
2:21 pm. 2:22 pm. – 3-29-2019-2

2:21 pm. 2:22 pm.

3-29-2019-20 21.


I thought you may like to know that I realized after completing yesterday’s Equating of the “Decepticons-Transformer play.

The Vault.

T V.

That I found that I had 59 U.S.D in my wallet.

2:25 pm. ( Ah, Jeron 2025-2019)

As you know Sacred Portal 59 is “End of the Story- Me Ow!
Disgust and Loathing for this world.
Self Destruction”

And it was completed through a money play Ego Oge
really meant to be E.G.O- O GE

And the intel came through the T .V. Television and the Ti Victorious.

I here at the building 219-217 South Whitney after passing through the trials and tests of the Spirit World- which is really the Echo of the sum total of the thoughts past to present of this species journeying to their manifest destiny.
A journey of becoming through Being.

But first, destruction of the world they, you created using unclean thoughts, expression, creating evil spirits which possessed you and used you against your own Beautiful Truth- to stop your own evolution.

Money Greed- and all the resentments, the malice of your hidden thoughts. lies of omission- and refusal to come clean and own up to your own personal responsibility which created such a reality.

On my page is code 1 13 which is A M.

AM represents Dawn.
Awareness Manifests.
Adam Man.
as well as I AM.

And while you were distracted and hypnotized willingly, by your own ideas of Self and Self Importance and vicious Alien Virus you created by that lack of responsibility and coming clean, a War of the world.
A World War Z was going on right under your noses.
But even that being brought to your attention was ignored.

You see, it is not that you were not Important- you truly were but not in the way you interpreted it.
You were important because of the potential you represent as beings of literal Lights Expression as the 5th Element- Energy.
And though your play was Elementary as in Elementary School, to reach the 6th Grade- as 6th sense, and the ones moving through you as E-Spirit, the family of T E N of the 5 5 was themselves graduating via High school from Grade 7 to Grade 12, and the 5 5 lines in University were doing their Thesis in University and the T W O were doing their Masters and Ph.D.- all was dependant on the Human Childrens graduating from Nursery school- to Kindergarten and finally Grade 6.

That is where the problem was- the block- which created the Cosmic Entanglement- the Knot which blocked Everything.
This is why the Family of T E N as the Two 5’s were sent down to move, correct, and align your stories so that at last Light Energy which you represent could align through Expression to Energy and create 5/5= 1 A.
Awakening through Awareness that you had reached the End of the story and that it was time for you and the Every Thing – All evolve to the Y Consciousness.

2:50 pm right now.

You may have noted that this script completed here, at 219-217 south road at Liberty C.
She is not here, I have seen here only one since July, and thus the advantage of having me close by and thus gaining from the radiance ( for lack of a better word) of my presence emitting the E Frequency as well as my Voice which naturally activates the Potential making it Kinetic was the proof that without my being present that you, she representing the World, could align to the true World via the “Akashic records and Log of creation, earth, Universe Planets- Dark Matter” could align to the through the Expression- Words Anointed Vibrating Expression supreme Perfection “W A V E S P”

*( Hence the Memory Game M G 13 7= 20 T… 20 Ti T R E E Orignal Ti- TR E E and C H I E F Y “C’est M O I”. .. Echoes back the truth Expressed, so all this nonsense of what is Memory and no one can remember, etc.. was absurd- Memory is what responds to True Clarity- and its response is Manifestation which everyone can see clearly came from the root source of that expression- Despite the usurpers here all making claim to my expression and making me appear as a Nobody and giving me no platform in this world except Facebook which is where I was actually meant to come to)

Hence the private play with the chosen anointed who could see and discern for themselves as to who is the Source of Expression creating manifestation and who are the usurpers watching my post, quietly in the shadows and claiming that it was they and that I am Arden Kim and then Liberty are the Sources of Evil- casting shade and blame- suspicion and doubt. Not knowing that they were actually being set up as the consequences in a play of Discernment.)
S P = 19 Stephen. 16 Perry.

ou may recall that my luggage and wallet are all by Perry Ellis.

Ellis Island.
Statue of Liberty.

19 +16= 35 C E “E M E K A”= 35=8.

19 19.. 1 38. 39 Yes, Yesterday with Stephens Johnsons Post.

