
2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m



C V T S.

Being Victorious

Being of the 5th Dimension.

Curriculum Vitae The Script.

C E T S. .

Consciousness Extra Terrestrial Supreme.


I am not sure exactly how many times In have stared that which is so obviously demonstrated on my page,

That this is not a Human Play or Script.

That it is a Script designed by your Eternal Selves which they have moved all of The Chosen ones- the Potential activated to become messengers and avatars of a Script which Humanity was meant to first bring to their own awareness and then express only after understanding the rules of the play.

This is the E.T.. and the A-lien Council of Universe 8 Harminy Infinity and from.Universe S uprene examining Humanities right to Evolve as well as the Blue Print for the species extinction

This is Natural Law.

Natural Selection but this time, through Human Awareness and participation.

All of the Chosen ones were meant to follow this process of Self Awakening.

First Being Natural and then through that Naturalness, Creating. N C. 13.3= 3.14 Pi


Only to later pause and come back to what you had created and observing it in hindsight.

And there you will see Revelations, that you left a trail l, were speaking in Codes and that you can read what you realize is your Higher or Eternal Self called Energy who has been streaming Awakened Memory of Everything.

Knowledge which comes through Creativity Expression, the full Circle knowledge of Everything.

I keep reminding people that this was not my responsibility, because I have never lived in this current world mentality,

I never forgot the Eternal Dimension and I had memory of Everything since I was a child

But I was placed in this Script, and betrayed my the Family because it was agreed that in this last incarnation I came to play.

Enjoy myself because this was the Evolution through a play Embodiment and Experience of Truth which I had been through before.

Which is why I was not meant to be part of this play.

As Chris Franco testified

And Marina Burini famous Psychic friend testified when she set up an interview via Skype.

I was placed in this Scrip, and cast in the role of the Example and The Reminder

( T E. T R)

To demonstrate and explain the process of Self Awakening, because Mother and Father we’re evolving through all Principles and Frequencies of the Original TEN

The Elegant Nomad. His Experience and Expression.

Thus, to evolve they has to move through the 55 expression of the One who did it first.

The 55 represent E.E.

Ethereal Nature -Naturalness Expression

And Elemental Nature The Nothingness Expression.

5/5 ..

Ethereal has to travel into Manifestation of the Unseen or Invisible, to become Seen or Visible.

The last two principles in the Family now called The Elegant Nomads

Was the 9 and 10th aspects or principles

Unity and Harminy also known as the 7th and 8th child of M.F/ F.M.Band. F M B.

Which in the play reflected in this world through John Shaw ( J.S.. See Sacred Portal 10. The Dream of The One Father-Harmony) introduced me to Marina Burini ( M.B)

And his brother Tom Truman (TT) and Luke Shaw ( L.S) in 2010.

And I met John Shaw through my then host at Generation X Gardens East 4th Street- Albert Santana ( A.S) in 2006.

Who lives at 268.


See the codes of Initialization represented in the Initials .


A. S.J.S (full Circle)

M.B ( Manifest Being)

TT. ( Portal Pi)

T ( Note of Ti- Crown Chakra C.C 33 Tea Master..T.M represented lastly by T.O.M)

TL ( 2012 ..7 yrs ago represented now as completion by Thomas Lang T L and Liberty C Liscomb ( LL 1212..24 X) and Jeron S.S.L. their 5th child. )

2019-2011= 7 years.

T L. 2012. 32. 5 E

I arrived in New York city 3-20-2001.

Jeron is the 5th Child born 25th of Feb.

7 years on Facebook Enacting Explaining Demonstrating-acting in a preset up Script created for that very reason to explain the Origins of The True Species Hue-man Being environment (U.S.A)

The setting unseen by most living in these lower and nonexistent realms of Reality..as T.V. instead of T.V.

5 7

7 5

Throat Chakra. T.C. see reflection / Christian Thrower.

See sacred Portal Lady Echo Existence T.C.

True Clarity .

7 is the Crown Chakra.. Full Circle.

