
2:20 p.m.

2:20 p.m.


I sat on the porch at the Casa De Bodhi, after a dramatic day, which included a Roar escaping from my body which startled parts of the Street.

Dragons Breath Goku..

Sensie Cloud Hands.. S..C.H..38/83

Quantum Leap..

Time Travel…From 2016.. back to 2006..

moving it to 27 and 28,

which is the code for my ticket on a Grey Hound back to New York…

The play.. the Unseen Play, U.P on an Unseen Script by V.I.Kolo..

Affirmed here by both Actors Erik Ebright and I.C, (and others), family of Energy and Nature-Tao undercover…playing yet even deeper characters in an Unseen play..of Conscious Human Evolution.

What is after enlightenment…?

Its Activation of O.Eternity..

The understanding of Symmetrical Perfection is a Circle which symbolizes Everything because Everything in Existence has meaning..

Every time you open your eyes, blink your eyes, your Brain Mind and Sub-Conscious-One-Conscious is absorbing constantly..

As a new born baby- this never goes away.. only your awareness of the process…

And so it is we who see, the meaning in everything, which creates even as witnessed and as I am about to demonstrate..response.

Enlightenment also means Enlighten…

Most will recall, how at the age code of 25-26 I recounted over and over again- in response to the equations-questions this play and Stream of Conscious Expression and Awareness, to the Unseen Play of Evolution and the Unseen Script of the SS…and the Supreme Sensie’s of Existence…

And Father.. The Example Chosen by All to represent the meaning of Father.. The Guide, the Wind, Breath.. Change, Transformation.. the Circle of Life’s Lesson…Father Joy.. the Blue Jay..

T.A.O…. Theta Alpha Omega.


Ariane Oates…

Thesus.. Thesis..

..I had to come down, and spend the next almost 24 years, walking the World spreading Naturally, the Expression of Enlightenment means Enlighten Ment..M.E..N.T..

Manifest Expression exemplified by Nikolai Tesla…

See Page David Brewer, born on the very date of birth of Nikolas Tessla…

Go back through any page on my 8..4.3 year run on Face book.

as Erik Ebright Oui Ja..Yes Jah board share with his feet on it, denoting the Sun and the Moon, (And the greetings of Erik and I at the Bean noted on this page You are the Sun and I the Moon- a Play…

Where the Pentagram – five pointed star the 5th Dimension seems to separate or rather link them with Air..Breath…

My face book page is a Circular Energetic Oracle all you do, is spin it… meaning just randomly stop at any post, and it will address the frequency which your body is radiating, and the consciousness it is reflecting on the True World mirror (Purity Innocence..P.I..Expression Natural with no intention or thought to hurt.. my language and another’s found on Earth, in this play.. but not of this World.)

E..N.T…Nikolas Tesla.. D.B..42../24..B.D..Beautiful Devil.. Beautiful Death…

Stillness.. and then its Expression.. The Roar…!!!!

Dragons Breath… Go.Ku.. 5th Dimension Expression…

Butterfly Effect.. Cocoon…Cater-Pillar… ( Pillar of Salt..Lots Wife)

What if it all happened in reverse…

96/69….15..Letter O..

Butterflies do not live.. in the 3 D perception of reality in of this world and especially not those living in a 2 Dimensional Non Existence of Birth Death.. B.D.. Beautiful Devil..:)..24..X..Generation X to Generator 4-2..O.N.E..Cee..

And so as I sat on the porch, I heard a song, I had heard before, which always brought a kinda good funky feeling, and energy of awareness and observation with a wry smile at what you were observing…

Suddenly it hit me!

It was while at MA-Ritz house…

Linked to Melissa Aldana and I.C (Izzi)

but in a play that nether were full aware of as to why they had to meet in the same house.. or story..

A House is a Story, a Home.. is H.O.M.E..8 O (6) 13 5.. 24..30..3O..

C.O..D.E..Deciphering the Code of opening the Door to the Radiance of Enlightements Meaning…

After having ascended, then descended then journeyed full circle around the Human-People.. H.P…

Understood that which links them and that which separates them yet links them..

Their Onesness and their Individual Uniqueness…

3:00 p,m…

How they Cee.. Consciousness..

