
2:20 pm. – V.O – 6-16… – F P. – He

2:20 pm.

F P.


Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just came back from an outing- he went through a red door number 22, received his gift, and as he walked out he chortled at how he ran across the two brothers, Justify Greatness and Fox.

He had gone to the 1-year-old birthday party of his friend John John’s son, Justice.

Trey Romeyrome
Then Justify Greatness and Fox.
he had also been with Olusanya Bey and J 3.

I had hinted at the play with Justify Greatness and Fox.

J G F.
10 7 6

* Ferrell lives in a bachelor’s apt with his close friend at 576 Horseshoe Hill.
H H.
It was Chris Gemino but more Liberties dream home which they had to give up and move to 900 South road.

Liberty was born in 1976.

In 1976, using my age code determined by the blue Print of this world’s matrix, I was 8-9.

It was the year I exploded onto the little world I was in, coming out of an inner silence I had lived in all my life- I could speak, talk but everyone in my family knew that I had not stepped into this reality as most babies do at about 1 year of age, I had stayed in my inner world, content and serenely, observing reality around me with detached curiosity until I heard my parents talking about me, my mother was worried I would never enter into this world, my father had commented that I was a weird child but there was concern in his voice, so I decided to make a concentrated effort to appease their worry and began to watch the other kids carefully studying them, taking programs from them that I liked, the way they behaved, walked, talked.
I simply copied them but not as a copycat, but by literally absorbing the behavioral patterns I liked and which I felt would be useful to me.
A year or so before that I had written my story, and traveled to the United States with my mother and siblings.
I recall that the highlights of that vacation were two things- I spoke up, and the adults had stared at me as if seeing me for the first time, what I had said was something very common sense, but they had been arguing about coming to a decision and I got impatient and finally spoke up with the answer.

The other thing was Nnamdi standing in front of the T.V and my first cousin Didi, had asked him to move out of the way commenting “You’re not transparent you know”
For some reason, that expression had struck me as being very significant.
There were other highlights of that trip- but the one I do recall was that when we returned and my mothers family dropped us at the Airport where my father waited for us, my bio father had tried to kiss me in greeting, which he never did, but which he did for the benefit of my mother siblings present.
I was not having it, even at that age I abhorred hypocrisy and so I refused his greeting which caused a silence all around.

I wrote the book, and it was if all the universe had conspired to help me enter into the “Game of Life”
So when I came back I made the effort by taking on the programs of manner and behavior of the other kids which I liked and then tried on, and then tailored it to my own needs, like trying on new clothes, or borrowed clothes and adapting them to my liking.

My body mass and muscles fill that way as if my body is literally as Garb and what used to fit, is now expanded to a different shape and I have been trying to put this new bodysuit on. But it keeps on refusing to fit, constantly slipping off and tightening and hence the constant struggle to put this literally muscle mass on, made to measure but not allowing me to fully out it on.
18 years of this, it started as a small thing but soon it became obvious to me that it was literally putting on a new bodysuit of muscle and Skin Suit – which as you know the Skin is the biggest cell in the body.
And that has been the tiring struggle to get this new cloth on.
Many of you may be aware that after studying Urban Planning and Architecture that I went on to study Advanced Pattern cutting.
I learned by the age of 16, from a local tailor how to make clothes and so by the time I was 19 and won the designer of the year I knew how to make clothing, and by Art School, I had mastered it.

I made most of my own clothes, so I never had a problem with how I would dress.
So when Jon Jason Lee, surprised me when I was 22- 23 with the question of how I would dress the Future world of Humanity, I was taken aback and suspicious at just how much he knew about my true identity.

You see when I was learning these programs for the other kids, I was just borrowing their clothes, what one might call their energy spirit illusions.
That was to appease my parents and to act a bit normal.

My father’s comment “He is not a normal kid” had bothered me, it made me aware that I could not continue as I had to live in my inner world chilled and content- serine even while I contemplated this reality.
I had no intention of becoming like them, I just wanted to blend in so as to not be bothered by others seeing me as strange- I mean how could I observe if everyone was aware of me.. observing and watching… studying them.

I already knew what clothing of Being I wished to assume, it was that of my Espirit E, I loved the way he was so confident, beautiful, heroic even if listening to him got me in the most terrible predicaments, he brought me Joy- “Jay” and I wanted to grow up and be just like him.
That truth which was inside of me- my awareness and true expression, but meanwhile I had to exist in this reality without having all the other kids seeing me as strange, they were cool to me but always seemed to be quiet in my presence, when I came around.
I was very small for my age and younger than most of them, so to offset that strange way they were so respectful of me, and yet wary, and also protective I did everything to make them feel relaxed and learned to get up to all kinds of mischief as they did so as to investigate and explore more what it was like being in this world.