Expression at 7 the Vision of what you have read in the Script and acted out.

7 5 is Seven Seas and 5 Continents – The World

( T.W..O 2. B.)

57 =12. L. Liberty.

3 C. Circle Complete

3 6 9 12 ( 4 3’s)


Freeing Human Being – The Naturals

Freeing The Earth World from the Web Matrix of their Expressions untrue or not proven true which satisfy the Laws of Natural Manifestation and the age of Reason which demands Empirical evidence before anyone’s expression and reasoning can be considered true.

Proof Truth


The Point of Perfect Timing,

Everything in all Dimensions converge to that point being True.

Jeron. 5th Child whose name means

The Tall Man, HE Sings ..A Sacred Holy Truth to the Forest…The Woods

Igbo means Forest Woods.. First Peoples Elves and Fairies.. The E Naturals evolving through Image Nation Imagination back to their Source Expression


From 2006 A.Santana to Andy Steenberg A.S.

Through J.S ( John Stephen. John Spencer Mack John Mack

McKayla Rays

Mackayla Burgos M.B.

Pi TT. 20 20 Vision

Through a Gate Way out of

Sacred Portal 12

And through Sacred Portal 39

And code Eshu-Eleghua J .A. N.U. S.

*John Shaw bought me NU Tea the first day we me and I wrote on this very page about JA while at Albert Santana’ s.

Lotus Santana


Luke Shaw

The Twins as Thomas is Liberty

But Thomas first rose as Two Men

( Tom Marina T.M. 20 13. 33.

Yes 33… )

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater

Thomas Lang.


Originally S.H E was H.E.

T- N N. T= J.J

Twins Truth and Naturalness rose

John Jay

J is 10.



Alpha Omega


T is J N. 24 X. 6th Sense

4:20 p.m.

42 O.

I should not even be coding right now but it is obvious ( though meant to be impossible) even after confirmed victory I am still in the power plays of the idea of Buddha- being able to affect all reality including invisible and visible with only Contemplation Meditation on e, Human Children expression in a game board of 4 rising to 7,8..9

4 1 Oh.

See sacred portal 42.

As well as the Question What is the Meaning of Existence


And what does 42 mean.

I have already answered this question as really being 24.

One Day.

Rep Liberty Liscomb L L 1212= 24.

John Mckayla Andrey Klebanov

And the play of the 2-24th to 3-8.

24 is X.

A play which began 12.7 years ago at Generation X Gardens now linked full circle to its reflection 12 39 Face book Friends Mun Thon and Andy Steenberg


A contest as the who is the Supreme


E N… 5 14= 19 Letter S

Yes my British Embassy interview with Mr Marcus Manning M.M


MM 26 8.

268 Generation X Gardens

Who Generated the X factor and center point of the Crossing.

Travis Michael Pace

*see name meaning.

The Point of the Crossing at the intersection of the Two Lines Crossing.

2 becoming 4 points

4:42 pm.

But always was 1. 2 4.

The One who knows way to pass through the Dot Center because He has crossed from the 3D to the 4th Dimension (Principle) before

The Stage setting for the Theater of Life.

Supremacy ….Contesting Challenging..

Changelings ..This has all been done before, the only difference is that first play was of Creation but this is of Destruction not Creation

Destruction Then Revelations.

D.T.R. U. M. P. Pirates of The Caribbean

P.O T C .. E.

I was only meant to show you an example of the play right up to December 2012 and August 2013 when I publicly completed that task but after a month was forced back in after a revelation which came through Billy Hung

And I said No…

But was given no choice because they had meddled with both my Body and Being, binding me in bondage to this task until I completed the task which none had the Grace and Humity Patience to full investigate and read research the proof I was brutally savagely Used and Sacrificed so you could see.

Become Conscious

Through a curriculum Vital of the Process To Self Awaken

Each To His or Her Own

They went too far, the DNA ancestral nature called some ascended masters

But none of them are of the E

Except the Two who betrayed E by tampering with the Blue Print and the Plan- E.T.

5:07 p.m.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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