
2:26 pm – B.Z. – B.B.F. – 3-6-2022

2:26 pm




2:29 pm

I am at 3829 Facebook Friends.

I was at 3828 when I got up to look at my page.
When I sat down, it became 3829.

Yes C- Earth. 8-29-2019. that code date, the day I moved to the Gemino Liscomb-Lang residence.

It was also the date I discovered stamped on a Carton in which Arden used to swing Jeron Sataya around.


H-B.I- T.S.


Most older Facebook friends already know what it means,

I, B.I- The Source. The Script.

Harmony Being Infinite, The Script.

It was something created for me to fill in, I never had any interest in being for you, and especially not proving to that I am The Source, and was used as The Script. it was another doing, who sought to prove to you my Identity, to you by making me present my C.V.S.
Curiculum Vitae Supreme.

I was aware of that and who it was who set me up to do this, First Light, First Love, and I were pissed off with him, and Him Her, not because I did not understand the gesture was of Light and Love, but because it had underestimated the cunning and evil of the creatures here, and non-existence- Negation.

Jealousy Envy Competition- War.

That this abominations called Humans who were good and evil especially in thier spirits, would not sit forward pay attention at the prove unravelling, which is the normal Natural way to respond even in a story, a script a book, where for the Film, Script- Book to be understandable and thus able for people to read and grasp the point- a Law that began at the beginning of Times Story, right up to now.
For you to run a business, to get your hair done, to go to work, to go to the toilet, there is in all things Order and Logos.

What my Brother Self, and then Sister Self B. A, C, BEE, A-A and CEE did not take into consideration was the true nature of Evil as Negation- to Lie cheat and deny even that which was in them, as they entered into the Dark Room of the Womb- was that power of Jealousy, Envy Competion and War.

2:59 pm.
Free will and choice was a gift, and all who came into the story already had implanted in themselves, “Truth Satya”
Nor was it foreseen by that which had never experienced Humanity as an idea, that you as the People of the Idea, could reject and deny even tat which to you all, which made sense- common sense. And by Cosmic Law of all planes of existence in this 4.5 Billion year old planet, and 4.5 Million years Script, that if one rejects the Cosmic Law, that immediatly you begin to decompose and then cease to exist, if one did this 7 x 7 times, by Cosmic Law, you cease to exist.

But that is not what happened, the Cosmic Law was overturned, held back, thwarted, which is impossible… except if you were in a story, a book of fiction and fantasy, a storybook of Fantasy and Fiction which allowed one to ignore the facts, and what then?

And who would write such a book, such a story, such a script if not for the illusions Liars who intentionally reject Harmony- Logos Order. H.L.O.

3:09 pm


369. Nikolai Telsa.

I was quietly reflecting on Evil today.
The play I had with my mother, about does Evil Exist, as you know, my mother was horrified by this world and was afraid of it, she as a girl and a young woman told me how she would have thought, express it and it would instantly manifest.
The same story and fact of the Original O.I.Nri people descended from Eri and Nri.
Energy Nature- Light
Expression Naturalness-Love-Facts-Clarity= Expressed.

First Light, First Love “I speak it and it would manifest” Awe and Wonder, it all made sense.

But then she began to see that that power began to fade, things would not manifest via the word, and she began to see Negation Denial Corruption and a rejection of that which is obviously true, facts being denied, and that is when she began to not only become afraid of this world, and people, but all my childhood, she would murmur “Uwa Mmebe” which is the erosion and decay of the world and word.

So much so, that all she wanted to do was leave this world, and as I know some of you experienced the same thing, the rejection of this world and the desire to leave it.

I was contemplating this today, the truth of my stance and reply to her, that there is no Evil in the world, and after ages of arguments in 2012, 2013, we came to a common accord, that it is evil in this world, but that this world is not real, a story and the real world- Eden, had though it had faded from the view of most creations of this realm, that it was still right here present and there was no such thing as Evil in the true world creation, only Harmony.

That is where we agreed, Paradise was never Lost, it was only people who were lost, lost in space L.I.S. Lost in their Thoughts, Lost in their desires of not being able to get what they wanted, when they wanted, and so Evil as a seed became born, by their voluntarily choosing to rebel against the Laws of True Nature, rebelling against Natural Law, and like children of the worst kind, blamed and derided everything in creation, used it abused it, and each other until the cause and effect became this abomination of “This is Life” Acceptance,

I have had a lot of time, especially with this condition which ensnared my body to go over the true level of evil I experienced in this script, my life.

I have spoken only about a fraction of it, because this was a script designed to break people out of spells, but I was reflecting on the Telephone, the conversation I had with my mother, O.C, from the time I heard of My Aunt Ieasha death, in 1999-2000, and the proceeding 23-22 years which followed and the play here in the world story of Big Brother is watching, of C.C.T.V and before that wire taps, and how what is happening here, came from the 4th dimension and manifested on the 3rd D- both Non-Existence except in people heads, Thoughts Mentality, all governed and directed by Emotions.

Wire Taps, then would-be spies, listening to your conversations and the telephone without you being aware, and using it against you without you being aware.
Taking such an unprecedented advantage of a situation which was so veiled, and so outrageous until as you see from the Films Movies, News, and Spy stories, that it became commonplace, and stupid not take advantage off for most people, in a story of Greed, Gain and self-interest.

But I was always aware through the years that even before 199-2000, someone was listening to my conversations on the telephone, especially with the ones involving my mother and I.

