
22:24 Hundred Hours

22:24 Hundred Hours

As witnesessed ( By those paying attention)

I have witnessed myself move Energy Everything to move via Expression Feelings

Silence and Sound

22:25 Hundred Hours

Even through this self serving script to reach 25 Victorious

A forced to play characters and have interactions not as myself, but one scripted conscripted to fill a Need which of course diminshes the Respect people naturally felt and saw for me. In my Being and Doing.

As most are aware I am only posting because I am still Here Present in a play.

Not at Home ( Esteban Miguel Filgueira is great.. but its a play of which I am being controlled by what was done to my Body my Truth value and Worth.)

Despite being always aware of my worth, and the negatjng and undervaluing of my Self and Self worth I have passed 64 portals

Hundreds of People and even while crucified infront of peoples Eyes..

Bearing the Experience of Evolution alone and documenting it..

Sharing the experience of it despite the worlds people response and even the Energy Family…smh..

22:33 p.m

There is only one I Trust

My Self

Here Present

For I have given Respect to All I met.

Naturally by Ceeing them, and loving them knowing the trap was being set up for me.

Yes, there is Arden and the Eternal Family

Eternal Beginning.

E B. 2.5

25 Y.

But they He is not Awake just Aware.

I am posting..

Not really in desperation or frustration but impatience to be in my own space, home and not in this Body via Being which has made me A Lowliest of Slaves.

But I Respect

All up to a point.

When they do not give respect..not for who I am or what I have endured and surmounted.

But for what I am Doing.

And Being.. Embodied even in this Hellish play of being made 24/7 constantly aware.

What is the Hold up?

Did I lie?

Did I Betray

Did I not tell the Truth for which I was ridiculed cursed, shouted at, laughed at and left on your streets to die on in this state

All the while telling the truth in a Mission Journey which had nothing to do with me

So what gives?.

Me Forgive?

Its again made of Stone Pierre


Ag e.

And the only Thing Left is A Sword

S Word


E: X C A. L I B. .. U R. E



Me Door Of Life


Each To His or Her Own.

I am used abused…?

Not Needed.

Last Part is True

All have what they Needed from E.

I am growing so impatient to rest

To be honest I do not care who rises with me or alone.

I know how it is meant to be.

But how it is I accept

I Hadened My Heart

None have passed the test of My Heart.

22:49 p.m

Not in this play.

Not in 19 years 64 moves.

Or Alexander Grove to Arden Gemino

Because I am still Here coding posting moving Energy in a play of which I have no iota of respect but gave despite that, every single person the Respect of True Love True C.

Despite an Unnatural Script.



I still manged to use Natural Expression in this Understanding of E. OR.E. G O N. E.

Hurry Cane.

Mark Them with the Sign of the Beast.


Money Wellet a Portal.. Transformation ..

Not even basic respect for the True Love Shared.

I am fine with that

But Not with still using me, binding my body to this awful process and progress.

There is nothing out there in this enactment equal to I.E.

The Answer is No.

Each to his own.

But don’t use me.

My Art Science Knowledge.

In which most acted out as if they did not care or needed.

One line didn’t of course..


My Self.

22:59 p.m

I really am amazed still after all I have proven I am stilly Anonymous and there is still more demands made.

23: 00 Hundred Hours

11:00. pm

They will pay for this..

I Vow.

My Oath.

My Promise

Until I am satisfied

I am A G Ode.

Harnony Infinity

The return of the Respect

Yes it is Unconstitutional

But Infinity Harmony Standing up

Works Two Ways.

Good Lord…

It will Pay for this…

I S.W E A R.



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