
They will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph…

6/19/12  5:28 pm

Original comment to a reply by Krzysztof Solek:

And they will fill the heavens with the call of your name Christoph, because you went so far to find out our 12 parents’ true names. Beauty is Love; Beauty and Love, their true names…our first parents, not A dam and an Eve. So it is they who call your name, they, the beautiful earth, the flowers, the seas, the sky, the glorious fragmented earth. It is truly one whole…the heavenly choir whose voices come from below and deep within. They sing your name, sing your praises…this most holy family of North East West South. They sing your name for spreading the news, for going so far to find your parents’ names without any blame because you wanted to understand why truth is love and in true love there is no blame… just beauty. Through them you find the way, then the gate way doorway and key is revealed. The heavens sing that you have merged beauty and love within you, to expand and go beyond your parents, to go beyond an earthbound existence. You have found the key to your existence and Beauty, they call, is your true name.
That is the way I know brother, how to find the way home, the light of your third eye, the light of the rainbow now reflected on the pathway…no longer as 6 colors, but all merged to create and bring forth one color: silver light. The pool, the gate way the doorway to the other side, is the silver moon, which has no dark side. There is only the illumination of light in the most majestic royal pool of your mind and thoughts, clarified to reveal your and our collective, inherent majesty as the species united with both God, self, earth and man. These 123 lights, now aligned to one spark of light so beautiful, so powerful…merge at the moment you reach the gate, that smile and third eye ray beam of light turn the key and the pathway of colors, now one silver light flash…in the blink of an eye, the flash of your own all-understanding smile, you disappear… Blink… you have passed over from creation to the meaning of existence in a wonderful blink of an eye and with a smile…
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/28/24: 386

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