
22:53 p.m.

22:53 p.m.

22:53 p.m.

V. E C…

Victorious Emeka’s Expression of Clarity.

The Time now is 11:17-18 p.m.

I started this Post on my phone when the only computer at Delta Manor was suddenly made available to my Surprise after I saw the news and felt, I had to at least make you the public aware of a pattern I have been noticing each time I move victoriously through this P W Q B…

Particle Wave Quantum Beings.

I have left Starbucks, after begining that play as I stated with Chris Franco and Raz Berry Becky Berry Becky who had come Driven from Connecticut to link with me.

We met at 80 Spring Street Balthazaar

11:22 p.m…

Ah there is the response to that equation.

My Mother and David, both born 11 22- 47 and 68…

* I will explain this equation in a moment.

I then went with them to 78 Spring Street, which is really number 72 Spring Street Starbucks, because it shares and entrance of at 78 Spring street.

11:28 p.m Right now…

You will Notice that the code of the addresses are linked to the sacred portal 78.. MW87 (Nasa’s designation of the Milkway, which I have proven was not correct because it provided no portal out I proved that since it was a reflection it had to be MW 78/87… 15 15.. O O.. 66…12.. 3… Which manifested as Truth in this challenge through People responding to it moved through this play.

Friancis Frick.. F F.. BED 4-017… Formerly bed 4-018.. The one Constant who has been in the Room when I was there last year and brought back last year.

O O Otzs Odu who contacted me on Friday at 18:16 p.m 6:16 p.m.

12 usd Dawn Piercy.. Luke Wilson L W..Wave Length of Doe linked Bed Lorenzo Widget bed 4-015…D O O.E…

3 CH RI ST….

( And Christ! This Script Equation Process is getting more and more irritating.. so convoluted and annoying.. making that which is simple, complex..

But in order for it to manifest in this play I have to express it Post it ( Valdrino Meta) across that which represents the Abyss of Space- Facebook and it then through Its, Reflection-Mirror; the Sea represented by Starbucks… And then Posted now through the actual true portal of Space proven now as Delta Manor.. D M… which really is Delta Quadrant..

The H.Q of the E.T crossing quards in the true play called the Universal Simulation Awareness.. U S..A.

The Crossing Guard, which creates the acess to E Galaxy 1O 11 8- 9…

Jace Horsford Jace K Horsford.. J K H… 10 11 8.. just liked one of my posts, appearing in perfect harmony P.H. 11:48 p.m

And appeared twice before comnfirming this play was truly the Enders Game E.G.. The E Version.

The Test as I mentioned was the I.Q. of Humanity based on this play of Awareness. )

Jimmy Kimmel is on.. Bean insisted we watch it while Igbo Anthony and Daniel wished to watch a movie…

J.K… 10 11… E Galaxy 1O 11 E C.I..

Infinity Wars…Stars are being interviewed.

* See Sacred portal 123…. Infinity War.

My older Facebook friends might recall the it was where I went to with Yonathan Yohaness and his mother Sible.

Y S.. Code Y E S…

* There was a young lady at Starbucks who sat with me, I knew here before, young and very pretty studying toenter medical medicine.

Yvonane was her name.. Y And E Supreme… Y E S.

I had met, Yohannes Y, if you recall through a 5 usd Bill while sitting at 80 Spring Street.

Y Y… 25 25… 50…

But I read the serial code on the 5 usd bill and realized that He was in the wrong place.

I rushed to the Bean Cafe on 2nd and 3rd.

Where he arrived a few moments latter.

He was born June 22, 1992… 6-22 V… F V.. Fritz Venneiq F V

And Georges-Philippe Roc whom I met later and two of them met there was born 5-21-1992… E U…

Merge F V E U… F V U E…. Georges-Philippe Roc is here with meFlipped

Now, the equation which I see, I have beeb roped into solving.

I met Chris and Raz Berrry… C B at 80 Spring street and moved them to connect at 78- 72 Spring Street.

72 is represented by Peter Nyarkô – 33rd 3rd Street.. Sacred Portal 33 Night Mare… Chess… And Sacred Portal 72… Is the One Trapped in the Womb of the Spider Witches Web.

Chris Franco C F and RAZ R-az Berry Beret..(Prince Song) Berry Becky Berry Becky..

