
2:23 p.m.

2:23 p.m.


Be Aware, that we are evolving…

That I no longer act the journalist ( Clark Kent.. C.K) and the Captain of the Star-Ship Enterprise Awakening, detailing in my Captains Log on Face book which has been acting at the same time as The Daily News..as well as playing a sort of hybrid of Professor X and Wolverine…

…and reporting every detail of what is going on.

I have stated over and over again, I this is not a Human Play.

It is an E.T Play.. Extra Terrestrials play of Supremacy..

That there was an Alpha Bet, and I was bet on, the ultimate underdog in an Unseen Play of Extra Terrestrials and Aliens and the one A-Lien…Father who bet on his Source, who is a Man.

The race and bet was to prove that a Man could prove Supremacy in all the higher states of being with a Human representative who was meant to prove that Humanity is a Source of All Expression… and Eternity – infinity.

The play was set up to prove this, so all could see its truth proven a fact.

-A sort of Gladiatorial


Gods.. the Wave

Particle Man..

That man could actually prove to the the Extra Terrestrial Supreme… and their Supremacy.

I have already spoke about the Alpha Bet.. C.I..

John Mack is here – he gave me a measured dose of Meso Gold.. Liquid Gold… He also had silver… and spoke of the Platinum, Iridium each linked to Consciousness…

P I../ I P… 9-16-2016.. I entered the Delta Manor to complete the challenge of Nature-A Painting by Numbers

Nature Morte… et Renee (Reborn)

Elementals and Ethereals…. The Elegant Nomads…

As we conversed, it was obvious what we were doing – linking Elemental to Ethereal..

Matter and Waves.. M W..

Ponder and Wonder… Depth and Light…

Death and Light…

How beautiful and exquisite is the True Play- the greatest tragedy was the intrusion made possible, of the Human story of this realities point of view of Fear, focused on Greed and Selfishness, holding on to a point of view which created Stagnation until the riddle of Alien Father Alpha was solved..

Disease.. Decay.. Decomposition….Terrible Death..

Rays McKayla saw that code yesterday, or the day before.. and the code of the american eagle… A E…

Esteban Miguel Filgueira watched Titan A.E.

Titans are the Elementals.

They link to the Gods those with Crowned Chakras.. The Ethereals who move between us in the space which connects links and separates us so the Eye and I can see.

She just got her diploma as a Massage Therapists…

Passed her last final exam.

144555.. was the number on her diploma… 1 44 555… 14 5 55


N E EE… Christopher Filgueira has moved to the North End under the umbrella of E.M.F…And Cash -Dollar-Bubbles, thus, Rays McKayla is linked to the code A D D…. E E E…5 5 5

Time now 4:44 p.m.

Edit 4:55 p.m right now…

Bobbynbritt Hobbs B H… 2 8. Is my 1231 Facebook Friend..

H B/ B H… Harmony = Being…

Holly Betsy… H B..

B O B.B N B Ritt H O B B.S…

The E manifested the Elementals…

*See Sacred Portal 9… Elemental Goddesses of Grace..

The 3 Graces the 7 Muses..

John Mack had a vision of his having one foot in the Yellow- Gold color ( Yellow Y Evolves to through B E 2 5 through the Male Chromosome to G.. Grace.

The Elemental Goddess arose from Two Men…

Emeka John… 5 10… 51O… Area 51.

Ad rose through Esteban Miguel Filgueira E M F.. The play o the Astral Plane, of the Elementals and the Ethereals..

1231… Is linked to Sacred portal 31.. Rebirth, Erection Rebuilding.

It is also linked to the 31 State.. the Gold State.

Which is the Golden Ratio…

Which comes from within… expression from within.

And yes, we are Star Dust in elemental form.

Star Dust S D… Santana Dharma…and we are made up of all the Elements of the Universe.

But before there was our Elemental Form as the break down of all the components of the Universe. we were whole and one.

And there was something moving the Universe as well as all the Elementals…

God.. Harmony..Truth… a Gracious Being… The Gracious Creator…

The Ethereals represent Motion…

Expression is motion…

5:08 p.m.



We are Silver and Gold Energy… S A G E…

5:11 p.m.


16 20 .7

P T…

E G….

5 7…

A B C A… 1 2 3 1….Full Circle…

A-A… A-Z-A…

27… 1-9 O..

8:00 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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