
2:20 p.m

2:20 p.m

22 O



G S T S.


I woke up to an intelligence report from John Mack.

7 years ago, I was in Forte Lauderdale, Florida with Billy Hung, I was doing undercover work for the E.T.

Not only about Igbo Landing but also the I ntel on the plans laid out by the Military about the Awakening.

I was fully aware of what I was really doing, as well as being sent there to demonstrate how my codes work and apply universally.

It is fascinating to see that John is playing the same role.

2:27 p.m

Yes, his birthday.

The codes he sent and Intel comes from begind the Veil of the Matrix, from the real controller and Programers as the E line them selves in a play of the Matrix.


The Intel codes 58..

8 a.m

52 66…

Atlantic …Atlantis. E S P


66 everywhere he states.

St John’s Best West. S J B. W…

Saint… ( The Saint) Jaymes Bond W

( Double U. UU. 42…french 44)

Knights of St John .. K O. S J..

My late uncle’s Peter and Charles were Knights of St John John.

66 represents emerging from the Black Hole

Non Exisetence

F F after aligning Fiction to Fact.

( 6/6=1… 12. 3… 9. 1. 3 9. ..link 9 Planets)

John’s Drive…a Bridge code 166 P.F

95 South ..Hi way.

( Ford Perfect. Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy.. Forest People)


Judgment Day

John Delguidce ..Delguidce means From the Judges Chamber and Bench

St John The Divine was right besides my first portal in New York.

* In the Story of the Family of TEN Wisdom John ( Tree Sage)

Is the Bridge between the E T and the Naturals

95 S

We discussed the code 95 and 59 because of a truck parked on Jesse Macias drive way.

59 and 95 are the beginning and end of Johns Tel number

* Your tel numbers are a crucial part of your I ntel

Alicia Norris number ends with O7..

Onyekachi Okoye my 1317 Facebook Friend had the post of 7

O O 7

As well as OI Nri E.T people dressed in Green Skin and the Circles within circle ancient body art.

Last code

He saw 42 46 411 47

For Hi way info contact 511…

And so he sent me his I ntel.

His text began at 1:00 p.m.

1 is A.

42 is J S.M. John’s initials and in the Hitchikers Guide To The Galaxy…

The answer to the meaning of Existence

given my the great computer in the Sky.

Yes, the Great Universal Simulation.

Recall that Alberto a.k.a U.S.. line of my Brother with David Roman Nicholas, told me about Father having manifested as a Great Computer whom he used to converse with and told me that it was the code 13 ( his shoe size) which completed the code.

J.S.M= 42.

Thus The U S

Captain America manifests at 42/24





This I ntel was given to me in 2002- 2003

U S was working at Teachers and Writers at Union Square under a Woman in love with him called Dawn.

David of the chest and arms which he could arrange and unlock his torso, to make it look like he was a bird man with wings, went together with Tanya to that venue.

David had I ntel also but through the Jesus Christian story of what would happen with the Awakening .

The Government and the Military trying to shut us down

David Brown whom I met in the Shelter when I went to write the Article for my agent, ( Manny Baron… M.B. Manny short for Manuel…

for the Diane Sawyer article D S)..

3:17 p.m right now

C Q…

C. AG…

David Brown was a Genius who had been hiding from the F.B.I and C.I A who wished to recruit him.

He spoke of how he was constantly harassed and how they interfered with every aspect of his life until he had no choice to hide in a shelter.

No one seemed to belief him.

I did.

And wrote about him in my article The Elegant Nomads.


David Brown … D B. 4 2

Room 4 B. D B. 42.

Link David Dawn Room 4 B bed 4-017, 2017 at Delta Manor room 4 B..

I was on Bed 4-016…2017 .

See play with Dawn Piercy.

3:19 p.m right now

3-17. 3 19. Fair Field. F F. 66. 1. A.. 3.C. 9 I.



C. AG. C A.I.

Alexander Grove

Alpha Intelligence.

47 47. 94. I.D.

74 74. 148. N H..

42. 46. J.M. code car A.M 46.

411. Anchored at Nathaniel Thomas Bywater born 4-11… his lady Leanne took the name Harmony.

N H.

Nature’s Harmony

47. ( 11 22 1947. 11. 22 ( 33. Oregon North California) 19. S. Today’s Date.. 47…)

47 is OI Nri Igbo portal confirmed as 4 day week

And thus, the portal out of the Matrix is backwards through the same way they Descended into this realm through the portal of the Full Moon..


A Tunnel…

74 the Western Calendar.

John had a Dangerous play on his way here after the play finished he looked up to see 4774 on a license plate

I was left with 74 usd.

4774. 11 11. 22… V

Yes John line is also linked to the line of my Mother which is E Harmony

He also drove down in an Infinity .

Code 18 98 we saw of the Truck parked in the drive way, a bread truck..

But the loaf of bread looked more like clouds grey white clouds which could also represent and explosion

18. Was yesterday’s date.

98 is Infinite Limitless Harmony..

Energy Source not Zero Point


Zion means Highest Point


My P.C.

( Peter Charles… see meaning of the names..

Knights of St John..

Their O.I Nri Names

Ogochukwu and Igwebuike.

O.I. N R I… )

The Highest Point is attainment of the Full Circle



M.O. O N

O M.


47 74 = 121..

See sacred Portal



121… Link. Alicia Norris and Frank Archambault West Virginia.

My Bio sister always aligned to the play with out being aware, just as Johns sister Holly MacDonald, lived first in Washignton D C.

Then moved some years ago to Virginia.