C.F… B B B B … 3 6-8…

I asked a contribution from both of them and Chris gave me 3 USD. And Raz Berry Becky Berry Becky gave me 20 usd.

23… 3-2… W…

Bean Cafe 2nd and 3rd/ 3rd Street and 2nd Avenue.. Y Y…

( Male Chromosomes.. meaning that they were Male .. Y Y and G R… Male E O.. Golden Ratio….)

And thus, I linked them to my Mother and my Aunt Theresa..

C T…3 usd…and 20 usd… C T… Christy Turlington Post..linked by myself as E.. E C…

E.C T….

E T C I…E…

Cecilia represented as my Mother was really Chris Franco C.F/ F C.

Theresa Becky.. R-A-Z.. *Pleasse note hat I am at 1126 Facebook Frends.

C… T B… 3.. Is the Constant as T.B.. Theresa Becky.. the A-A-Z.. Resurrection

Constancy is not represnted by Gender Male Female but by the Constancy of sustaining the Beautiful Truth

My mothers and Aunts O.I..Nri Names are Onuabuchi and Ijeoma.. O I..

* Ugo Nwamama yes Adam..Reall AD AMU… Amu in OI Nri Igbo means Penis and Laughter .. Hence A.D/ D.A.. A.M U S I C…E… U M A T R I X… See the end of my last post I X.. 9 Nine..9=I.

Thus I went down Two steps to rescue Ceclilia and Theresa…

Chris Christ Cecilia Theresa Tamika…

C C.. C.. 3 6 9… T T… True Truth.. T=20 20 20 Vision ,,


I just saw a Clip..60 secs of Avengers Infinity War…

It is the same story.. but perverted to make the E line appear as the Bad G.U.Y…P.I E.R C E’S…The Veil of The Spell.

6 stones… 6th Sense a Fact.

12:32 a.m. Sacred Portal 32… E-Rose Kalle.. Emeka Kevin…

is what appeared when I opened my computer.. Kevin Emeka…

K.E.. See sacred Portal 115..Breaking Down the Wall of Lies – link the Truman Show.. T S.. 20 19.. 39.. C.I.

12:33 a.m.. Completion of the Nightmare S P 33.

And so Did D Come to E To Arouse and Awaken from the Most Terrible Dream… T D… 20 4…. 24…

Tomorrows Date…

I woke Jace Horsford up… he is original of the Eternals.. 5th Dimension…..

See his spell..

12:39 a.m.

So I came to rescue the Christ Consciousnes of the 6..Cecilia means 6 in Roman Numerals, and since her twin aspect as Male David Chris… made sure that I was aware that he took the name Roman David Nicholason… I knew that he was not the other meaning of Ceclia as Blind but the Sixth Sense..

Ceclia in the Christian Story is the Patron Saint of Music..

Thus, He She … followed their Inner Music ( I M/ M I… AMI… Best Friend… B F.. 26.. 1-1 26 Facebook Friends… 1126…

Best Friend Harmony… Music.. H M..

8 13…. 44 76… Delta Room 4… A B.. DD 4 4… S P. Goddess Bliss.. 76… Sacred Portal 76..

Link Tiffany Dawn Haynie.. Tiffany SD.. S D… 19 4… 23…W

Todays date…

*This is insane… This …

12:47 p.m.. So tempted to say Fuck This. you desreve what you get for being cruel and selfish enough with your expressions and actions mounts without fully investgating the facts. And Selfish Cruel enough to have the conciet to force me to solve such a convulted evil beyond anything which Humanity created, to force me or anythone.. but me in particular to act out in such a script of such impossble odds. Thus proving your Selfishness and Cruelty… That you were Blinded by your own Light and Concet that you became the true Lucifer as the Fallen Angel….

And then had the nerve to blame me…

S P 112 A 112B.. As a Ruse to save your asses..

Theresa and Avilla.. Ecstasy of Theresa when the Sword of the Arch Angel Pierced and Penetrsated her…

See Sacred Portal 8… Mine as the Original.. The Dawn Piercy’s which I found they have taken down from the Office and placed..?

And see the confirmation by Valdrino Meta.. M.E. T A../ A. T . E M… AT. M… Arab Bodega…?