I was 8-9 but by 7 I was already involved with simulated sex which they were all into with each other, often meeting a friend’s Cameron’s house and all piling on a great bed and then doing things that would make you blush.
They would not allow me in at first saying to me that I was too young and innocent, but after pleading and promising that I was cool, they finally relented and let me join in.

Of a debauched secret childhood, I did have.
But it was really to get into their playing field to observe and experience, for once I got back to my room I shared with Nnamdi- who knew exactly what I was doing, I would take of these borrowed cloths and be naked or transparent- somewhat like the emperor’s new clothes and Nnamdi, would eye would soften in amusement and approval.

I became so good at wearing these clothes, adapting to these programs I liked and used from others, that it became like a second skin, I fooled nearly everyone, not everyone because there were these rare people who would call me out.
See it and I would be startled that they could see it, but then these people who did see what I was up to and my mischief were special beings, they were like Nnamdi and yes now Arden.
Arden once called me a Hypocrite which amazed me, and after saying it without malice but more with indignation ( we had a fight) so he tells his mother whatever he told her and then comes up to me in the kitchen glaring at me but also waiting for me to say something. I murmured to him that I am not a Hypocrite, I was also indignant incredulous and quiet- how could he of all people say that about me.
But I did later realize what he was really saying and found myself explaining to him that I am undercover and I had to play this character because that is how people chose to see me, and through this character, I am making them Cee, gradually their truth which would allow them to begin to see me.

But looking back, I wondered if it was Nnamdi and Arden Eden reminding me that I was still wearing the Programs I had learned to wear in order to move through this reality.
That he wanted me to take it off. And yet I had observed him do the same thing, assume personas that were him but as mine they were programs which were Transparent because it was easy to see the real person he was, I was to those who wished to see.
I did not like him wearing those personas because they were often mean and angry.
I knew why, but I did not carry mine that way, and I explained to all who would hear the reason and break down and would tell everyone that this is not the real me, but a mask and bodysuit- totally transparent because I had been forced to live my personal nightmare which was that I was never allowed to have my own space for the last 31 years, there was always people, flatmates, and then people who believed ( and Lied to themselves) that they were doing me a favor by living with them.
People’s egos were so fragile, and I generally cared for these people and would fall in love with the beautiful truth in them, but never trusted them because they would always choose this facade, and body armor over their beautiful truth.
I was naked, my bodysuit was a transparent sheath, and so many of them had warned me when I started this “journey” that I would be destroyed if I continued to be so naked.
It was aligned to the first warning of my mother in my youth.
I thought she and they were being absurd, the body armor they wore made them ugly, often cruel, mean, and unrecognizable to me, they would peek out from iy and like Arden re-assure me that they were still very much present.

Of course, I wore armor, Amour- Self Love which is like a Halo of Light that surrounds me and which could literally sear the person out of existence with a look a word said so lightly and a smile.

I did not like Arden and any of the beautiful youth wearing such Persona’s because I noted that they resented having to do so and that resentment transformed into anger and it was so easy to get used to that persona that you would gradually without realizing it turns into that thing which gradually becomes a monster.
– Treating even the ones who are beloved to you, who truly see you, gradually with that cruelty of that costumes you are forced to don on.
It literally affects your way.

I saw Arden becoming that, the inner stayed pure, but I saw his anguish and torment in his eyes.
I understood that so well, but I did not use that method.
I was not interested in other programs which I had borrowed temporarily while I earned merited the body through my way of being and my Big Brother, My Spirit E Awareness, Joy Jay.
Until I grew up and equaled him and then even surpased him and had to come back and help him align in his, his her human incarnation and find where he had been stuck because he had done it is the way.
Enter Arden at 900 South Road.
Ferrell and Aurelia are much quieter but when they explode watch out chuckle.
The same with Leander.
In a way, Arden, so ferocious and proud was the most vulnerable of all.
I see that in Liberty too.
But Ardens have an indescribable hurt in its depths. Jeron has that nature too and I found witnessing that intolerable.

The truth of Jeron and especially Arden is quite literally they really just want to be happy, and this world, even his family will never allow that.

He had said to me one day his voice a lash, a whip self-inflicted, “Nothing has changed” now he is Poise I Don- so he carries it with a Poise but I could see the hurt almost despair.

I was 8-9 years old in 1976.
I saw Arden at 9 and add 7 years ( Sacred Portal 7) it was as if he represented not only the sum total of the Truth I walked but the Sum Total of all the Beautiful youth male and female from Baby to Age and death.
He once told me that he felt that he had lived all the lifetimes of humanity.
Sacred Portal 7 is that point where Humanity of the highest Frequency like Stephen Laura walsh were all stuck at, and that they could not cross over to 8.
I stayed with Arden until he was 17.
9+8= 17.
Jeron 17 months.
Ferrell was able to Move.
Aurelia became Maiden to Woman.
and Leander still a character Anubis had to become a real boy and not a man-boy, no such thing you have to pass through Beautiful Youth.