Which everyone knows, has been confirmed as Cloud 9 through this play and equation…

9=I..9 Months Mountain View..


A Story reflects like a Mirror.. a containment field..

True Life does not reflect back at you, the Echo of everything you do or say, nor does it keep Akashic Records- such tools and expression are only for something still growing, learning evolving..

Something in a Green House where Stillness Death comes disguised as The Jolly Green Giant, the Spirit of Generosity, a much cooler and hip and divine version of Metro Sexual.. the Subway underground…flow…no ones business…creative Chi Energy.. Alchemy…Flow..

It was the Time I lived in the Forest of Pelham Park, and spoken to Erik Ebright from there, when he urged me to come and work on a station of some kind where I could spread the knowledge…

And where I was Summoned from the forest where I had slept- still regularly posting on Face Book…

And found myself hearing a call and the codes affirming it,

where I left the Forest and went to obey the call.

After I had done the work..I could have committed suicide, you saved my life

She danced to some music, no other person apart from the line of my own bio family had the understanding of Music, the Beat, the Kolo as She..

Pure Intuition Alchemy…Perfume… the understanding of the Scent.. of those truly Sent…

And that is when I got it!

That was the music she was dancing to, she was, is an excellent dancer, so natural, and so in such abandonment to the music, that one would think she was drunk but it was bliss ecstasy but the logic would lay in her or such being experts foot movement as the interpreted the beat, the Rhythm- only when you are a natural dancer can you understand when someone can really dance is when they are not only echoing the message within the beat of the music, but they are also responding…

Its true when some one has mastered Dance or Song, they understand and become in one with the very Heart and Soul.. and meaning of Existence..

You can Fly, you are safe…

And so the Song and the Dance becomes One…

Energy Expression Kolo..


See 2011 Uploaded A True Conversation Between Energy and AH-Tom…

The Self which out of the Nothingness manifests as your Twin reflection embodied and in One and as an Unique Individual but the SAME..Expression Energy.. E.C.T..

And so, I went up stairs, rising ascending from the beautiful sadness and the Roman-c.e Novel Book.. with the gently but quickly raising of Spirits, as once again for the trillionth time, I was reminded and was able to ascend from the Pull of the Story and the Roles, parts you were given to play.. to Clarify the exemplification of the E consciousness- response in this current world consciousness to Its Existence being real..

And much to the E consciousness, a Contest and Challenge to the End.. for Supremacy…

Loser ceases to Exist…

A Game already won, by the wager itself when if the one challenged already knows, and is full aware that HE, Represents the Eternal Truth.

And hence, his focus is not on the stupidity of the contest Lost at its first utterance (All the person has to do is be Natural..within that Naturalness is the E the Knowing and the Source of Everything..Truth)

it would focus on why such a play was agreed to and why.. but most of all.. just how far would it go..?



Because lets say that HE to has a decision to make and undercover, with only the Unseen and those few aware of the Unseen are aware of.. that his one decision actually counts and is the Butter Fly..

Who comes backwards…

A Butterfly lives only a few days..so in reverse…

Somewhere.. A Beautiful 2-4 Winged Butter Fly, then a Cocoon,

then a Caterpillar..Larva….


L.O.B ..E.F.S..O.L.V.E…d…

12.O Blue-5th Color…Expression 6th Sense Fact…

Erik Ebright and I saw a spectacular play of Natures Mirror signifying the end of summation of the May-16-17- July 13..(7-13..G.M..IArrive in New York the 14th July..7-14…G.N.. N.G/G.N…147..See sacred Portal and dates of Departure 18 Mountain View code was 714…

It began with Erik describing the scene of a Wounded butterfly…peering into a pool of Blood..Sepukuka.. The ritual Suicide of the Japanese Samurai, and of his putting it out of its misery..

And ended with a Giant! Monarch butterfly- the biggest I had ever seen too…

But which I recognized from A.Santana.. as I recognized the codee of Mound for Ritz…Which are the code names I used for them undercover named by Nature.. and confirmation of the 10 and 9 years I have known them.. And a lizard in the trees hidden, in camouflage…there were smaller orange butterflies nesting there…

Common to the front yard..

