
2:22 p.m.

2:22 p.m.

B B B…B. V..5..E….


1-14-9… A.N.I ..Ani we know means Beautiful

14-1-9…N.A.I…. Natural Awareness Instinct Intuition ( I and I) =I

Nature Anywa-Wu, Ifunanya…Nature are the Bright Eyes of the 5th Dimension whose is Loves Cee I See you everywhere

I.A.N/ N.A..I..

I Anna I… The Individual representing Grace-Favor..G.F..76..Awakening Infinity…IIIIIIIIII…

IAN…ION…. Twins B..E.N…Z..I.O..N.

Twin Ions of Zeina Zorro! Beauty!..B.BB..

See the twins Harmony Unity (And unseen the E) in the share by Gay-Marie Bradshaw…Music…

Which aligns to Obi Ckc’s post I shared with a yellow school bus, with the word Musical

6th sense, represented splendidly by the line of Human Conscious of Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan

Huan Delguidce H.D, and lady Hawk Eye, H.E

through Intel of 6th Sense from the realm of E, to D, Devotion to Cee of Concept, to B, as Being and A to Awareness line to F, intel based on facts happening in the world, such as the passing of David Bowie, the Markets crashing, to Music-Imagery..M.I..The third note representing the 3 D..The Truth of the World as is…

And will be.

Code J.B…D.O..D.O.S..D.S..




Harmony Do of the first note (Red as in Blood, which transforms to Black, then terracotta, Reddish brown..and finally leaves a brown Stain…Which is the nature of Blood, containing 92% Water…8% of Every thing else…

I.B…(Heart according to the Egyptian Book of the Dead)

H..Harmony Infinity..

Jonn +Donna= J.D..OO..NNNN..A

1O 4…15 15….(14x 4)..56….1




5+3=8.. H.





3:23 p.m.

C.W… Code represented by Face Book friend Cecilia Wiebers.

A-F…Fa..the 4th Note representing the 4th Dimension aligned to the 4th Note, aligned to the 4th Rainbow color Golden Green, (G.G..77..14..N..5..E),

aligned to 4 76…

Greek Alphabet Alpha -Zeta…


On the 19th of January it will be 6 months since I was invited to 18 Mountain View,Stone Ridge by J.D ( Haun and Donna).

I entered through a door way labeled 6..

And have found myself solving riddles at which the foundation of the Western Civilization W.C…

Classical Children, Classical Education..C.C..C.E, which in Donna O’Sullivan case with the Greek father of her Child Sophia meaning Wisdom- proved in their own naturalness of creating a company which dealt with educating children on classical music, A Classical Education proved that the True Classics Education (T.C.E…./ E.C.T..Infinity), have nothing to do with the Greeks foundation used as the foundation of which this current World Consciousness (W.C) is based. But rather, the Music of Harmonics Universal of the Twin Consciousness whom I call my younger brother and sisters, Harmony and Unity, HH..UU..8- 21…29/92…Music MM


MM=13 13= 26..Z..Zeina Zorror..

H.U.M. to the Beautiful Eternal Heroes of the Golden Dawn..

Sun Rise….


@ Stone Ridge

Where the Supreme Truth of ONE (ENO)

R (Robert Ruth…’A Famous Bright Shinny Light of a Friend Companion; A Vision of Such Beauty is made manifest)

of the I.D (Identity) of G-ode is Existence is revealed.

H.U.M….Z…(B) H…

That something in the Air which begins with a Hum..

As a Humming bird…

A Song in the Air, so Beautiful…

It brings forth a Harmony..

A Harmonious Sixth Sense..

18 Mountain View…


of a Manifest Victorious Expression



Moving in the Air..

There is a Natural Mystique Moving, through the Air…


Represented by

Maha Maya Noor M.M.N.(E)../ (E) N.M.M…

*E.N has been established to mean the same thing Expression=Energy..

Zeina Hanna


Code E=N.M.M Z.H..E… We have already established that E is Harmony..

See Donna and Jonn who both share the codes of birth, and Time, to license plates…85-58..E.H,,,

Which creates 85-85..E.H…13 13 MM..Z.H

Meaning, that since I am the sole representative of the E consciousness of Harmony and E Consciousness Nature Natural Nnamdi Nnonyelum…Awareness. Broadcasting life my direct conversation with my Family still Unseen by this world, yet whose presence within all things made apparent by this playing, a wind moving each Face Book friend to befriend me in this play in which most are unaware…

That first contact literal and applied is going on right before the Worlds Eyes on Face Book, with the E Original Lines Expression…E O.L.E!

In which I and the Unseen family of I, E, have for 26 years moving everything into place for the last phase of the E-Mission..

Enter prise Star Trek..to our Home Dimension- Awakening Manifestation True Dawn Of Existence…

A.M. T.D.O.E…A Dear…

By Exemplifying-Demonstrating, the Immortal Technique of utilizing the Expression E- Harmony Consciousness and Energy Natural Consciousness..