In them are the sum total of all the children, youth, and beings I walked through from 1975- 1976, until 2019 -2020.
45 years.
45 USD.

45 years wearing the Emperors New clothes and by 2004, I was ready to down on my Garb of Age.
The E M Filed Coak and 2005 the Cloak of Death Sacred Portal 104.

24 E M F.
14 N- A.D

E N – M A.F.D.
/ D F.A.M. E N.

E N- 19 S – Manifest Awareness Fifth Dimension at 6 4.
Then made to go backward for 10 11 months 3- 7 3-8 months to get Kim Serenity.
Kolo Stephan.

But there is one thing which I can noy do for anyone.
And one thing I have been prevented from doing, which is putting, merging into one with my New and Original Body Suit.
BS 2 19 South Whitney

Liberty is representing the Body as Time with its Blue Print of Existence of all those born through Woman as Death= Time.

But Death, Time, and Woman is an Illusion which in this play she can choose to become real rather than representing the Illusion evolved or de-evolved to become the Darkest Blackest Lie- Defiance or embrace the Beautiful Truth.
And that is that the Blue Print of Existence did not come from her, or the She, or Woman Man. W M.

It came from Beautiful Youth, Man Youth.
The First Man.
And to defy that truth brings the end of that Womb, and all your children and your bodies.

This time it will be much worse than 28 days later, that movie.

Nor am I playing a Transparent Character anymore, to bring Truth Clarity T C.
for that is done, and I destroy Energy and all Expression for only I am the original E O E/E O, not even my beloved Twin Beautiful Doppelganger Beloved Brother Lover – Sister can do this.

Only the 1 can.

That is the meaning of ONE.
The one who is indivisible.
And now no longer Invisible- Anonymous.
Nor do I have to use your programs and behavioral patterns to move you to Cee selves and how you have become the Lie and how you can transform to Truth. Beautiful Truth.
For you will all die.
You will pass through the Tall Flame, and rise from the Ashes on what you believe was the other side of the Wall of Time and Infinity Eternity.

For there is no wall- your womb, your breasts, your body is all a Book like the B I B L E
Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.
B I B L.E= 17 Q ( A G- E Time)

B I. B Q.
B I B H.
B I B I.

You must transform at the Molecular- Atomic and Quantum Level- and that is automatically placed already in your Blue Print of Existence in your Bodies aligned to Being I.

It activates naturally by being in contact with I, in this fetid transcript of Time.
But despite being forced to walk it. Time is an illusion that was created via Perfect Timing.
Energy Light is an illusion EL – God.
And G O D
Delta 8
is Harmony
860 804 5019.
804 is HOD and 8 is Infinity I
Rm 904 Red Rooster Plus in November 2018 where I waited and 2 years later this is the Telephone Liberty organized for me and then yet another 860 480 16 49?!

Remember Libery’s intel of Tom Bushnell.
Soldiers and Sailors
The First Triumphant Bridge Gate built in America.
See Sacred Portal 39.

See the meaning of sacred portal aligned to those two telephone numbers.
860 804 ( IOD) 5109 ( EOS)
860 ( The One Trinity) 480 ( Beautiful Death as Transformation)
16 49.
Sacred Portal 16 ( Beautiful Youth Let the Sun Sun Shine in) and Death Ray- Existential Death

Liberty still uses on her phone screen saver Sacred Portal 20.
Lady Echo True Clarity.

So here is Collin Farrell in the movie Telephone Booth.
The Matrix Movie- The Telephone Booth- Red Pill Blue Pill.
And me in perfect harmony again in 2018 and for 2.8 more years I was made to wait, in a challenge of which I was contested right up to negating all full circle, that there is none as I and that everything rose from Inside. From the I and that this Outter world and all is bodies people are all a Lie, for I am the only one who has expressed the One Truth boldly and brazenly outside for 45- 46 years wearing nothing but the K-Night in shining armor-amour of The Truth Satya which all right to Arden Outside has denied.

So no, I do not have to use your Programs of the lie of manners, your Hypocrisy any longer in order to harvest all to completion that which was done in 1996 and repeated yet agon for an additional 24.. 25 years.
Just to earn a bodysuit evolved to what I always was. But which your play of Physicality and Nature denied me through a playmaking me anonymous and importer and Usurper.
Making come to Face-Book of all places to prove you are nonexistent, in a TV Program which I entered and yet never existed in. But which was to get you out of your comma.