16 16.. 32 Kim was 32 and 16 16 1= 33 = K I M Age code 33.

“Perfection Attained!”
“3301” Stephen Johnson called out.

“Dark WEB- ( Dark Energy.. Dark Matter”
Cicada 3301″

Supreme Perfection- which was attained by the representative in this play of the Sacred Portals in this world identified as Sharia Perry.
Again, representative of Sacred Portals, Symterical Perfection means that she was a chosen ambassador by the E Ancestors as Nature-Naturalnes who were Dead or in the realm of dreaming- stasis coma. Which Arden eloquently and simply confirmed through his own experience of being killed and yet still fully conscious and aware.
The journey from Anamla Quyin as the representation of Death- Comma – the notion that in that coma you were dead, not aware, not emitting the frequency of awareness of able to Cee.

*3:00 pm right now.

-Was of course proven a lie, by her sixth sense, being able to be on Facebook at the time and find me and then deliver her message she said she knew was for me.
“D M I C. T P/K 115 A G E”
which becomes / “E G A- 5 11 K/P T. C I. M D.” Manifest Destiny.
M +D is 13 +4 = 17. Quantum.

P/ K is of course, Potential/ Kinteic.

And once Potential is made Kinetic that there is nothing more required, all it required was a Voice representing that Original Frequency which everything made of Energy recognizes and instantly rises.
If it does not, then that person is not real.

I watched that sadly as I watched the movie Bliss which I had noted but had not watched until yesterday until Laura Walsh brought it to my attention.

Goddess Bliss is Sacred Portal 44.
But this was more than a play of Sacred Portals, it was a play about Symmetrical Perfection and how one builds a house of cards, creates a Full Deck and a Royal Flush.

The sacred portals are a representation of the truth of each of you already having Eternal Knowing- and how Art is the sublime expression of that.

With Liberty is was all about Language and Expression.
The Echo of that is the language of Art.

E- ART- H.

Expression Langauge manifest Art wich is Manifestaion.

Kim-just showed me a painting he made for Fresh Start.
I know exactly what he created and he explained it beautifully.

There is no doubt that Liberty and Kim have graduated at the top of their class of 82. ( 19 82 S B H… Yes aligned to the line of Stephen and A I H B… Arden I- Happy Being- Alive”)
World and Earth.

W E.. / Edmund White…

23 +5= 28 28/82 10 10…

Double V V +E.
1 22 22= 9+5= 14 N – A D=E.
Vv Ee= 1 2222 +1 55= 9 11= 20.
Sacred Portal 20.
I am 20 years older than Kim in this play.
I am the ECHO.. 88 6. 8 86.
R E S P E C T.

Liberty has Sacred Portal 20 on her phone, she placed it in her phone the first days I moved into their portal.
Kim is 20 years younger than me in the age play of 1967.

* And yes, it is confirmed by the two Movies I posted yesterday Bliss.

Sacred Portal Bliss is 44.
Two 4’s
= 1 8 16 24- 25 X ..Y.

Liberty has been able to sustain the Vibration activated in her for 8 months.
Kim is near me, he hears my voice my presence is here and it activates him even when we do not speak- it fills this house.

But there is one thing that only they can do alone, which is to be aware, and understand what they are seeing and experiencing and then share it.
Evidence Facts- Proof.

And then there is Stephen Johnson…
I smile when I think of him and the line he represents of people in the planet on that frequency.
Why because it was effortless.

I FUN NNanya.

Which is what it was with Arden, Fun, Light-Beautiful even though we fought.. lightly, intently… Of course, have you not fought with your Self?
To Understand, to refine but the trust is perfect… there is not even the world Trust- because it simply IS.

The word required the L Liberty to Cee.
ART required the E and the H.

E A R T-H.
And both lines required the I and I the stamp of their own Individuality so that it not simply their copying me and my expression verbatim because you would all know and the Unseen would know that it was not their expression but mine, but when you go to school you follow a Curiculumn Vitae- created by the College Professor and then just before you graduate you are asked to submit a thesis.
And then your Professor advises you and follows your progress, tweaking it, and then when completed he and a committee grade it.