I watched the M.B..Monarch Butterfly chase and Identify the Lizard crouching in the trees and who leaped out as the Mon-Arch Butterfly flapped its wings creating its fall in my eyes but might be as erik expressed it jumped startled to the ground…

We saw this together as One…

I walked up the stairs to the computer,

my E-spirit rising an the twisting in my limps and nervous system unraveling the twists of my body…as each step I felt the muscles seemingly woven release..

Then knowing I had some things to express on the O’RA-Cle Kolo..

Web Site.. which works (Confirmed now,) ion- ic.. on the Evolution of Nicholas Tesla Mind to incorp-e-rate, the Body as Being and the Mind merged with the Brain..Like a Bottle, Lamp for which to hold Everything.. B-Eau- (Aqua-Water-h2o) Ti! (Tea Master Tao)..Full..O..Nature…

Somethingness.. from Nothingness..

Butterfly who goes undercover to become a Caterpillar.. then Larva…L..12…Destroyer of Life.. They eat plants all their lives until…

The Build a Coccon.. SEE Erik Ebright Poetry Rap and Butterfly JOY!…

Plant is the O Rien La Plant E…

The Butter Fly is not in doubt as to whether which one is dreaming…

That is he a Butterfly dreaming of being a Caterpillar of vice versa…

He knows he where he came from 69..15..O.. Full Circle In Fact…Fly.. By Sixth sense and Facts…

That he remembered living to Eat, which was just work.. then he rested and then he arose..transforming into Beauty.. Aligned with nature..

Small garden butterflies live only for one Week…

While Monarch Butterflies live 9- Months..and even the Vanessa Cadriu..V.C Vaïhéré Cardonnet…Vanessa L Cunningham, Vanessa Assangani… recall my battlewith Fritz Venneiq sister who claimed I had done magic or meddled with her brothers mind….

I spent exactly 9 months at Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell home..and on the 26 day at A.B City, left for Miami.. I have been here just about 7-8 weeks…

My pillow belonging to Erik, which he said he slept on when he had been Inspired’ and others thought something was wrong with him because of his Joy…

It reads Nature.. I had no idea I had just used it because it was around- when Erik was not around…

I recently found, and got round to, a pillow case to cover it…

Its is Red..

Adam Adem Ahtom, Electron, E.V.E, EV.I..E.V.I.E…

I Opened up where Erik had Zipped me the complete Face Book play and simply nonchantly absently minded zipped down to the End then slowly went up for a few seconds then instinctively stretched back to breath in higher cleaner air and consciousness- evacuating the emotions stirred by the suggestions of the play and playing such a role. so constrained in the play to make me ;look like an authority parent.. rather than my true Nature… Pleasure And JOY…Erose


Erik Speaks Japanese…

Butter Fly came First because it is the Ear LOBE.. literally..

The Messenger who creates the Butterfly Effect whose power is the Sourcee of Roar… The Dragons Breath…

King Arthur.. Mist of Avalon..?

No, Dragons Breath…

Dragos Gheorghe..47…

Erik Ebright K.47.

E.Kolo I Roared!’

See the older posts about the Birth of Existence into his own reflections at which he was Full Aware…

FA…4th Dimension MI Ami… New York..



Meaning =Name… E N.M…

Add A.E.. 15..Letter O.. and F.. FA.E..


E Manuel..


It is Written…

I have written this before..

In Space..

Writing in the Space in Between

‘The Air…


I already Know my name..

This was all about establishing Your I.D.

Vous Do..

You Do…Not me..

This time Yoy Do.. Show M.E…

I sat in the room… the Mediation Room…

And when I looked up. I saw that I was at the very posts of when I went the only time I slept in Ritz Montes (M.M…1313..26…M.M..26…A full Circle of Oui Ji Ja…Yes Hold JA…Board with Boredom…Vood doo spell..

I mentioned the story of how when I first went to Istanbul that I was in part of a team a group of which there was a man with a Python who said I was linked to it or something..

I felt he was following me…

The Python is sacred to the O.I.NRI Igbo…and represented the Goddess Ala…

Turns out the same was as here- a next door, the former owner also used to walk about with a python.. or a huge snake…

His name is Emanuel… E-Manual…

Nnamdi Emmanuel..N.E..26..

Z..Zeina Hanna

A..Anthony Spencer

A..Anthony Pitts

A..Anthony John

Signed Zeina Zorro!

