
2:22 pm. – The Play of B.V. – And

2:22 pm.

The Play of B.V.
And my Mother Cecilia- 42.
Via Kim Arthur Hinds Jr and Liberty C
Linked to Arden, universal Cock and my Mother line Universal HEN-RI and finally, the Cosmic Being Eros-e Adonis-Afrodite Aphrodite.

Liberty L, = Kim, K,
L.K/ K.L.

I have 23 usd in my walllet.
L+K= 23. W-VV.


That was the numeric code “9 18…” on the twenty-dollar money code sent by Liberty from 81 with the code 220 in black ink.

As you can see, the play is still in the play of Numbers, in this case using money codes.
I resent it.

Because, not only is this play very, very, late, but I have already decided to leave and told Kim when he got back, that I would be gone in 2-7 days, forever from this play, but each day since he arrived, there has been new developments, including Scott Delemos no longer being the manager of this Estate. And my body, literally holding me back from leaving this play of the Cosmic Egg all aligned yet again to Sacred Portal 116, and 117.

It is has been like this since 8-26-2006, since Al Santana portal 15 years ago, constant delays.
Now, with Al Amin’s arrival, I am meant to trust this play.
15 is O and A-E.

2:42 pm.
2 42 appeared on the series The Black List yesterday as I was watching.
I am now on Season 6, Episode 15: Olivia Olson (No 115)

Yes, F.O ( F.A.E) OO ( K.E, A-A.E).

2:46 pm.

Everything is talking to me, the entire Universe-GOD and all in Universal Harmony Perfectly aligned to the Codes of this End Game.

My role in this Enders Game of Awareness and Perfect Timing has been to be aware, and then resolve and align the intel on Facebook and merge the intel into one, like a weaver, taking a mass of raw material and moving them to one thread, and then sewing them together to “Sol!- A Needle Pulling Thread”- Basically sewing it all up, and making the main actors-plyers as well as the world people aware.

Which is extraordinarily difficult when one no longer trusts the play, and being made to feel overwhelmed with all this mass of data and intel which one has to spool and link.
Each day, I am faced with the decision to leave this play or give it one more day, of weaving it to manifestation, when I am already aware that that has already been done.
And to take in the absolute cruelty of this play and that it broke all laws of Existence and Creation, as well as it causes me, to appear to break my word, and make me appear, like the body who cried, Wolf. Thus untrustworthy, when it confirms me as Trustworthy, Truthful and Truth Satya and still no solid manifestation to end this torment of a script which breaks all laws because it is a play of Men and women who have no respect for the law.

2:58 pm.

And it uses money, like monopoly money, and chess.

2:59 pm.

The truth is, I want nothing more to do with a play which Lies, and where the Lie is made to appear greater and more powerful than the truth.

Take the play of 2-22 USD- the date of my mother’s crossing over, on 2-22-2020.

Arden was the person who that intel came through, as well as my mother coming straight to me, that same night I heard the news via a play and chess move with Arden and an E-Mail on 2-26, 2-27-2020.
But she crossed over 5 days before 2-22-20. intel Arden Emeka.

Since I coded that date on Facebook, it has become the cornerstone of the play of Kim on the 11-26-2021- 222.00 USD, and then the Time code ( T.C) from Liberty C, and now the play of her sharing her windfall code 5550 with me.

At this point, I did not really need the money, ( and yes, I was aware that by accepting it, that there would be a price to play, of being used in this play).

Again, I had to make a decision, should I stay or should I go, and the only way to end the invasion and intrusion of my body being used as well as my being aware, to further a script so evil and vile to me personally, for years I refused to believe that Natures E, Truth could betray their source, who was in a play script originally mine, but made so perverted by the humans and then the naturals, and then having the audacity to force me to clean up the mess, when I am not of that story, book or species.
And again, each time before I can chill and take action, make decisions, my body is invaded, reigned in, muscles tightened and twisted so that I can not act, or make my decisions in how I would proceed, I am instead dragged back into this savage, the brutal and selfish script of which I have been fighting since forced to come to New York and then Connecticut.
N.Y. C.
11 and 5th state
And please recall all that I have been through and the number of years fighting your so-called 3D- really Lies you utter, and that refusal to take responsibility for your actions and expression, come clean, and of course the lies of Omission and the truth so easily seen in your hearts by me.
And the personal experience which you gave to me, through all the years, which you may have forgotten, including the broken promises and the play, left for me to carry on my own when it was designed to be shared.
And the Greed, and the Intentions I was set up to prove in a play in the money mentality in this world and the U.S.A.
To prove the E as well as Evolution Awakening- so one can understand why this entire script is an Evil Abomination to me personally.