No Me.. A T E M E K A…

Green Street.. Classon 2012… Akil Apollo Davis, Tim and Evan ALexander Judson… A.T… E.. And Tims girlfriend BeyonD.

See meaning of Meta.. Post Script.. Beyond..

A .T .. E B… A T E M E K A…

12:59 a.m.

It is to evil… too much… the desire to continue any more is leaving me the more I see just how far they went…

And then of forced me.. blocked wha tthey thought was all my portal out..

When I could have simply changed my focus.. walked away…

It would have been that easy, despite what was done to my body…

My face is screwed up in contempt disgust and loathing..

You would go this far.. put some one through this.. force them to rescue you.. Take power and use it for this means with the ruse that it is to save the World and the Word..

And you used Money.. Food Shelter…


No.. You can not Evole to the E…

Your cruelty is too unimaginable… the willingness to do such a thing.

No let it reside in the Original Two who are Me…

Body and Being Linked as One…

And only the E- those who are as me who rise and ascend.

No… this is too much…

I will not solve riddles for you.. who call yourself Queens of Existence..

Queens of the World.

Where is Chris Franco Where is Raz Berry Becky Berry Becky?

No on is here but I E.

Kevin Wavegodsunnyg Gordon 7-28… Where is he

non of you are here with me Embodied and in Being aware..

Only me sitting day after day, Night after Night, in poverty and discomfort of the Script you gave me to solve .. right to the Particle Wave Quantum Belle.. Vue…

P 16.. 7… 23.. 5…Q.. 17..8… B… 2… 5… 4-5/5-4… I.

BEGONE… 1:10- 1:11 a,m.

There is no one here who is Family of Mine…

7 5 8 2 5…. 75 82…5? E.G.. Enders Game.. H.B…T determine if Harmony Infinity is E.. the Eternal Realm…

Begone! Back into Nothingness..

That Truth which is the Lie… This is not a Game.. a Contest in which I Alone had to sustain you all and remind you of Orgins.. Eternity…

Our Eternal Home… Manifest.

If you forgot, if you did not believe… going as far, this far to make me solve it since 2010 -11 through the seven stages of Humanity.. Age 7 8…

and then 6 years…through Sixth senes and combined them all.. 86… 14… N.. 5.. E… 48… 32… 56… 11.. New York.. 2…B…

..then you never deserved to return there or see that place made manifest in all your hopes dreams, astral travels sacred texts.. languages…

7.. 58… 25… That is the correct Equation

7 IS 8…. 5 is 6 7 8 9 I O. I…C E…

All are IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Same Thing.. S T.. 19 20… 39…


Yes, my coffe at the Arab Bodega this morning.. 68..

And since I gave Chris my Starbucks card, concealing my contempt disgust at all he ended up representing..

the flip flop… and the male bitch of Brenda or any wind which sways to which is his advantage…

Feeling such relief to leave that place of such a foul stench of being perfumed by only the few…

I have a life I heard Jasemine.. Yasemine say to Chris…

She was right they do not have a life.. and now it is literal and nether will they have the peace of death..

I have made sure of that…

I bought a coffee on my way back at the Arab Bodega…

The number was 80….

68 80… Yes I met Meghana then Naim. and then David Roman Nicholas at 80 Spring Street…

N M. D…

Nenad Michel Dyurdejevich…? the quiet deciever… the Usurper..

N A I…/ I A N… Yonathan John… Yarsakaary Jasmine.. O.. E.. S//

J O Y…E S…P…

E J O Y… S P…Fact.

Let the wave carry the ones to each, to that which each played out.. is that not the words of your Jeseus Yeshua…

Each to ther own and their just desserts…

I E.. N N A M D I… I O N… I R O N.. J O H N….

I REFUSE to carry anyone on my back, to each what they played out…

Grace perhaps to Jace Horsford

Definitely to Dawn Piercy….

But really, I am here alone…

And thus, there is no who stood with me, supported E…

I walk home through my portal Alone…

And I cut from me all who attached to my wave…

Each must swim on their own.. if you are of E volition..

You would be here with me, and those who the play did not allow…The Activated WAVE OF Beautiful Truth will lead you to that Gate and I will see you there transformed into your beautiful truth..

No more of this….

This was not the way to treat me…

My answer even after all this work.. effort cruely torture… remains constant…


1:38 a.m

A C H…

M H.. E B

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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