
2:23 pm/ – Okay, I have got the

2:23 pm/

Okay, I have got the response from the Woman upstairs to the calling outt her responsibility,the little dog. and at the same time 2:13 pm I was irritated and in transformed into the Black Panther intent.

My Switching to Beautiful Pride from the message I just received from Liberty C, was the response as to why she was told and dreamed of herself becoming a great author ( G.A) one day.

She spoke about Azure and his love and admiration for Jeron.
It was so beautiful and tenderly written,that not only did evoke 2020 Vision what I was aware of, but captured it perfectly with Beautiful Expression and Love being not only Consciousness, Creation C.
But also C.E via Expression which created Harmony, I. For she could Cee and See the E at Dee. Di

2:30 pm.

So that was the play huh, the play of Black Panther and Beautiful pride.

When I first, Liberty C, she told me of her dream and vision informed her of one day being a great work to edit and becoming a great writer- author.

I have just witnessed two plays of Above here, and the play of the one representing the present.

Sound is a Langage.
To Cee and See.

So yes, this was set up.

C+. C.Plus.

2:35 pm.
C The Response.
R -R


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