
2:22 p.m

2:22 p.m


Link Brenden Velez

Brendan is a Celtic name meaning Prince… Brave.. Flame… Name of Celtic Warrior Gods of great magnetism.

Velez means to Sail or Watchmen, and in Sanskrit it means Shore, Coast line.

Hence the meaning of B V. B 5..Being Victorious.

Is the Brave Prince is the Observer Watchman who set sail with his Flame of Truth and sailed across the Seas to land on the Shore of .. New world.

He is the watchful, Vigilant, Virgil,Vigilante.

The Dark Lord, of Light.

Prince of Darkness- the P.O.D.

The I POD.

Planer of the Seed

Lucifer John


Victor Vincente!

O Sir IS


King Arthur K.A. H

P.H..A.LL. U.S

Sum of the Morning And Evening Stars.

Erect P.E.N I.S.

Mari of Lady Dawn

Golden Ratio

Moon Light

Moon Beam

Bean Mitochondria

First Being to emerge from the Big Bang

Big Brother

Who gave birth to Himself

Through His Selves.

Self Created


Energy Light

Self Born.

8:42 p.m – 8:43 p.m Edit. 6-28-2019

A 6- 1O-3

F A-A F.C.


B B B. Body Being Beauty


Sixth Sense of the Resurection from Death as the Flesh Matter consciousness electrified and reborn through activation back to Energy Life.

Raising the Dead.

John Mack sent me an image of their car, which died in front of Dunn graveyard with a Tombstone with that name.

Dunn is Celtic and means Dark Skinned one

Black Irish

Black Celts.

F B G. T S.

Nadee Nakandala recently graduated as Barrister.

She was the person, I mentioned who had recognized what I was doing in Facebook after just three days as my Facebook Friend.

Authoring Harmony.


Kim Arthur Hines..


A H.

1 to 8


Rainbow Spectrum 1-7-8..

Solfeggio 1-8

1-7 is A-Z.

1-8 is Full Circle

Merge the 7 colors of Rainbow Spectrum and you return to Origins..

Light Refracted and Returns

1 -8. O.

Nadee responded today to my best wishes that it was 7 years ago.

7 years ago, she recognized what I was doing on Facebook..

7th Chakra Crown Chakra color purple which was the Color of Carmen, Brooke Lee Lemery Angel

Carmen L. Garrido

Car Men

Kar Ma..

And so for 7.6 years I have been on Facebook, educating, speaking, demonstrating, explaining and proving the E Consciousness which is the Consciousness of Energy.

While battling bad ideas, spirits, demons, illusions… bad ideas which gained power and began possessing humanity and this world.

76 is my sacred portal of 76.123 True Cock sure of the First Dawn Awakening ..

I have been on Facebook 7.6 yrs..

Erek Eclass Mateo the only person who saw me rise, and rose himself to the literal E.T Erek The Read was born in 1976.

Mind University was the project he was working on in 2012.

And his ex girlfriends father was a shaolin master of the White Crane..

Yes Brooke…

That was 2002, the same year my bio Father passed away.

20 years after Nnamdi, in 1982.

I died in 1992..

2002. 22. V.

I have been in Hartford Connecticut for 7 months + completing the play of 6th Sense and the aftermath of the Evolution Awakening

Today is the 27th.


Exactly one month to the Day I moved here on the 27th.

27 years ago. 1992. 92/ 29. I B B I


S I A…

Sage Isaac Calvin McCullough Albert Santana

2006.. 4th Street

4 14 pm

D N. Umeano.. my Grandfather and His brother


4:15 p.m

John Mack just sent me a text saying they are on route 414..

D N. E..

D A D.

D O….

John Mack was born on the 27th

7:34 p.m

John Mack and McKayla Rays were just here.

I can not even describe what took place here.

But yes, from J.D the person they were with when Mikky’ s car broke down in front of the Graveyard.

J D is terrible Death Sacred Portal 104.

The Tomb stone Dunn reflecting John Mack and I.

Their coming to see me just after me as Time Done, Truth Dunn- the Dark Skinned one..

* correction Mckayla’s car is Green not blue

Johns motorcycle green…

Jesse Macias car is white.

Green Golden.


7 7. 14. O

14. 1. 4. 1+4=5. Full Circle 5 O 5. E O E. 535. E C E

Green is 4th Color

Yellow Evolves to Golden

Mikky say the Gravestone at the very end called Golden Heart..

