


I wonder if Michael Jackson had a really bad temper. I find that having a really bad temper, going into rage and fury is the greatest killer of them all. No one can really kill your spirit, unless you’re really, really tired like he stated he was… No, I think Michael Jackson, even he had a fury’s temper, learned to temper it, through time. I think what really killed Michael Jackson was that he was just tired, just too tired of it all. I speak from personal experience, how tiring it is after finding the power and will to share the depth of your soul’s yearning, the truth of your personal garden, and then doing so much work to make your message…information, beautiful and palatable to all… and gain such responses, as Michael got, for sharing so much of his soul in this child-like quality (“and so a child shall lead them.”)
The true Messiahs that everyone is waiting for, is the child; not by age but the beautiful, refined consciousness of the wise child, wisdom and purity, innocence and old age… which I feel exists in beautiful youth, not adults. Michael loved the purity of children, found solace and strength in the future through them; but there was also his rage from what was done to his childhood and what is being done to the future of the children. Do people really listen to the words of “We Are The World?” I’m sure some do. But for someone to write such words and work bringing the greatest artists together to feed starving children in Africa, is a statement and vindication (no matter how it looks) of Michael Jackson’s love for the world. Like me, I think he came to boogie, but unlike me I do not take my cues from the children, I take my cues from the Beautiful Youth.
One thing must be said about the beautiful youth: their historical rebellion through the ages proves that they can fight back, not be easily manipulated because they are at the blossoming point when flowering is at its strongest (before they become A dolts.) This flowering of the true meaning of life…some deep knowing in them, I am convinced, knows that this is the stage of their lives when they fight a battle for their existence, to either rise, have their true essence destroyed or placed deep undercover. In this disguise, they put on masks and conform to a system’s idea of responsibilities unnatural to them. These are the kind of warriors I enjoyed fighting with by my side… they recognize truth, love and sincerity. Youth is not wasted on the youth Oscar Wilde; rather we have to remember the essence we once had as youths. All they needed were true examples of Fathers as guides, Mothers as health warriors, sisters as mirrors, the example of the brotherhood of man, the loyalty of a true friend. Age doesn’t matter… as long as he\she is still of the energy of youth… which means they understand the confusion of a system that does not really make sense. “Make love not war,” the slogans say, but everyday and every moment they are bombarded with images of war. Does it then surprise us that the youth rebel against this great hypocrisy, not to mention the horror at the betrayal of their heroes in the adult world… their Pa- rents. Can you imagine the hurt when they finally understand that the words have no meaning, that everything is a lie…. And that their love and truth do not mean a thing!
Original Facebook post here
Edited word count 1/19/24: 603

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