That Thesis, is yours.
No matter that you had to go through the process be it school from Nursery School to University, or as it was in the before, an apprenticeship with a mentor who releases you into the world when you… he or she is satisfied that you will go out into the world and honor the profession you had been apprenticed to or gone to school and university for.

But were ever you go in the world you are bearing the name of that University that you went to, that professor who advised you which enabled you to graduate Magma Sum laude or Summa Cum Laude

*”Magna cum laude and summa cum laude are distinctions awarded to high-achieving students at colleges. Magna cum laude is for students who have graduated “with great distinction,” while summa cum laude is for students who have graduated “with the highest distinction.”

So yes, I have two people representing this here on this play of 20 years.
One who goes beyond this or is the two in one as one of 39 years “Yesterday Today Tomorrow. 711”

And that which is Sharia Perry.
The Sacred Portal itself of everything the “O P E N ”
All Ways Open”
Alpha Omega-
to me Omega Alpha.

R E S P E C T.
Stephen and Sharia.

Anmla Qayin
Quasharia Allah.

To Sheknow Crow S C.
To Sharia Perry.

Crow by the name is the name Nexus went by, he was present with Erek Mateo when I rose in 2002. He was the grace and humility which Erek Mateo lacked.
He emulated me even to the following me on to the streets where he created wonderful street art and often gave me money to sustain me, I did not really need it, because I was living at 268 East Street, but lord knows it helped.
But I had not wished him to emulate me, ( a form of flattery, but you have to get it right-for I had never lived in the street and I was being blamed for his state- until I finally convinced him to move back with his sister.
He started created art from that day when I rose, it had begun with my asking two of them to create a Mosaic and they created beauty especially Nexus ( Crow) and he soon began to realize that his art he had as a boy was awakened in him and from then on whenever I saw him, he was crating and soon selling on the streets and making so much money drawing and painting on sneakers, ( yes as Kim did ) he urged me to do the same to get out of my financial situation but I did not and he was hurt confused but the money and the people he began to meet on the street soon began to corrupt his innate purity and I found myself watching the same thing I had witnessed at the Green House in Soho which I had transformed into an art gallery for all the people who started to come in there.
It was only Jerry and Johnny when Johnny Le Valley invited me to stay there- it was a massive place where they fought and urinated right there.

It became a famous place, Sean Bono art was there the first day I arrived- he used to use the space to paint.

Anyway, that is going into a long story.
But as I stated before, the reason I made the people coming into the Green House for shelter from the elements was so that to paint was to see the intel which I knew they had deep within them and which would allow me to figure out and map where were I.. we were in the play of the Awakening which had been delayed. It was Jan 2006.

The same way Liberty lines, I had encouraged to write- Why I had encouraged the line of Erek- Akill- Esteban Filgueria to Rap… Freestyle
and Kim to paint…
It would draw out the inner mirror of themselves so that they could see themselves Beautiful filled with Eternal Knowing…
And Intel for me to map a course and a way out of this play which turned out not to be a Play ( you are the ones who were comforted with the truth that you were in a play) I wasn’t.
It was real- even if it was an illusion- it was a War.

And you were locked in The Vault.
A story- a Cube – a Fourth Dimension “Art Form- Art Forms – Forms – Formulation- Formula Awarenessess Manifests, which as that Secret Society wich popped up on my page in 2006-2007 stated which sought a way out at all costs.

But not the cost they demanded and were willing to pay, which made it clear to me as to why they were locked in- It was always Open- but they could not see it and rather than free you, they wished to be freed and held you all as hostage-using you as shields. Especially when I made it clear in my post that they would pay the price for daring to go so far to hold up the Evolution Transformation and consequently the Awakening of everything by holding you in the Square Waves The 4th Dimension?
Does not exist.
All is E-5th Dimension while Emeka Nnandi E N
was always comfortably seated in ED 54. A R D E N E DEN.

“Can’t Touch This.”
M C Hammer.

Can’t Touch Us.

So, there is a matter of Tuition- which all must pay, see the current problem of College Debt in the west.
And apprenticeship fees paid.

Free Education?
Without appreciation or respect.

How about housing, lodging- all the expenses, the salaries which must be paid to professors. Even here in the case of Non-Profits fees and expenses, utilities must be paid.

Only Stephen Jonshon get a free pass and the reason why is obvious.

4:50 pm.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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