Dunn Golden Heart.. D G H.

4 7 -8..

Green Green

4 4. 8. 16. 24. Leaving the E.M.F (24)

44 Brooke Lawn.. 8 26 receipt

Ascending crossing Elegguah crossing guard.

Compass Me Says Terrible Death, Declaration of War.

The Door to life once always opens crosses over.

The Body is the vessel and must be pure White clean and transparent, flowing as Water

To be able to transform into a 5th Dimensional Body.

The other body as the Illusion 1-4, must die.

Evolution through Being, Doing transformation of the Body of the DNA to Dne..

They left with a person came to pick them up,

Beni M.



M.R.B. M.B

Brooke Lee Lemery and Mckayla Reyanne Burgos.


(26 33. 59. Link to John Mack tel 59

Brooke born 1995.. 59/95)

B M. J M.


M M….

Joe Dirt. At Graveyard

J.D. 414 code D N. E. D A D

B.M. Brooke Mackayla

44 8

8:00 p.m

Sacred Portal 8.

Love Links Desire

To land and Cee

From Terrible Death . 20 4. 24

To Beautiful Beautiful Death Transformation

Donald Trump..4 20..

The Brown or Tan version.

White Light



Laura Walsh


W. A L L. E.T.

Green Green. G G. Gurol Goker


Festival of Sharing

Momentum Beyaz Bey A-Z. B E. 7. 2 5. 25

Meaning Movement Towards the Transparent White Light .

8:07 p.m right now


86 7. 8 67.

This 44 is balance of the Heart Chakra.

Two J M. And M.B.

Jump Man Quantum

Manifests Body .. Quan Yin Mulon. Om.

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater



44 in balance at Brooke Lawn. 44

Move to Harmony 5th Dimension

See Brooke Lee Lemery posts codes 805 posted yesterday.

Sent to me..

8:11 p.m right now


Kim Arthur Hines

44 is J.M. Quantum Beautiful Transformation of Manifest Being Body to Beauty


2 2 2

Evolving Yellow To Gold as 3rd Color, planet to 4th as Green, transformation by the Source of the Golden Ratio

God Particle

By Brendan Young E K

The Warrior Prince and Blue Flame who crossed the Seven Seas to reach the 8th Chakra by being in Balance 44 from the Sacred Journey through 1-7..44…to 8 44, 944, 104…

J D and through 11 4. Kim Arthur Hines born 11 4 ( Nathaniel T B 4-11) Hells Kitchen to pass through Death …

Buried Alive..

To resurrect after directing as Osiris..

Isis Osiris I O

Sacred Portal 90.

Link Christopher Filgueira Last digits 90.

Esteban Miguel Filgueira. 94

Today was the play of 4, 400..

4 pm Hmm arranged for our meeting today.

420 30 check Brooke gave Mikky..

44 U sd in my wallet at present .

8:24. 6. H. E.M.F. F.


Completion of the play of Ressurection of the Dead, and those who rise and transform and

As Zeus Brooke Cat.. who Brooke felt the same energy in him as in myself.

Tiger Lion. T.L. 2012

Jaguar Leopard. J.L. John Luke.

Black Panther Cheetah B P C.

Beautiful Pride C… 70 mile per hour 7O



Golden Owl.

To the 5th Dimension State and Body where Our Lady Warrior await her Self in the 5th Dimension her Gentleman Warrior Self.

M.E. O.W.

John gave me his Lighter

The image on it beyond belief

Mckayla mother Marie had a Vision of Lying down with a Lion, after a brick wall came tumbling down..

And then came a Tiger from out from behind, who demanded that she play with him too.

Jaguar NANA


The are five lines representing with full awareness the End Game

J M.


T S. S




5-6 lines

From 1 2


Lord Li..

7 and 6 years ago.

N.L.. Their initials..

L N. 12- 14-1987. Christopher Andrew Filgueria

And for 7 years I had to reach these 5 6.

E Family E.K.

1 Mouse was killed by Zeus the Cat

1 was Hurt

1 was Fine

2/3 of the Human Population will perish, not rise or Transform.

8:43 p.m right now

I said that 7 years ago on Facebook.

8:44 p.m right now

Bravo Brooke Dawn…

B D. 2.4.

8:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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