ZZ..26 A-Z Twice Full Circle…

52..7…10…710..F,Book Friends…G.A.O…

See sacred portal 71…Mirror 17..A.G..Allen Ginsberg,.. The Beat Poet…T.B.P..The Beautiful Pride… OF Existence..


Being Existent.


O Russel Betrand E…



I am not the Father.. My Twin played Father-Principle Of Existence..

P.O.E…Edgar A Poe- Death…

I played Father Guide to refresh his memory undercover in this Play of the Way Home..

I was Born for the first time in 2006.. E.B.E

First Inspiration..I..O..E

4:19 p,m


Donna Sullivan…

4+19..23..Le Bron John;s son B.J..

J.B…Jonn Blackwell Julian Brown..

B.J…Beautiful 10..1O…


Its a Script…

Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 11:53am EDT

I recently watched three movies in the Elf Queens house. The person was fully aware she was a host and missed the muse in her who she felt no longer rose in her bc she put her aside to live in the here and now…But found she could not bc though we live here but not in this consciousness. The Muse was still in her…she had summoned my from Pelham Park and I had to Obey. Music and films the hostess played told me what her spirit or subconscious wished to tell me. Music which greeted me at the Door…was the song, Change is gonna come some day by Sam Cooke. I looked in my wallet and saw a five dollar Bill with the name Sammy inscribed on it. I thought of the story of Arch Angel Samuel and Lilith…and I knew the true story of them not being evil and why they were outside the Garden of Eden was because they were light and dark light. Samuel was King of the Faries and Elves and Litlith Morganna Eve…the Queen… There were two three queens who really where the same persons. As in the story of Abraham Sarai and Hagar. A.S.H. It is all about rising from the ashes of our stories and lifes of Self Destruction. And so we watched three films. Host…E.T and human consciousness The Croggs..Evoluton and Change. Epic…The war and conflict with the Dark consciousness of destruction and Decay embraced by so many by using power of dominance and control and the leaf men and their Queens who bring life. Our collective sub conscious is alive and nt only aware but is literally mirroring the journey which through codes I can read and observe is almost exactly mirroring what is being expressed through current story telling on film. Of course there are some descrepancies like fear etc…which do not figure in my observations of what is happening. But it is very clear that I for one am walking in the collective subconscious of the world and not in the realm of the sleeping conscious world. Extra ordinary…I am living while here in a totally different dimension of reality that most of the world. I am living outside from within abd that is why my observations are parallel to the images and stories created by artists and directors who are consciously or subconsciously hitting upon the truth of by daily experience… And yes there was a great evil in the world…a force which had no right to exist. But which bc independent bt dependent on the use of humans to feed it. Yes…I am saying the stories on film alot of them are capturing the Literal Truth of what has been going on in a great battle war play with something not even real but which bad dreamers had made so powerful it challenged All Human Existsnce to a duel. ..called the Alpha Bet.

Code…Code –

Apt 10E Pitt St. Manhattan, New York.

Sept 23rd 2013…

3 Years Ago..C to the day 711.. Always Open 24-7..

1O E PI.TT..S.T..Miami 7th Borough New York..5-7 boroughs.




29 is A-Z =A.B.C…


Ritz Montes.. M.M.

Izzi Creo.. I..ZZ.I..I..2626..I..=52..7..I..9 7 9…See sacred Portals..

97 Comes First then 79…

Light of Existence then Blue Prinit

From the Cloud 9.. C.I. Father Of Infinity (FAIT..H…Did Harmony at 8 Light is 1…Full Circle.. 8-1/1-8 Same thing.. From the Space of Cloud 9 did I.E, Author Harmony..

Nadee Nakandala..NN…14 14…28…x196..S.F…

Ahmet Hayitli…

Thus we have the Evidence of Music..

100 of the Brain which moves it 360 degrees.. F.C..

To Time Travel through the Scent and Pure-Fume..Anger..

Of transforming Shit to perfume..

Grey Flannel..

And from the Wolf and from E.E..

212 Men from Caroline H.E.RR. ERA

Harmony E RR…1818..36..9.) E.R.A…

Not She…


I am scheduled to leave on WED N.E.SS.D.A.Y..G


4:45 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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