
22:49 p.m

22:49 p.m

No.. I do not like having to transparently weave you into Existence.

Pausing in your homes- and coding every thing in view to proove your worthiness of rising.

Its was your Home Work.. not mine.

I did not even wish to share my knowledge of the Matrix and the Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze after the reception I recieved.

I lived for over 10 months at 900 South Road

There was no one I wished to see but 1 2 or 3

And no one but 1 2 3 even enquired about visiting me.

I know the work, I did with each person, its value even one 30 minute conversation worth all the money and distractions in your entire fake reality

I came with Clarity Conviction and Empirical Evidence logic reason proof in a language tailored for each of you.

I was indifferent… and this alone should have alerted you.

Of course I was aware of how you saw me.

Satya.. i read your thoughts, even from simply seeing and understanding Human Behavior.

Behavioral Patterns.

See how far I had to go..

64 moves and to a 16 year old via a Baby called Jeron Satya.

To a Beautiful Youth whose Perfection as Naturalnees and Self Confidence made it natural that he align with The Truth

And it ended up being my Eternal Brother Beloveds Script – now as I had become to reach there..

The Blue Flame

The Beautiful Assassin.

I code now because on 5 6 instances I have recieved in the last 24 hours that I am at Sacred portal 111.


My HOME is right here, but the Awakened Universal Existence.

So yes, only with Evolution Awakening Script

do I get out of this wretched play.

An actually Extra Terrestrials but still Humanely beautiful script.

Instead I had to focus on getting mainly whiney self entitled spoilt brats called Child Men and Women in every culture rich poor educated or not to pay attention..

Like a School Teacher.

But I came to really get the Principal of Existence

We are on the same page.

Its done now, I am on my way out, and yes, the Blue Print is in Arden a 17 year old

Age really does not exist… really.

But respect does.

And I have spent 20 months here.

I left 900 South Road on the 20.

Virgina 20th State

20t th is not Virginia.

20 is T

Getting Perfection and To Perfection my Father Brother Lovers Play

I am not your teacher, coach, friend, no ones but One who is 5 in 1 and many.

We came to see your Truth

Love has nothing to do with it nor did I care one Iota if you loved me.. obviously you do not, its only about what you gain.

I came to Refine Perfection

River Phoenix from Energy to graduate to Expression.

Yes, many here I loved because Love is Clarity but Truth Perception

There is no need to Love and expect in return especially those who do not know what love is.

Its Communication Correspondance Creative Natural to reach out and find another an Individual, reaching out to you in the same time…

Perfect Timing

There is no Need

To Beings complete forming two loops.

Linking and knitting, knotting, marrying merging, intertwining at the same point sealed by the Sexual Organs carress and a kiss on the lips.

That happens naturally..

Or is repeated acted out in a Script..

– of the Awakening, a reminder of the Original Natural spontaneous enactment

Why would I or my line settle for any less?

My Kind were not of this Earth School Universal Simulation Awareness Matrix Maze but they were undercover in Nature ..In the Woods.

I cut out all those who I was led to, on my way in, I cut the ungrateful ones out.

Your not real

Real beings give fair exchange.

Love is Conscious Balance an almost unconscious fair exgange.

Lover and Beloved.. but not of the warped human idea kind.

23:23 p.m



Why would I care an iota those who even now still believe they call the shots, make the rules and see better than one who proved he seesfrom here to eternity and to the blackest hole that you have better things to do than converse be with the one sent to fight for your existence.. but at 7..

Cut you out.

So please the feelings mutual, I don’t wish to see you, or be anywhere near you.

The Cartoon characters?

No, around me only that which is real and those I converse with without having to endure the torture of explaining to the Human mentality defined and comfirmes as Imbeciles

I D.I. O.T. The One who is is Two.

23:29 p.m

I ..We have waited a long, long time to teach you the meaning of Respect

Obliterate them

Beautiful Assassins

AT. H.E.. N.A. E!

23:31 a.m

Crazy Silly lovable but cruel human children selfish to the bone marrow.

Who cares any more about what happens to you?

Not I.

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