
2:24 P.M.

2:24 P.M.




Personal Responsibility P.R.

Fear of the Un-Known.


35 years ago, less than three years on arrival in Nigeria- a country so foreign to my siblings and I, it was as if we had landed in this beautiful and dramatic world where anything was possible.

And it was…anything was possible.

Even the abduction of my two younger brothers.

Kidnapped by thier own biological father and of spite, malice, vindictiveness and a desire to hurt my mother- but more her family for not giving in to what he had demanded of them.

A dream turned into a nightmare leading to the Death of my brother Nnamdi.

I was just fourteen when it happened.

I had been looking forward to simply being a boy in this world, instead of this sentinel who had been at war with my father alone in England and Canada.

Instead, I watched as my two brothers were kidnapped and no one did anything about it.

Looking at the helplessness of my mother and the sheer overwhelming bad temper of my father ( because in the end that is what it was.

My father was not evil as some people swore, nor the cruelest man who ever lived…

He was just a man who allowed his bad temper to go too far, and was too proud to take personal responsibility for what its cause and effect manifested).

But it was not with him where lay the evil.

It was in finding myself surrounded by family.

A large beautiful family on both sides who did nothing.

Who let this happen and did nothing to prevent it.

I saw my mother so proud of the family she had looked forward to seeing after almost two decades of exile in the west..

See that the look in my eyes, that we were still alone.

What then is the point of Family?

33 years after my brother left the world, coming to me, entering me in the form of incense.

I had been inundated with information about my brother not being of this.

Some even calling him the Creator incarnated angel…

I already knew who my brother was…maybe not his I.D. in this world but I knew who my brother was…

What was surprising is that hardly knew who I was…

My mother and sister being the only ones who suspected but even then.

But my mother felt that I was from a Realm beyond even these World stories.

I do believe this is why she leaned so much on me…

I just could be a boy..

And when Nnamdi came and Boom Boom once I fought the legal system to bring him down from that place he had been kidnapped.

Once I knew that Boom was safe..

I set out to investigate with Nnamdi who was with me.

He was pissed off.

My rage is different it is quiet until I reach the end.

I am at the End.

33 months on Facebook.

Everyone just watched.

Why was I living in the same story mirrored in my private and personal life.

Was one symbolic of the other

And which one was the Cause and which you one was the effect.

One divided a Family 35 years later not healed.

Will this one unites one family m.

The line of E

33 years since Nnamdi left this realm and came to me.

33… Nnaemeka Chinwuba Ezeufonna

Nnaemeka Chinwuba Charles Ezeufonna.


Nnamdi 33 Emeka..

Nnamdi O Emeka…


Nnamdi and I merged to Cees of Consciousness into one…

To form the Full Circle.

E Truth fighting the E lies…

I wondered why I was compelled to Expose myself to the whole world.

I knew that I was carrying my brothers Truth, not as Nnamdi my blood brother but the divine representation of Nature to Alpha…


I knew it was he who had taken over my life.

No force of evil has power over me.

I knew that even as a child when I fought my greatest Sensie my bio father.

I had always sensed in his warped Old School way that he was being used to prepare me for a battle which if he – or what he represented truly knew what I represented, would not have bothered to create a Spiritual Hellish Existence and OkwuMuo for me to live through to prepare me for a role, I did not require such training form

I watched though, as my life was taken more and more off course, of the Golden Child path that all assumed I would be…

I watched how family disowned me as I went deeper into the investigation of the Truth.

I saw how I was treated and knew that I was a merely a reflection of all those who lived by the Truth and what had been done to them.

I watched carefully, noting that there was no one who was loyal to the Golden Child once it was discovered Ha! Not so golden after all

He has gone in another direction… What a Fool.

But still I watched.

I am a great actor.

I.knew what Nnamdi wished to show me…

I already knew.

I was asked by my Espirit to expose every cost I had borne, and the price beyond human spiritual and energetic Suffering to bring this knowledge to you on Facebook.

I watched as each avoided that cost, demanded evidence and were more concerned about the roles you played and delusions, illusions of grandeur.

I watched as I raised the E Truth in each one of you, aligning it to the View, the Energetic Truth of the true story which I was weaving.

The humans cared not be one iota for the details of the unimaginable Suffering surmounted daily to bring this information to your awareness.

Some wrote private texts, polite enquirers…

One or two were literally sincere…

But I saw where Nnamdi was going with this, relentless, he wished me to see, experience feel all that those who had lived by Energetic Truth through out time had suffered, endured and faced.

He wanted me to name it…

Emeka he used to ask me when we were boys

What’s Matter?

It is Nothing nothing at all.

Just as Selfish Self Interest, Self Centered, Indifference to Truth, or the taking advantage of the suffering of others, and finding a way to excuse abominations done to the Espirits and Men and Women of True Nature…

Creates Evil from doing Nothing at all…

And so Nnamdi…

All those ppl who left you, called you the reincarnation of Beauty..

Did this to you life time after life time

Incarnation after incarnation …

Did the same to me…even worsen

But I always surmounted it Nnamdi and the experience of it..

Because people who do nothing..nothing at all.

But only think of the themselves and do not even blink at the cost it took to bring them the Truth…

I knew from the very begining of Existence..

That this is what Evil is..

Worth nothing at all…

And that is why I rose as Life Eternal beloved brother and you rose as Death.

For you did they very thing in the this play which made you death not as the Transformer but as the Ultimate End..

You allowed this play, your temper at these ppl who do nothing get the best of you allowing an illusion to go too far.

When I cut them out in an instant because anything not moved by Beauty Truth and Harmony E is not real..

And all were moved by E Harmony..

The rest of them…

Simply Empty Space



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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