5:17 pm.

That everything, every moment in your lives was set up, scheduled.
Kim Arthur Hinds Jr just came in for a moment he said one of the three building Justify Greatness lives in caught fire at the Top Floor.
He seemed a little shaken ‘ Iy was a really big fire he said, I got the footage.

Justify Greatness… to who?
No, you must Justify your greatness to me.
I was in the Alpha Fraternity in University, as were my uncles Ozo and Sir Pius Nduka-Collins.

They called each other Great man- I got kicked out in 1985, for not taking it seriously enough, tey used the scandal with a person called Frank, yes like Alicia Norris’s Frank.
Frank means “Free Man” Free Person.
16- 6.
see Date Code above.
6-16- 20 20.. 1.
It equals 22 and 22. V V.

Triple Crown T C True Clarity.

*In the history of the Triple Crown, 13 horses have won all three races: Sir Barton (1919), Gallant Fox (1930), Omaha (1935), War Admiral (1937), Whirlaway (1941), Count Fleet (1943), Assault (1946), Citation (1948), Secretariat (1973), Seattle Slew (1977), Affirmed (1978), American Pharoah (2015), and Justify (2018).”

Gallant Fox G F 76. 19 30.

Justify J. Justice 2018 I was at at Delta Manor.

Its held on May 1st.

*The 2021 Kentucky Derby was the 147th running of the Kentucky Derby. It took place on May 1, 2021, in Louisville, Kentucky. The field was open to 20 horses, who qualified for the race by earning points on the 2021 Road to the Kentucky Derby. Wikipedia
Final odds: 12–1
Date: May 1, 2021, 6:50 PM EDT
Jockey: John Velazquez
Location: Churchill Downs
Owner: Zedan Racing Stables
Attendance: 51,838″

*”Trainer Bob Baffert of Medina Spirit, raises the trophy after winning the 147th running of the Kentucky Derby with Medina Spirit, his seventh career Kentucky Derby win, at Churchill Downs on May 01, 2021 in Louisville, Kentucky.May 11, 2021″

Sacred Portal 147 A.B ( 17 17)


M E D.I N A Spirit E.

*”Dweller at, or near, the market; one who had returned from Medina (market); the holy city of Islam, in Arabia; one who came from Medina, the name of several places in Spain.”

Justify Greatness?

I do not live in the past.

I left Arden when he was 17.
I was conceived at 18 Alexander Grove.
That is the past.
I have had connection or contact with Arden since 8-6-2020.
Not with Ferrell since he was 19 and he did not respond tome well wishes when he turned 20.
Nor with Aurelia directly.
The only one I saw was Jeron Lang J L on 10-12-2020.

Arden and Jeron linked to I E.

I am not a Horse Spirit
4 Divine Breaths.

I am the embodiment of 1.
O.N.E G R A M.

I called Arden that day and he answered.

I invited Liberty here that day and she came with Jeron.

Found in extensive use principally in Burgos and Andalusia.
Macayla Burgos?
I am a Facebook friend with her first cousin, Olivia Burgos.
O B. I.

Jeron came here and weny into Serenity’s dollhouse and brought out a Horse doll. triumphantly called out his version of Aha!

Horseshoe Hill
57 6 5 76.
All from me.

Only Aurelia
As for Arden only that which is True and there is no reality that my Sum would not come to me or rise as I did as Infinity Standing up.
So everything else he represents outside of our truth exchanged in private as intimacy is Ego and a lie. The hypocrisy of the World false projection even though his true Self Projection is absolute Truth.

The Garden of Eden and the Song and his being the Gaurd.
Karmen Karmen is true but this play was about raising the Sacred Feminine.
Aurelia Gemino.
5 Brothers One girl.

5 1.

6:04 pm

She is the One Horse Spirit 5 in 1.
The rep of New Wuman.
6thh Sense.
Of her I choose and am very, very proud.
Arden he had no choice, he was just playing his part so Aurelia- Maiden Mermaid, would rise from the See and Sea as Equal to I E. 14.

But be that it may, I reject this Script, for this is not about Love is about Truth, and in this script right to 900 South Road, I can not say I felt either Love or Truth.

Just a Denial of The Source I B- It was all Self Interest and Selfishness even if some of them Loved me Truly i the end from beginning to even here 219 South Whitney- it was all about Self Gain, Ego-Oge and not about Love as C or Truth.

And definitely, all made it very clear, that I did not really matter and do not exist.
Except for self interest and of course when they began to see me through Fear of what I could do to one and all and make them pay.
What use do I have of the Fearful, the Cowards and the Arrogant and conceited when they have done nothing I can see that they should be proud of, boast of but shame.

6:26 pm

And Blame.

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