I began to realize that this question and debate we had so private, and personal had been used against me, us, and that when we spoke of evil and the abomination and decay of not only our biological family, but that it was all over the world like cancer, growing spreading, that it was these being, controller, ‘Guardians” of the idea of a universe, serets societies with thier own agendas, had taken my expression that there is no Evil and in response, had manifested and manufactured a script of such Evil Intent, to prove to me that not only IS the world Evil, but that it was with relished that this thing in you and the world sought to show me not just how wrong I was ( though it knew I was correct), that it manifested evil in every manner possible in response to my expression, setting traps, and incarnating evil that was no longer about simply proving it out of existence, but became an overwhelming force of such sadomasochistic cruelty, that there were moment when I was literally awed, but never cowed,-
*”/ka?/ us. /ka?/ to frighten someone into doing something, using threats or violence: The protesters refused to be cowed into submission by the army.”

Just amazed.
Where was Truth, where was the Law, I knew it existed even here, or your societies, civilizations would not have even come into being.
I saw it how it used the truth in people warped it and used it as fuel to manifest even more plots and plays,
You see, evil- negation is not real, and the only way it could have any power was by using humans, human nature which it fed upon, brought death, disease, devastation Annihilation Genocide, and it knew how you would all respond.

Some of you may recall the message I received on Mothers Day in 2016, from my Uncle Sir P, of how he had encountered a Bishop who had just come to visit his diocese in Nigeria from Rome, and how he had gathered intelligence that where my brother Nnamdi had been buried in Amawbia near Awka in southern Nigeria, that an awful, terrible voodoo had been buried with cursed everything I did, that nothing I did would move through its natural course, but turn around and destroy me, again and again, non-stop until I went insane and destroyed myself.

It is true, I had experienced it, but to me, all such things were simply evidence of that force doing all it could to make me fail, fall into despair, I also knew my uncle and my experience with him and the church and Alpha Fraternity graduate had led him too, It was actually a Church of Visionaries who told the truth but always got the intel after I had already passed through and surmounted what they had seen.
I found that their Humility was contaminated with arrogance and self-righteousness.

4:03 pm.

The only real concern I had was how was this Curse Manifested because I could see it clearly in my life story, and it was bad, so bad, the actuality of it, “where did it get the power to be able to manifests this?” was my only question, and soon I was able to answer it, it was from you and the Earth. Not the true earth, but this copy of Nature which Fritz Venneiq had spoken to me about the day we had conversed on that Knoll in Pellham Bay Park and he had drifted off the sleep and awoken in such excitement telling me that this was not the true earth but a faded copy, that he had seen and witnessed the true earth.

Liberty C had told me a true story of taking Acid with Tom and experiencing access for just a moment of a realm a world of such magic and beauty that whatever you desired felt would manifest just like that-immediately.
When she told me that true story, I was made aware that despite the illusion she had become, somewhere in her was still the seed of that original truth, and how she had given birth to Arden – Eden, and Ferrill as the bridge boundary between that world and this world.
Why I love Ferrill, and why I understood Arden and their Love and conflict with each other so well, Arden did not live in two worlds, I saw it, but when with Liberty, and Tom, he had to play a role,
That it was easy for me to understand why Ferrill had taken it upon himself to paint the whole interior of the Mug, Black with points of Light which I Identified as Deep Space 9,( Like Star Trek, a T.V. Show), and why his voice was able to move me- sound, and why he had Nighterrors right up to the moment I met him and then they stopped. Liberty used to tell me of his Violence in those dreams, his violence was so terrifying as she sat by his bed, afraid he might turn on here, as he looked at what I called the shadows, Drawing on the Cave wall.

There is an Evil here, in this house, in people, that should never have been allowed to go this far, and be sustained this long, and I know why it was sustained, allowed to go this far, any fool reading this E Manual on a lter date, would see it clearly, like writing on the wall.

4:19 pm

D.A.I. Sacred Portal 53.

I know why of course it was sustained fir so long, and why it got so bad, I have observed you, your carelessness, selffishness and ruthlessness, I have seen how you brush aside so easily the cruelty and injury on others, and expect them to forget it, and then get angry when they are reminded of it.

I have seen you right to Kim Arthur Hinds Jr at this portal, I have seen how you play, know what you are doing is against all laws even the ones I had to relay again, Dharma Santana, D.S, and how you disdain and disparage that which has sustained you changed your lives. How easily you forget the way your lives were before you met me the messenger, I know why I can and will never tolerate the Human Race, or trust you even after you awaken and transform.

I have seen the evil you have really wrought in ignorance and wit awareness, fully informed.

4:29 pm

Its true one day you will be Beautiful, even The Beautiful Truth, but not now, and not even after you awaken, will I ever trust or truly be comfortable with beings who were once called the Human Race.

The sour taste, the contempt of what I saw even the chosen ones play out, and leave to another to carry and your fight to be given credit when you speak and honor no one but your selves and point of view, And I have the memory of this house experience, and manifestation held up until you get your way, how you treat others, use word of gratitude which mean nothing, how you intentionally miss the point, shift blame and responsibility. Use words to mask your sins and responsibility.

And watch me read my post made so, so crystal clear and still change the meaning in your mind for your vanity, and have never come clean or true unless someone calls it out that which your missing and forgot to say, how you watch me like a hawk to be able to point fingers and say you made a mistake there. I know you are the nightmare, the terrible dream that I am desperate to wake up from, I know you by the Evil that I had to wade through right to this very day.
And why it was all set up in a script because it was already seen just how far you were willing to go.

I know what true evil is, I lived it right here, from being forced to come to the U.S.A, to the Journals Talking to the Silence began in 1989.
And my own- or Father lights story which I was forced to live.

4:40 pm

Its the little thing, the tiny things, small things of which one can see the macro version of what you truly are.

4:41 pm

Transform quickly…

4:42 pm

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