New York is the 11th State,
Connecticut is the 5th.

Liberty C, is now confirmed as I.Q.
Kim as a Director and Voice in this play a Carbon Copy of the Original Nnamdi-Cecilia to Arden and I script.

Liberty Arden L.A.- M.
Liberty Emeka. L E.- Q.

Kim has 42 Mutual Facebook friends with me.
Liberty, 38.

38 is C.H- H.C link, Harwington Connecticut. Hartford Connecticut.
38= 11.
Kim has 42 = The Story. Being Doing- 6= F.A & C.T.S
True Clarity through 6 sense to fact.

38+42= 80. 8O.

38= 11. x 24- total 35. C.E.= 8 H.

42= 6 x 8.

6-11. F.K. Frederick Knox, Fort Knox. ( 17)
24 is E.M.F. at 8 Harmony.

24 8.= 32. 5.
23 USD in my wallet and now 123.

I saw that code on my Facebook friend post-A-A who arrived yesterday. 123.
Please see sacred portal 123. 1-23 A.W and A.B.C.

Liberty sent 300 USD.
First to me, and then Kim was impulsed by whatever motive to take me up and my invitation to ask if he needed more, while I had made it clear, that I had no need anymore for money because I was leaving and I had enough to sustain me until I left this play and body cage and prison. Even as I told Kim, I was aware, and he said no, that he was getting paid on Thursday.

Things change, nor was I disturbed, because I already had wondered why I had invited him, to ask for more, but I knew- the first thing Kim had told me was that he was being asked to pay 950 USD again for Serenitys child support.
My first quiet question was why is it the first thing you are telling me? I was about to leave my body and had an insane 14 days with Jae, Donna, and Scott Delemos.

The 300.00 USD I asked Kim to divide it between the 3 of us equally. 1 1 1.

I knew and have always known that money was has always been sacred and have made that obvious by showing transparency and its truth.
I only use it to buy the bare minimum of what I need and cook every bloody day to be frugal.

The last amount I spent on the “Play money” was 12.87 USD, at C Town Supermarket.

Now, Kim asked and I obeyed and contacted Liberty, already fully aware of the play and I asked that she send me some, because I told her it was the play.
New Book and New Body, the E-Manual all created and authored by me, for this force which made me write it.
And Liberty did the work, let go, did the work, let go, and finally doing the work and has paid for it using her own money.

Now, Kim.

3:50 pm.

Liberty sent 300, 300.00.
I suggested to Kim, that he give me 100.00 and made him aware that it was not all his, and that this was a play where nothing is free.

Liberty sent 3,3 to me and shared the money with me, which I shared with Kim and Jae, and asked Kim to share 100 USD out of the 300 Liberty sent because of me, and this play, and my post yesterday explaining even though I am done.

Kim has gifted me weed, each time I asked him

I have taken 100 +100 from the play money from Liberty.
Jae 100.USD. which I directed Kim to give her.
Kim has taken 100 +300, but now 200.00 because I intervened.


300.300 is 600.

33 6.

Ah, I see it now, 33=1, 33=1. 1. out of 6.-2.

3:58 pm

What an awful play, game to get each person’s truth and true Intention.

1-1-6. 1-3-3=6-1

I get it now, 133 is the code for Extinction as well as Evolution. And 1.

I have taken 100+100= 200 USD.

4:02 pm.


No. I will not explain, I am amazed I even posted this.

I will come back to edit its,

4:03 pm.

Edited. 4:08 pm.
48. D.H.


Its insane… Insane

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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