Arlington Virginia.

A.V. Y. E.

John’s last I ntel report…

Then he passed by the F.B.I @ Quantico V/A

( next to Triangle V A)

Pentagon D C

He ends with Quantico.. Wow.

Yesterday two neighbours, youths were talking to John when he arrived and I came to meet him.

They were admiring his Army Green Motorcycle..

They emerged and went portal 319 our neighbours and Landlord

Quan and B..

Quan T. I C. O.

Quan means Chi…Energy ..


Q 17

He also reported his friends seeing the number 17 every where yesterday.

Quan was meant to pass by the apart at 4.00.

He didn’t

John came over instead

4 is the color green and the Square Stage…

Quan is Energy



In have been Quantifying through a Micro Macro play or Model of Universe Supreme

Linked to the Milky Way 87 69..

Metropolitan Woods ( 1385 Starbucks at Delta Manor…Delta means 4 .. 4 is Green or and Blue depends on your point of View)

Hence the Number Codes

The Matrix

What is the code

Quantify or Quantum ?

Answer is both.

When the Quantification of Universal Exisrence is completed and echo confirmed it causes a Quantum.Leap Jump.

Q Q is 17 17. 34/ 43

4:00 yesterday or early this morning I noted that I had chosen to watch the Series

Designated Survivor


4 19. Yes my Last bed room 4 B. 4-019/18

Donna Sullivan

Dharma Santana.

Eternal Law


5 12


Today is the 17th.

John MacDonald left on the 18.

I left Jonn ( Delguidce) Blackwell and Donna O Sullivan portal 18 Mountain View on 4-19

D.S. the very day her late Father Robert O Sullivan was born R O S. R S.

This John MacDonald is my Reflection come to life and completing the task of the line he represents of my Son who evolved to Play my Father Brother Lover and now Equation E.K.

I spoke about this as the play in the Begining

I did that play first with John and then with Kim.

J K… he has a friend in Miami who is J.K who contacted him today at 8 am literal expressing how he is rising from A black hole mentality he had been in for years.

As I watched Designated Survivor, my body forcing me into constant movement, I noted Kiether Sutherland formed the code K.S

And it was about how he who was 11th in line to the Preseifent was thrust into that seat after a Bomb went of in the Capital and a plot of the Highest nature involving a mysterious person called Katand…

4:14 p.m right now

Code of the Grave Yard where Mikkys car broke down with John seeing the Tomb Stone

Marked Dunn

4 D. 14 N

D N.. A




David Perfection

D P= 20

D P..T.

4:17 p.m right now

Delta Quadrant

At Quantum.

Quan T! I C….. O

Full Circle.

Which creates First Contact

Atlantis… E S P. Dolphins.

Triangle… Trinity 555. 15

I paid John MacDonald 15 USD for the Tobacco he brought me on my.request

I spoke of the Devil in the Tarot number XV

And how God as The Truth and Harmony had been transformed by Human Children in Illusion of Fear and Blame, had blamed God and thus transformed the Truth into the Devil Satan and how he had trapped them in a Evil World in which thier being born in sin and imperfect could never rise from the CAG. E they had found them selves in.

They had twisted all His/ Her Expressions, Truth, Messages, Messengers tortured and killed…

And made him the Lord of Evil and took over all the Truth to become the Lie, and then invented thier own Idea of God as one who is isolated alone and whose main role was to suffer for them, answer their prayers and use His/her name in Vain.

The Principal and the ultimate Teacher


( 9-16-2016. I. P T P. Delta Manor)

Became the Ultimate Scape Goat.

Goat O

When he had held Humanity back only because each time they had failed to complete thier Home Work- the completion of understanding the Full Circle O in all the Rainbow Bridge Spectrum and Solfeggion play

O O is how it begins

Then 1 O first chakra

Red.. To Blue Yellow Primary Colors

3 O. To 7 colors G O. To the 8 as 8 O

H.O/ O H

And Solgegio

O the Mouth Open

To 1- 5 O

O 1 – 😯 9 O

5 8 O

5 9 O

6 O O

666..18 in the Reflected Universe of Physical Material Manifestation.



9 O

9 O

9 O

9 18 27..


John is at 27 left 18th..

Alicia sent me 36 u sd.


I took 5-10 minutes to read and absorb Johns Intel

And over 2 and a half hours to translate it into script for you .

Baphomet Beauty waa one of my Password

My Name…. of my Father Son and what they did to his Truth

But through the last play of 29 years ( 51 52) and through Esteban Miguel Filgueira – Christopher Filgueira to Tree Sage Jesse Macias..

Father My Son, Song, Songe has evolved transformed back into his beautiful Truth

Eternal Harmony

Harmonic Music

Holly MacDonald

4:44 p.m

It is He

She moving through the world

And I who played the Smiling April Fool, in the 72 Deck Tarot

26 26 52 Card Deck Alpha Bet, game of Chance


52 E.B!..

Cleaned up the Mess, and by walking in His Her footsteps.

4:48 p.m

Transformed and Rescued His Her beautiful. Truth.

Now being enacted by Young John.

I had to defeat the ancient Tarot

And the Sacred Mountain play

Through a Sacred Journey

S J M.

Add E E. 52. Add one last E


5 O

7 O

The planet

At E O H I O

State of Ohio is where I lived as a boy when we came to the United States

And it is where Jim and Erik Ebright are from

4:53 p.m right now

Designated Survivor

E.K. P. C line..

Enders Game

Written by Ernest C line.

Idris… Means Ernest Ardent.


4:55 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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