter, Forest, Peoples Homes. while in the most impossibly ferocious Battle with two Realms- Spirit and Physically made manifest to only those who with the activated La of Sixth sense Gene

Realms both non Existence yet made to seem so real..

right to the Alaskan Weather Winds from the Artic Howling through New York..

*It is 22 Degree F.. 19 Mph Winds…

I did not have time to explain and things- such as the Truths and powers, expressed and represented by the late Professor Achulonu, Sue of the Green House to persons such as Joseph Campbell and Leonardo Da Vinci which could literally figuratively could take over a Being’s Existence…

So powerful to immense that I am still in awe.

The Power of the Truth…


It is Emeka Kolo the Human Being who lives in this world who now addresses you… Not my Higher Self not the code breaker or the journalists reporter..

Just me…

The rest of me will eventually merge into one as a process relayed here, as some of you too will experience.

There is no doubt that this is the Evolution Awakening EA 51…

But it is a process, a logical process which was set and established as and within the blue print of Existence which requires and required your own Active Individual Awareness and participation.

And I was called, summoned here to exemplify that to the point of the Full Circle then to the Fact of the I.

Meaning that the Individual, not God not your ancestors not any one but ourselves must do.

And they KEY is Awareness.

It did not matter who believed me, or who believes me now… The Evidence and facts of this 4.8-9 month Equation Play has provided enough data and proof of the Facts.

It did and does not even matter what people thought of me, and it did not seem to matter where it took me.

I saw I have two new Face Book Friends first name initials of each L. N

12 14… 26 Z…

A perfect E.C.H.H.O of yesterdays Equation Play…

My Expressions Echoed Back through Human Beings as The Truth.

L.N. I E E. O.F. E

L. I. N E. E OF E.

This morning for the last time that familiar wave of Expression rose up in me, moving to through the last stanza of the Song of the MW 69..Having fought through and finally penetrated the MW87… MW 78-87 equation and its representation by Humanity.

My former Room mate John Dudley

J.D code 104… Representing Sacred Portal 104 Crossing Death C.D

The Usurper line of the meaning of Death Egypt has been transferred out from Delta Manor.

Jonn and Donna J.D have also gone left the play of their own Free Will.

Death as the awful hideous Beast and Maat have gone.

(M.B…13 2)

The Egyptian Curse destroyed

The Riddle of the Sphinx solved.

The Lie is vanquished and with it goes all the Lie and those who cling to the Lie.

All that remains is The Beautiful Truth

Of Existence and Beautiful Death sacred portal 48.

Death as Beautiful Transformation.

Of Everything back to Evolution

And so the Spell and the Curse, the Virus which has enslaved a species, for over 10,000 yrs, refusing their Bodies and Beings to be released from the Bondage of Slavery.

Which has laid in wait and weight set up like a Time Bomb to go off in 2012 is conquered and the shadow of Death as the End is lifted the seemingly impregnable blackness, revealing a light the beautiful luminous light piercing to reveal the Beloved Dawn.

My home and the home of all Individual Expressions of I.E

My Family Line of E.

E message has been delivered.

Its time to go home.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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