E H.E..E.N.O/ O.N.E. E..HE…


Which I am literally doing now and have been doing so for the last 45-46 months…

Using our form of Sequencing, which comes through linking our Expression to Harmony, with words streaming out of our River of Consciousness naturally like a river.. Using Ryth Reason and Rhyme to transform not only the Material and physical world, but the very D.N.A through our moving with unseen unheard sound, along through your blood stream..

By pervading everything with our ‘Musical Voice M.V..quiet Expression on a

Blue H.P.Stream computer bought for 2O9 usd (29..by J.D)

Yes everything, everything I have demonstrated is a Code..

A literal Matrix, a Holograph ad world creates a painting by Numbers..

Which became a World drowning in numbers… right down to encasing the body in numbers called Age…

Everything has meaning because the Matrix is a Maze, in which with all the Signs as Numbers, and Sine, as Waves of Motion, is the reminder of the song in the Air..

Take the Road home, travel through Understanding Facts Oh (U.F.O) full circle which created Harmony OH..I.C…CUP-ID…

As you may have witnessed, how from time, to date, to names, numbers, situations, people, addresses, perfect timing..even to likes and scores on the Face Book pages…

Everything is linked to not only exemplify Harmony always Responds and echo’s but that we are in a Cube and a River (C.R..R.C..Ritz Montes C)

A Majestic Royal River of Lotus Santana…leading out of the 4 Square Cube dimension..

The Building Blocks of a Play and the Nursery called this World.

The Green House…

But the Western Civilization, built on the incorrect interpretation of what really is the Classical Child..Education, had to be destroyed, and and all its lies transformed to truth..

Why did it have to be transformed to Truth through the often agonizing conversion of the story of P.I…

Instead of sharing the PIE…E-IP Mann’s address..

Many witnessed how we traveled, and I transformed, Impulsed by the E, line unseen, all the myths from Rome to Proto Indo European Lexicon of Language back to Egypt Ethiopia,Eritrea, then Omo Valley then finally to Nri..(Igbo) and through that portal of true North in four Directions, move them A.L.L to one…

Aryana Luna Leone..

And then to the Beyond, to the Dimension of E

Luna-Soul Maia…

Which is where I have been expressing from…

At 18 Mountain View

Stone Ridge..

In Alignment from Here to Eternity James Dean Rodd…

Jonn Donna R-Odd..Rose…

Right to the Beings and Persons represented in this END-DNE play…

Jonn and Donna…



Jonn Haun..



Which is much better..

Because it proves that I know that this portal is beyond Death..

J.D..See sacred portal 1O4…

14..5… Meaning this was the play of Evolution…






and Infinity Immortality Gene..Activated by proving it into Existence as True..

Power Freya…

Represented by Donna, is the Power-Immortal Expression…


Jonn Blackwell is Pizza PIE…:)…PP…

Me..I am PP=16+16=32

See sacred Portal 32.. Eros Kali..E.K…Area 51 E Rose Well, and of course the Destroyer in feminine aspect..Kali

Remember Remember the 5th of November V 5-11..E.K..

And of course 3+2=5..

I am also the 5th Dimension called E..

Having traveled through the Humble and the Humbled

of A-Z…And A B C D…

and having been impatiently Sequencing-Programing, S.P

Through utilizing Sacred Portals Drawn forth from deep within me, beyond Breath, this E awareness which came forth from me…

A Steady flow of Sixth Sense all expressed creatively…

-to finally open the last portal.. Linking D to E

in a play of perfect balance of Jon Jason Lee,

met in 199O- to our filming in New York, residing in L.E.Side aka Alpha Bet City, to meeting Jonn Blackwell in the end..

26 years..I met Jon in January 199O at Peppermint Park where he worked as a Bar Man and I a Waiter in this restaurant dedicated for young actors, dancers and new talent…

J.J.L-J.B…what was missing was the Cee.. Chukwuemeka Kolo and of course the line my Mother, Cecilia Onu Umeano.. M.C.O.U (Also my little sister Harmony CEE)


1O 1O…12 3..1O 2 5

1..2O…12 3…1 2 5…

One Two

One Two Three

One Two Five



46..See sacred Portal..


1 2O 123 125…



As you can see I am solving riddles, by simple using the consciousness of linking, that which is common sense, Logic…

1 2O 123..1 2 5..



That is a message to me… we are AT A.B..CLE..K.E.Y…

4:54 p.m.


Which is how the E line Consciousness Decode and Inform..

Deconstruct and Transform…

Everything And All to the Beautiful True Expression of Existence is Beyond this current Human Perception…

of just how True Live and Existence really is

beyond the imagination to conceive,

you just have to Cee it for your self…

But you must at least Education your self to read it..

then pay a ticket to see it it..

Code Raillumira Neo-tech SupremeAdept…

Z Quickening…


Time now 4:58 pm



4:59 p,m




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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